Good Morning Everyone~ Today I am happy to be participating in the Toile Party of 2009. This lovely toile gala is being hosted by The Pretty Organizer at http://prettyorganizedpalace.blogspot.com/
I am just giddy with excitement because there are all kinds of ladies out there who love toile as much as I do! We are sharing our love of toile by showcasing our toile vignettes, toile-themed rooms, and whatever toile we may have.
I am just giddy with excitement because there are all kinds of ladies out there who love toile as much as I do! We are sharing our love of toile by showcasing our toile vignettes, toile-themed rooms, and whatever toile we may have.
So sit back, relax, {as much as one can relax when perusing all these romantic toile blogs}, and sip on a cup of coffee or tea in your favourite toile teacup or mug. It's going to be a wonderful day filled with romantic toile eye-candy!
These are my contributions ~
~ Some toile birdhouses above my kitchen cabinets.
~ Only the best for my chickens! They need some toile too!
~ Toile oven mitts.
~ The patio doors in the dining room at Christmastime; toile curtains on the window and toile plates above.
~Red check chair pads.
~ Some of my toile dishes displayed in the dining room.

~ This is the Den. I have bits of red toile in here and a blue toile umbrella stand.
~ Some of the blue in the guest room.

~ My green toile bathroom which is still a work in progress.

~ Toile in the living room too. 
A chocolate bunny under glass awaiting Easter. Hope he doesn't need replacing before that! I love chocolate too! *Smile*
~ While I was getting my toile pictures together for this post, I received a lovely note from my Auntie P in New Brunswick. She sent it in this pretty toile card. I thought this was a good way to end my toile post.
May you all have a lovely day of Toile and I pray we don't suffer too much from toile withdrawl once this day is over! Please be sure to click on the Toile Party button at the top of my blog or click on the link at the top of this post to visit other toile lovelies. Enjoy your day & God bless you! 
~ Some of the blue in the guest room.
~ My green toile bathroom which is still a work in progress.