Happy Tuesday bloggerettes and Welcome to my 14th Tea Time Tuesday!
Over the weekend, I had emailed some of you regarding your participation in today's Tea Time. Unfortunately, I don't have access to everyone's email and therefore couldn't email everyone. I was trying to find a simpler solution to adding links to my post and in the end, I really just made more work for myself. So, having said all that, I am going back to the original way I have been doing things; adding your link as you post your Tea Time post. I will continue to do this until I can figure out how to hook up Mister Linky. Do I hear a sigh of relief from everyone?
Today I am sharing one of my favourite things: red transferware! I absolutely adore red transferware and I have several pieces of it in my home. I love this tea pot which I found at Lillibet's in our local hospital's gift shop.
I have no idea where this pretty tea pot was made because the only stamp on it is this one, which really doesn't tell me much. It is more than likely produced in England or China. In any case, I love it!
The story goes that one day the Chinese Emperor Shen Nung knelt before a fire while he was boiling water. The wise Emperor was called, the "Divine Healer," and always boiled water before drinking it. Nobody knew the causes of illnesses, but Shen Nung had observed that people who boiled their drinking water had better health.
Shen Nung's servants had made a fire from the branch of a nearby tree. As the water began to boil, some of the topmost leaves of the branches were blown into the pot of water.
The Emperor exclaimed, "What a delightful aroma!" as the fragrance of tea floated into the air for the first time. He then sipped the aromatic steaming liquid. "Ah!" he said, "What a flavour!" And that is how tea was discovered in China in the year 2737 B.C.
Tea is now consumed in every nation of the world.
Two thousand years ago, Jesus said, "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life" {John 14:6} and His Word is true today. You can count on it, no matter what new ideas you encounter in the world. As you sip your tea - just as people have for centuries - remind yourself that God's Word stands the test of time and serves as your foundation in every situation.
"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and for ever." Hebrews 13:8
Thank you for stopping by for tea today. I hope you enjoyed your visit. If you would like to participate in Tea Time Tuesday, please leave me a comment indicating you would like to and I will gladly add your link to my post.
Just share a favourite teacup, tea pot, or a piece of china used in a tea. A short story, poem, or scripture verse would be appreciated as well but not absolutely necessary. Please feel free to take either of my Tea Time Tuesday buttons at the top of my sidebar to link back to me. Thank you.
The participants below are listed in the order in which they first started to participate.
Ladynred~ http://cookandbaking.com/
Bernideen~ http://bernideensteatimeblog.blogspot.com/
Wanda Lee~ http://theplumedpen.blogspot.com/
Martha~ http://www.marthasfavorites.com/
Anne-Marie~ http://anne-mariewithadash.blogspot.com/
Garden of Daisies~ http://patchofzinnias.blogspot.com/
Sharing from my heart~ Sandi