Hello all my wonderful bloggy friends. I have been doing some pondering and I thought I would do a little something different on my blog once a week.
"This is the day the Lord has made; Let us rejoice and be glad in it." ~ Psalm 118:24
Since I began this wonderful blogging adventure, I have met so many lovely people and one thing I know, we all have a story to share. I have participated in several memes and alas, I have run out of a certain colour therefore I don't join in that one any longer.
I have also participated in several blog parties and I participate in Spiritual Sundays on a regular basis.
I also know several ladies who love their tea, their teacups, and teapots. Some get together for a tea party once a month or so.
So I thought that since Tuesday is almost mid-week, I would share a piece of my collection of teacups and tea pots and a short story or testimonial.
I don't know how long I will be able to do this but I'll give it a try and see how it goes.
I don't know how long I will be able to do this but I'll give it a try and see how it goes.
I thought I would call it, "Tea Time and Testimonials." Some of you may want to join in. I would welcome each and every one of you! Just share a piece of your teacup/tea pot collection and a scripture verse, poem, short story or testimonial.
My contribution for today will be short and sweet just to get it going~
I'm not sure who this quote is from but I like it!
"Make every day a Masterpiece! Don't think about the things you have to do. Think about the things you get to do."
This was important to me in particular when I first was diagnosed with a chronic illness. In the beginning, when I was house bound and couldn't get out, I was able to be thankful for many things; especially my family and friends. Even though the future looked bleak at the time, the Lord gave me a thankful heart and helped me to keep a positive attitude. Today, almost twenty years later, I am enjoying my life and I am able to do many things that twenty years ago I had to set aside for a time.
Thanks for stopping by today. Please come again soon as I really do enjoy your company!
Sharing from my heart~ Sandi