It's the most wonderful time of the year...
There'll be much mistletoeing
And hearts will be glowing
When loved ones are near...It's the most wonderful time of the year.
Welcome my dear friends to my 47th Tea Time Tuesday. Christmas is almost here; are you ready yet? I'm just about there!
Would love to find this under the tree! Isn't it adorable?
There'll be much mistletoeing
And hearts will be glowing
When loved ones are near...It's the most wonderful time of the year.
Welcome my dear friends to my 47th Tea Time Tuesday. Christmas is almost here; are you ready yet? I'm just about there!
Would love to find this under the tree! Isn't it adorable?

It is a very windy day here on the Island. It's a good day to sit and enjoy a cup of tea while listening to the Christmas music.
So, please come in and don't mind the bells hanging on the door knob! Believe it or not, those bells decorate my door knob all year round! Yes, they do! I'm not kidding!
You see, I have a son, my oldest actually, and he likes to sneak into the house and surprise me.
Well, I'm not getting any younger and surprises aren't always a good thing. So, I fixed him! After asking him several times not to sneak up on me, I hung the bells on the door knob and now whenever he comes over, I know when he's here because the bells tell me. Hey, a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do! They make for quite a conversation piece in the middle of the Summer!
Isn't this a sweet cup? I would love to find one like it sometime; maybe under the tree?

Have you been busy? I'm sure you have! So, why not take a break; sit down and have a cup of tea with me. Today I am sharing a few sentimental things so I hope you will bear with me!
Happiness is sharing tea with a friend.
I am offering tea and hot chocolate as well as some wonderful cookies.
These little gingerbread boys are tending to the tea today and they just love to frollick when there are cookies placed in front of them!
These are my Christmas mugs. I thought they were so pretty with their bright poinsettias and snowdrops. I also liked the message they had inscribed on them; Thank you Jesus!
My Christmas mugs are getting old. I had special-ordered five of them when my boys were small, one for each member of my family, and there are only three mugs left now.
Would you like some hot chocolate? Marshmallows?
This old-fashioned looking mug was a gift to my middle son from one of his little class mates when he was in Sunday School. Somehow it has survived all the Christmas seasons.
The Christmas cardinal tea-for-one set was a gift from my hubby once upon a time. There are no markings or stamp on the set.
I love the bright red birdies and the pine cones; makes for a nice Christmasy set. We don't get cardinals here on the Island which is too bad because they would look so pretty with their bright red plummage in the snow!
If tea bags are served, be certain to have a place for their disposal. Might as well use your tea bag holders!
I love the reflection of the tree lights in the tea!
The best of all gifts around any Christmas tree is the presence of a happy family all wrapped up in each other. - Burton Hillis
The glassware is especially pretty and festive this time of year.
The greatest Christmas gift of all Was never placed beneath a tree,
But lay within a manger, Beneath a star, for all to see.

This is Love - not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son as a sacrifice to take away our sins. ~ 1 John 4:10
Thank you for joining me today for Tea Time Tuesday. I hope you have enjoyed your visit and will come again soon as I do love your company! Next week I will be serving my Christmas Tea and I hope you will join me.
Should you wish to participate in Tea Time, please email me ahead of time or let me know in a comment. I will gladly add your link to my post. Please share a favourite teapot, teacup, or mug. You may do coffee, iced tea, or hot chocloate instead of tea if you wish. You may even want to do a punch or eggnog like I did. The Tea Time Tuesday button near the top of my sidebar is available for you to use in your post if you wish. Please link back to me so that your visitors may find their way here and visit with all my lovely participants.
The participants listed below are listed in the order in which they first started to participate.
Bernideen~ http://bernideensteatimeblog.blogspot.com/
Johanna~ http://silber-rosen.blogspot.com/
Kelsie~ http://kelsie74.blogspot.com/
Kathy B~ http://cedarpond.blogspot.com/

There's more, much more, to Christmas than candlelight and cheer;
It's the spirit of sweet friendship that brightens all year.
It's the thoughtfulness and kindness, It's hope reborn again,
For peace, for understanding, And for good-will to men! - Unknown author
I am also joining the following hostesses for their parties:
Marty~ http://astrollthrulife.blogspot.com/ - Table Top Tuesday
Martha~ http://www.marthasfavorites.com/ - Tea Cup Tuesday
Terri~ http://artfulaffirmations.blogspot.com/ - Tea Cup Tuesday
Wanda Lee~ http://silkenpurse.blogspot.com/ - Tea Pot and Tea Things Tuesday
Pam~ http://breathoffreshair-paperbutterfly.blogspot.com/ - Tea Pot and Tea things Tuesday
Wanda Lee~ http://theplumedpen.blogspot.com/ - Tuesday Tea for Two
Lady Katherine~ http://ladykatherineteaparlor.blogspot.com/ - Teatime Tuesday
Miss Spenser~ http://missspensersblog.blogspot.com/ - Tea Cup Thursday
Sharing from my heart~ Sandi