During the season of Avent on the church calendar, Christians around the world light candles. The first candle synbolizes hope. The prophet Isaiah said that all nations will place their hope or trust in Christ, God's Chosen One {Isa. 42:1-4; Matt. 12:21}.
We think of Advent from the perspective of earthbound creatures who know nothing but this life. We rejoice that Jesus came to visit us on this beautiful planet that He made especially for us. But it's important to remember that Jesus came from a better place. He is first and foremost from heaven, a place more beautiful than we can imagine.
Whenever I think about Jesus coming to earth, I also consider that He had to leave heaven to get here. For Him, earth was hostile territory. Coming here was a dangerous venture {Matt. 12:14}. Yet He came. Our just and compassionate God made Himself vulnerable to human injustice. The Creator of the universe put on the garment of flesh and came to experience firsthand what life here is really like.
Jesus tasted death for everyone {Heb.2:9} so that we can taste His goodness {1 Peter2:3}. He left the splendor of heaven to bring us to glory {Heb. 2:10}. He gave His own life to give us hope for eternal life. - Julie Ackerman Link
The hope of Christmas is the song
Of angels in the sky,
And Christ within a manger laid
To bring salvation nigh. - Campbell
Please join our lovely hostesses Charlotte and Ginger with all their participants at Spiritual Sundays for a time of refreshment. http://bloggerspirit.blogspot.com/
Sharing from my heart~ Sandi