Good morning bloggy friends~ New Years Day we were winging our way from one coast of Canada to the other to visit our son and his family. Today I thought I would share some photos from my trip to Vancouver.
Clouds beneath the plane.

Most of these photos were taken by me except for the odd one.
When we arrived at my son's home, they still had their Christmas tree up and the fire burning so we could enjoy them for one more day.
Their doggy Skye, part pit bull, is curled up in her chair which is in front of the bay window so she can keep an eye on things. And she does!!
Baby Zachary in his box. At sixteen months, he has his own drawer in the kitchen where he keeps some of his toys and the odd kitchen utensil, like this potato masher. He pretty much runs the place; he and Skye. Nanny taught him several things while visiting; he can say 'clock' and knows to point to it; among other things.
My DIL is taking some time off nursing to supervise the servers to the Olympian families, so she will have an up close and personal encounter with many participants there. She is pretty excited about it, whereas my son is pretty envious!
The Olympic rings below turn colour when night falls.
A picture of the harbor with the rings; a bird's eye view from Stanley Park which is to the left. 
The Olympic rings at night, from a distance.
This is Burnaby, not far from Vancouver. I love the majestic look of the mountains towering above the city. It's quite a sight to those of us who reside on little old Prince Edward Island where there are no mountains at all.
This is spectacular Mount Baker! It sits in the state of Washington which is just across from White Rock, an exclusive seaside area which we drove through after filling our tummies at Ihop.
This sweet little chalet sat across the road from the entrance to the Suspension Bridge. I thought it was so quaint that I had to get a picture.
The entrance to the Suspension Bridge.
The Bridge crosses over the Capilano River which we didn't cross because there were too many of us, and at $30 a head, it was rather expensive. I don't think Zachary would have appreciated it very much. Besides, I wasn't going to cross it anyway! I like my feet on the ground, thank you very much!
So, instead of going across the Bridge, we went up Cypress Mountain. It was fantastic!
This is the view from Cypress Park and that is some of North Vancouver spread out below to the left.

Some family photos.
A picture of my son and me. As you can see by his hat, he is a huge Dallas Cowboys fan!
Hubby accidently cut the head off our grandson in this one, but other than that, I thought it was a pretty good shot of them.
Everyone is dressed lightly except for me. I like my parka and gloves this time of year. Even Vancouver I found cool and damp.
Uh-oh, someone's starting to get fussy! Ok, enough pictures, already!
For now, we'll leave the homestead so I can take you on our tour of this great City.
As the whole world knows, 2010 is the year that Vancouver hosts the Olympics. Not that I'm much of a sports enthusiast, but for those of you who are interested, I have some photos concerning that too. Just before we left to fly back home, the city was closing many roads to accommodate the Olympics which makes it rather inconvenient for those who live there year round.
My DIL is taking some time off nursing to supervise the servers to the Olympian families, so she will have an up close and personal encounter with many participants there. She is pretty excited about it, whereas my son is pretty envious!
Now, on to my photos! This is the TELUSphere.

This sweet little chalet sat across the road from the entrance to the Suspension Bridge. I thought it was so quaint that I had to get a picture.
So, instead of going across the Bridge, we went up Cypress Mountain. It was fantastic!
This is the view from Cypress Park and that is some of North Vancouver spread out below to the left.
After leaving the Park, we ventured further up the mountain and saw the ski slopes. We were more than 2600 feet above sea level when I took this picture. The ski slopes are quite a sight from the air. They were all lit up and almost resembled clusters of stars. 
Cypress Falls. All along the mountain side there were little water falls. This one is much bigger.
Among the many things we enjoyed were: took the sky train to the Metrotown Mall which was vast in size with several floors. From the sky train, I saw so many tall buildings and mountains; a sight for these eyes.
Story time before bedtime. Zachary loves hearing stories from his collection of books.

Among the many things we enjoyed were: took the sky train to the Metrotown Mall which was vast in size with several floors. From the sky train, I saw so many tall buildings and mountains; a sight for these eyes.
We drove down to White Rock, a very exclusive neighborhood where we saw Mount Baker and Washington state just across the water. I have pictures, I just can't seem to locate them at the moment. We also ate at several wonderful restaurants.
My hubby and our son went to the Imax theatre to see a movie. Hubby also saw his first NHL hockey game. We drove through Stanley Park and also walked through a very interesting park just steps from my son's home. It had enormous trees. My son has those pictures.
My hubby and our son went to the Imax theatre to see a movie. Hubby also saw his first NHL hockey game. We drove through Stanley Park and also walked through a very interesting park just steps from my son's home. It had enormous trees. My son has those pictures.
The best time of course was just spending time with my loved ones!

All for today. Thank you for stopping by for a visit. My son is sending me his pictures later so I may have more for you in a week or so. Have a beautiful day everyone.
Sharing from my heart~ Sandi