I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas with your family and friends. I so enjoyed my time with my family! My youngest son left on Wednesday morning to fly back to Toronto and we miss him already. I am glad I have a trip to look forward to as I always miss my children when they leave.
Tomorrow Hubby and I are flying out to the west coast to visit with my middle son and his family. My youngest grandson Zachary is 16 months old and walking now and I am most anxious to spend some quality time with the little guy. I haven't seen him since last February.
He has taken a couple of falls lately and he is limping right now. X-rays haven't shown anything significant but my DIL is concerned as her little one was walking and running and now he walks then falls to a crawl. Some prayer on his behalf would be most appreciated, dear friends!

While I am away, I will not be posting anything for about three weeks but I will be thinking of you all. Each one of you is very special to me and I want to thank you for making blogging so very enjoyable.
I would also like to wish you all a Happy, Healthy, and Prosperous New Year. May the Lord's blessings fall into your lap throughout 2010 and may His face shine upon you and grant you peace.
Sharing from my heart~ Sandi