Hello friends! Do you love pearls and lace? Well, if you do, I invite you to join Doni at Faith, Grace, and Crafts for her Pearls and Lace Thursday party. http://faithgracecrafts.blogspot.com/
I love pearls and lace myself. There is something romantic yet mysterious about them. They are such a lovely combination and give a lady such a feminine appearance when she wears them, and yet there is the aura of mystery attached to them too.
Today I'm sharing my crocheted doilies which my Aunt Ethel made for me years ago. She has since gone to be with the Lord, but I am thankful to have these elegant beauties around my home which always remind me of her.
A lovely doilie on the coffee table, under a lamp, or just by itself can stand the test of time. They lend a touch of yesteryear and they whisk me back to a time when ladies walked in high buttoned boots and wore long frocks. A time when ladies carried parasols as they walked through the garden and they always carried a lacy handkerchief.
A lady never knew when she might behold the sight of a new born baby or attend a wedding where the tears flowed freely.
It was a romantic time, when ladies were ladies. This is what doilies and lace in general remind me of.
Today, we the romantic at heart, still use doilies to soften a shelf in a china cabinet or use them in other ways to bring a bit of romance to a vignette. Some of the younger generation may think of them as being too grannyish, but I tend to disagree!
Please take some time to visit Doni and her Pearls and Lace Thursday party. Sit yourself down with a hot cup of tea and wander back through the years and visit a more romantic time.
Sharing from my heart~ Sandi