In the midst of all the celebrations, I had an award passed on to me and I'm just now getting around to accepting it. My friend Melissa at The Vintage Attic http://thevintageattic.blogspot.com/ has graciously awarded me with the Kreativ Blogger Award and I want to thank her for it. This is the second time I have been given this particular award and I am honoured to accept it once again. Please drop by and pay Melissa a visit. I'm sure she would be most pleased if you did.
Melissa has a wonderful blog; I'm especially fond of her header! In it she has some of my most favourite things.....a darling bird's nest with three beautiful eggs in it, a gemstone encrusted Eiffel tower *faints*, glass door knobs, a vintage alarm clock, and lace. Absolutely charming!!
As with most awards, there are some conditions attached.
*First, I must name 7 things that I love.
*I must link to the person who gave me the award.
*Choose 7 bloggers to pass the award to.
*Then finally, comment on those blogs to let them know that you are passing the award on to them.
Here goes:
Seven Things I Love..........
1. I love the Lord first of all. I wouldn't be who I am or where I am today if it wasn't for Him. He is my Rock and my Salvation; the lifter of my head. He is my all in all!
2. My hubby. He is the love of my life and my best friend. He is also quite capable of making me laugh and bring a smile to my face even when I'm having a bad day.
3. My three sons, Jeff, Joel, & Jordan; I adore them all! My two DIL's, Joanna and Carina, {still praying for the third to come along}, and my four grandchildren; Cameron, Brent, Jared, and Zachary. You all bring such joy into my life and I am very thankful for each one of you.
4. My Mum; and my Auntie P & Uncle Doug who I am especially close to. They are such good friends to me and are such an encouragement in my life.
5. I love shopping for home decor items and decorating my home. It is important to me that I can make my home attractive, comfortable, and relaxing for my family and friends.
6. I love music, writing stories, blogging, and reading.
7. Springtime ~ it is my favourite season. It's not too hot nor too cold. I love how everything is so fresh and vibrant. I love to watch the trees budding, then leaf and take on a lacey appearance. The song birds are all back and I can hear them singing everywhere around our home. It truly is music to my ears! The spring peepers are also singing in the evenings and they are like the sound of sleigh bells ringing in the twilight. The sound of nature is very soothing and peaceful to my soul. Nature inspires me and this time of year especially, I feel very alive!
Most wonderful of all, is that Hubby and I can start taking our walks on the beach again. We have the most wonderful beaches on this side of the Atlantic!
For all of these things, I am truly grateful to God. Our Creator surrounds us with all of these things for our pleasure.
Now on to the next part.....I am going to break the rules once again and decline passing this award on to 7 bloggers. I have so many wonderful friends out there in blogland and I simply couldn't pick just 7 of you. I don't want to leave anyone out nor do I wish to disappoint anyone.
So, having said all that, this is what I would like to do.....If you are one of my followers or you are on my list of bloggy friends, please help yourself to this award. It would please me greatly for you to do so.
Have a wonderful evening everyone!
Blessings & hugs ~ Sandi