My friend Judith @ http://judithsquietmoments.blogspot.com/ over across the pond in the UK, has blessed me with The Love Blog's "The Spreader of Love" Award. With Valentine's Day just around the corner, I think this is just the cutest award!
I have several friends that I hear from on a regular basis, and I want you to know that I appreciate every one of you! But there are three in particular that I would like to bless with an award this time around. I hope you will receive them in the spirit in which they are given!
Joyfulsister @ http://encouragementfrommyheart.blogspot.com/
My Auntie Phyllis who doesn't have a blog of her own but is always there encouraging me on. This is for you too. I love you!
Thank you ladies for your encouraging words and thank you again to Judith. Enjoy your weekend everyone!