It is 4:00 on the Island and it is the perfect time for afternoon tea! So, welcome to my 39th Tea Time Tuesday friends!
Several of you ladies have already posted your tea parties so I decided to post mine early too. It is hard to believe that tea time has rolled around once again! Seems as though the weeks have taken wings and are simply flying by. I am already thinking about Christmas posts.
Several of you ladies have already posted your tea parties so I decided to post mine early too. It is hard to believe that tea time has rolled around once again! Seems as though the weeks have taken wings and are simply flying by. I am already thinking about Christmas posts.
Today however, I am sharing some blues for tea time. I don't have much blue in my home any longer, on the main floor anyway. Downstairs I suppose there is quite a bit of blue, remnants from when the boys were growing up. But here on the main level of our home, I surround myself with pink, creamy white, aqua, and red with a bit of apple green thrown in.
I spent so many years accomodating the men in my life that now it's my turn to indulge in my girliness. But today the theme of my tea is a wee bit of blue and white.
"A cup of tea warms the soul like a good friend."
A Blue Willow salad plate, another white teapot, a birdie creamer, and a Delft Blue ginger jar holding a white candle, all snuggle up to a crackle-finished birdhouse in blue and white. Since I don't have any blue teacups, I am using two different teacups with a bit of blue in each.
The first teacup, I used last week and I'm sure you recall the Elizabethan with its roses and bluebells. Love the daintiness of this teacup and the pretty handle. Again, I know nothing about this sweet teacup other than it was a shower gift once upon a time and it is made of fine bone china in England.
" Tea~ A hug in a cup."
I am also using a Rose Chintz teacup because its floral pattern has tiny blue flowers in it.
I think the Rose Chintz teacup looks better because the Elizabethan is rather dainty for this particular teascape. In any case, I have Rooibos Chai tea ready to sip on if you care to join me.
I am offering a couple of sweets to enjoy with your tea today. Home made chocolate cake with raspberry sauce and whipped cream. This decadent cake is made from scratch and the raspberries are simply cooked on the stovetop with a little sugar. I love how the raspberry sauce pools on the plate; a delicious dessert and just right for a Fall day!
My weekly tea party offers me a wonderful opportunity to bake something fresh for my hubby and any company that might stop by unexpectedly. On Wednesdays, I also host a Bible study group in my home so there is always something yummy being served here!
A little cup of Friendship
Is in this bag of tea
When you sit and sip it
Think of warm thoughts from me.
May your days be
Steeped with Joy
And warmed with Love.
And if I could take your troubles
I would toss them in the Sea.
But since I can't, I'm sending you
My favourite cup of tea.
" Let's not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don't give up." ~ Galations 6:9
If you would like to participate in my tea party, please let me know in your comment. Share a teacup, teapot, or china used in a tea. You may also do coffee, iced tea, or chocolate if you wish. The Tea Time Tuesday button near the top of my sidebar is available for you to use in your post if you wish. As a courtesy, please link back to me so that your visitors may find their way here to visit my other lovely participants.
The participants listed below are in the order in which they first began participating.
Bernideen~ http://bernideensteatimeblog.blogspot.com/
Concetta~ http://concettascafe.blogspot.com/
Johanna~ http://silber-rosen.blogspot.com/
Kelsie~ http://kelsie74.blogspot.com/
KathyB~ http://cedarpond.blogspot.com/
I am also linking with the other tea party hostesses. You will find them below with the asterisks before their names.
* Martha~ http://www.marthasfavorites.com/ ~ Tea Cup Tuesday
* Wanda Lee~ http://silkenpurse.blogspot.com/~ Tea Pot and Tea Things Tuesday
* Pam~ http://breathoffreshair-paperbutterfly.blogspot.com/ ~ Tea Pot and Tea Things Tuesday
* Lady Katherine's Tea Parlor~
* Wanda Lee~ http://theplumedpen.blogspot.com/ ~ Tea For Two and Wednesday Tea for Me and Thee
*Miss Spenser's Tea Cup Thursday~ http://missspensersblog.blogspot.com/
Sharing from my heart~ Sandi