Good morning everyone and welcome to my seventh Tea Time Tuesday.
The other day when I was out and about, I saw this cute little tea pot. I had to bring it home with me because it is different from anything else I have. The roses are raised on it and I like the inscription "Tea" on it too. Normally, I would tell you where it was made and by whom but there are no marks on it. So, I will just share its cuteness.
Please help yourself to these little Pudding Tarts which were some of the refreshments I served at our Bible Study.

I just realized that today is March 9th, the anniversary of the day that my hubby asked me to 'go steady' with him. Do you remember that romantic term? Seems they don't use that term any more.
We were both seventeen, and up until he met me, he had not 'gone steady' with anyone!
I guess I changed all that and we have been together ever since. I can't imagine my life without him, nor he without me! We are the best of friends.
Like all couples, we had to get to know one another when we first started going together. It was an adventure, finding out what made each other tick! We wanted to know everything there was to know about the other. We wanted to make each other happy, and we enjoyed one another's company so much that we wanted to be together all the time. When we were apart, we could hardly wait to be together again. Does any of this sound familiar?
First love is so exciting, isn't it? But then you get married, and after being together for so many years, it can become routine and sometimes you can take one another for granted. That is when you realize that you have to work a little harder to keep the marriage fresh and alive. You don't want anything to hurt the relationship nor do you want to take your mate for granted.

Kind of reminds me of our relationship with God. When we first come to know Him, we cannot wait to be with Him. We want to study His Word so we can get to know His heart better. We spend time in prayer, yearning to hear His voice, and we are so happy that we are part of His family, that we have a hard time keeping it to ourselves. We want to share our joy of knowing Him with everyone around us; especially family and friends.
But over time, just like a marriage, our relationship with the Lord can get stale. We can take our relationship with God for granted too. That is when we must ask for His forgiveness and His refreshment in our lives. He is always patient, always there, waiting for us to come to Him.
It is a very good thing, and He will gladly pour more of Himself into us.
Our earthly bodies are similar to plants. We need to be watered and pruned often, so we are fresh and alive for His service. We need to abide in Him every day.
"I am the Vine; you are the branches; he who abides in Me, and I in him,
he bears much fruit; for apart from Me you can do nothing." - John 15:6
I'm so happy you were able to stop by today for tea. If you feel you would like to participate, I will gladly add your link to my post. Just share a favourite teacup, tea pot, or some china, and a short story or scripture verse. Please let me know in your comment and have a wonderful day everyone. God bless you!
Beth- http://foodasart-beth.blogspot.com/
Heather- http://thewattsfamilyhomeschool.blogspot.com/
Carrie- http://oakrisecottage.blogspot.com/
Diann- http://thethriftygroove.blogspot.com/Heather- http://thewattsfamilyhomeschool.blogspot.com/
Carrie- http://oakrisecottage.blogspot.com/
Sharing from my heart~ Sandi