I am always looking for ways to make my home cozy especially this time of year, so I crafted this winter cone which I have hanging on the bathroom door. I used left over wallpaper; filled it with evergreens, a little bird, pine cone, lace doiley, and beads.

This little cherub is one of three I made many years ago. They represent each one of my boys, although there are those who would beg to differ about them being angels! *smile*

A rose topiary, candy dish, and another cherub I made.
A rose topiary, candy dish, and another cherub I made.
The grand finale- These little chickadees are in abundance, and grace my yard all year round. They are so cute and I love to watch them. We keep several feeders on the property including one right outside the front window. I miss my gold finches in the wintertime but I still get to enjoy these adorable little birds. My friend Julie took these pictures this morning before we hit the town shopping. I so enjoy God's little creatures! These are the best decorations of all!