It's a pretty morning and I'm sitting here having my coffee and looking out the window. The sun is streaming in and lighting up the front room with its wondrous light.
We had a heavy frost last night and you wouldn't know it to look outside but it's quite chilly out there. Hubby had put the pellet stove on this morning before he left for work and it is taking the chill off. I love mornings like this when it's quiet and sunny and the phone doesn't ring!
We had Bible Study last night and Hubby is teaching on Walking with God.
God's desire is that we might "walk with Him". Many times people think that to be a Christian means that "God walks with me" - in other words, wherever I go, God goes. But we are called to align our lives to the life of God, not the other way around. We walk with God.
It is a choice we make. We are not puppets that are controlled by the strings that God pulls to make us do whatever He wants; we have been given the choice to walk with Him or not.
I choose to walk with Him. How about you?
"He has shown you, O man, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God." Micah 6:8
Have a wonderful day everyone.
Sharing from my heart~ Sandi