I am joining all the participants at Bella Vista for Barb's "Show Us Your Roosters Party." Seems there are a lot of bloggers out there who love this cocky morning greeter! I know I do. I have a few around my home and here they are....

It is hard to tell, but this little rooster is in a shadow box which hangs by my kitchen sink.
A rooster plate....
Whoops, this is not a rooster, but she is part of the family! She is made of metal as are all my feathered barnyard friends and she just adds a hint of country charm to the kitchen window.
This rooster and chicken sit on top of my microwave. I found these at Homestead, one of my favourite stores.
A rooster basket of croissants.
This is my favourite fella and he knows it! This is where he usually sits but he does get moved around from time to time. He is very heavy and handsome too.

He was a rusty brown when I got him and I took a can of paint and sprayed him white. He looks so much better now. Roosters are very vain creatures, aren't they? He knows he's looking good!
Here he is again, showing his other side. He just loves getting his picture taken! He's a very conceited rooster but he really can't help it; he is quite handsome! 

Thank you Barb for hosting this fun party! My rooster thanks you too!
Thanks for joining me and I hope you will take a peek at all the other participants by clicking on the link http://barbsgoodlife.blogspot.com/ All the participants are listed on Barb's sidebar. Have a wonderful day everyone!

A rooster basket of croissants.