Faith Family Friends

Celebrating the Joy of Living & Home Making ~

Baking, Cooking, Decorating, Tea Time, and taking Inspiration from those I love and the world around me...

A sharing of my heart and my home from a Christian perspective

...with a wee bit of whimsy added.

Friday, 30 September 2011

Pink Saturday

Hello everyone and welcome to Beverly's  Pink Saturday.
Thank you to Beverly for hosting her wonderful party so faithfully every week.

Oh, what an absolutely beautiful day we are having! The sun is shining and it is warm like a summer day. I just had a delightful visit with my aunt and uncle from New Brunswick who are over touring the Island today. They brought me something pink but I will share that on another day since I already had this post ready.

One of our rose bushes has yielded up one last frilly pink rose and a sweet little rose bud so I cut them and brought them indoors to enjoy.

I am also sharing the pink teacup my hubby got me when we were on vacation this summer. I had shared it for my tea party this past week but thought you pinkies might like to see it too.

The roses, fluffy, frilly, and the most gorgeous fragrance!

The teacup is the softest shade of pink like that of the blush which tints the sky just as the sun is setting.  There is a pretty pink rose inside the cup and on the saucer.


I drink my tea black so I get to enjoy the rose in the bottom of the teacup as I drink my tea too.

Thank you for visiting me today. I wish you a lovely weekend and I hope it's kissed with lots of pink.

Sharing from my heart~ Sandi

Monday, 26 September 2011

Tea Time Tuesday

Hello dear friends and welcome to the last Tea Time Tuesday for the month of September. Can you believe that? Already a new season has begun. I thought the following quote was a cute...

I would rather sit on a pumpkin and have it all to myself than be crowded on a velvet cushion. ~ Henry David Thoreau

Autumn has arrived and alas, I have embraced it as much as I can. It makes me sad to see Summer come to an end!  As you can see from the cute little pumpkins above, I have begun my Autumn decorating or fluffing as some might call it. Beautiful bright yellow mums and pumpkins adorn the front and back step and an Autumn wreath hangs on the door to welcome you all.

I hope everyone had a lovely weekend. Hubby and I spent the better part of Saturday at the 70 Mile Yard Sale and came home with a few treasures which I will be sharing with you in the coming weeks.

My little fairy friends are spending more time indoors with me now although they were flitting about outdoors today and yesterday. It is just like a Summer day the past two days with wonderfully warm temperatures.

You remember Breena...

She and her little friend January are waiting patiently for me to show you my new teacup so that they can enjoy some tea too. January accompanied my Auntie P back from one of her trips and she is now living at my house.

Do you see my new teacup? My hubby gifted me with this teacup while we were on vacation.

Remember I had taken you to Victoria-by-the-Sea a few weeks ago? We had gone to a lovely little tea room as well as several little shops. One of those was an antique shop and he got me this....

A gorgeous pink and white teacup laced with gold filigree in a beautiful floral pattern. The cup has a sweet pink rose inside. It's a delightful addition to my collection!

There is also a rose adorning the saucer. 

This lovely vintage teacup is Windsor  from England. The gentleman who sold it to us was filling in for the proprietress that day and he couldn't tell us a thing about it. I couldn't find anything on the Internet either. Can anyone tell me anything about it?

The teacup is so thin it is almost translucent. I just love it! The soft shade of pink reminds me of a sunset when the sweet blush of pink is just starting to tint the sky in the evening.

Have you noticed the soft green place mats adorned with daisies? They were a gift from my sweet Auntie P also. My Auntie P and I are very close in case you haven't already guessed.

Gotta new teapot too awhile back. I used it a couple of weeks ago in my tea post but wanted to draw attention to it today. It's a soft sage green. Oh, I do love tea things, don't you?

Autumn is a time for pumpkins and tasty warm desserts like Peach Crisp.

I am having Ginger Peach tea today.
Would you like a cup?

I always take my tea black
and I enjoy seeing the pattern through my tea.

Would you like some Peach Crisp with your tea?

A dollop of fresh whipped cream in the bottom of the glass with warm and crumbly peach crisp layered on top. Then another dollop of whipped cream on top of that. Yum!

Hubby brought home the lime green carnations. He's so good to me! Aren't they pretty?

Fruit, flowers, and tea...a lovely combination for Autumn or anytime.

The fairies agree!

Life is a cup to filled, not drained. ~ Anonymous

Now, just one more cup of tea while I peruse two of my favourite magazines; Victoria and Tea Time.

I hope you have enjoyed seeing my new vintage teacup. 

Happiness is sharing tea with a friend.

NOTE: There is only one more week left to enter my Blogiversary GiveawayIf you would like to win either one of these pretty teacups, please enter my Giveaway below. I will announce the winner next Tuesday, October 4th.

Whether you are an oldie but goodie Follower, or a brand new Followeryou may enter my Giveaway here

"There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven..." ~ Ecclesiastes 1:1
I am delighted you have stopped by today and I would love for you to join me for Tea Time Tuesday! All you have to do is share a favourite tea cup or teapot, a coffee mug, or something tea related. If you wish, you may do coffee instead of tea or the following is acceptable too: apple cider, iced tea or iced coffee, hot chocolate, lemonade, or punch. The TTT button on my sidebar is available for you to use in your post or place on your sidebar if you wish. A poem, tea quote, or scripture verse would be more than welcome! Please link back to me so that your visitors may find their way here to visit with all my lovely participants.

I am pleased to join the following parties as well~

Victoria - A Return to Loveliness

Table Top Tuesday

Teacup Tuesday
Teacup Tuesday

Teapot and Tea Things Tuesday
Teapot and Tea Things Tuesday
Tea For Two and Wednesday Tea For Me and Thee

Tea Party Tuesday


Teacup Thursday

Friends Sharing Tea

I am so happy you have stopped by today and I would love to see what you're sharing this week. If you would like to join my tea party, please use the inlinkz below to sign up. I would ask that you would please share a tea cup, teapot, or coffee mug in your post and no advertisements please. Thank you and have a wonderful day. 

1. Diann @ The Thrifty Groove  14. Poetry In A Pot  
2. Johanna@Silber-Rosen  15. RAINBOW-The Colours of India  
3. Celestina Marie  16. Miss Tea  
4. Bernideen's Tea Time Blog  17. ATTEATUDE and Chocolate  
5. Barb~Bella Vista  18. suzyq - atthefarmhouse  
6. Fragrant Surprise  19. Snap @ Twisty Lane  
7. Lavender Cottage  20. Trish ~ Sweetology  
8. Maria Andrade  21. Miss Kathy@The Writers Reverie  
9. Christine  22. Cindy@ Art, Books, Tea  
10. FABBY: Pumpkin-Chocolate Tart  23. Carrie - Oak Rise Cottage  
11. Ruth, Antiques And Teacups  24. Bess Lefton Teacup  
12. My Little Home and Garden  25. Silken Purse ~ Red and Yellow Chintz  
13. Sylvia  26. The Plumed Pen  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Sharing from my heart~ Sandi

Friday, 23 September 2011

Spiritual Sundays

Hello everyone and welcome to another Spiritual Sundays with our lovely hostess Charlotte.

I have been absent from SS for a while and there is a reason for that. My hubby was on vacation for most of the Summer and we have been going through an incredibly difficult family crisis.

I really have only been keeping up with my tea party meme most of the summer because of course I had an obligation to do that and I knew it probably wasn't good to stop blogging altogether. I did however feel like it at times.

I read a devotion the other day and the question was asked, "Has your heart ever been broken?"
I don't believe there has ever been a soul living on this planet that hasn't had their heart broken.

There are any number of reasons for a broken heart. As a teenager perhaps you got dumped by a boyfriend or your best friend lied about you. As an adult, our trials tend to be much more serious and there are any number of situations that can break your heart such as; cruelty, unfaithfulness, loss, etc.

In my case, I have two family members who have caused a great deal of concern, distress, and heartache for me.  Now when I say family, I'm not talking about my children, but they are very close blood relatives.

A Scottish preacher, George MacDonald once said, "Tears are the only cure for weeping."
It is good to cry. One need not be ashamed of crying and I have done my share of it.
Jesus Himself wept at His friend Lazarus' grave {John11:35} and He weeps with us. His heart was broken also and our tears attract His attention. His heart aches when we mourn and He knows every tear we shed.

I am so thankful that He knows and sees everything that is going on in my life. Oftentimes He uses other people to minister to us. I have been very blessed in that just recently, He has opened the eyes of some other family members and now they can weep with me. For years, I had been alone in this along with my husband. Now we have other family members who understand and we can help each other through the hard times. It is of a very sensitive nature and therefore I cannot elaborate on it. It is enough to know that some of you will pray and I want to thank you now for your prayers. We need a miracle!

The good news is some day God will wipe away every tear from our eyes. "There will be no more death, no sorrow, no crying, for all these things will have passed away." {Rev. 21:4}

"Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted." {Matthew 5:4}

Think of a land of no sorrow,
Think of a land of no fears,
Think of no death and no sickness,
Think of a land of no tears. ~ Anon.


I hope you will visit Spiritual Sundays this weekend just by clicking on the link -
There are many inspirationals, stories, poems, and music to minister to you. Thank you for visiting today and God bless you!

Some excerpts have been taken from Our Daily Bread.

Sharing from my heart~ Sandi

Thursday, 22 September 2011

I Am Loving White

Hello bloggy friends~
Do you love white? If someone was to walk through my home, they would almost get the impression that I loved white! Being a lover of romantic cottage decorating, I am loving white! And if it's shabbied up a bit, even better.

I'm sure the furniture guys thought I liked white when they delivered my new bedroom set the other day!

White coffee table and accent tables, white fireplace, etc. as they passed through the living room and down the hallway....

Wanna see?
OK, first I will show you the old set. This is over thirty years old and it was falling apart.

The headboard...

The dresser and other pieces looked like this. The colour of the headboard above is the true colour of the set. Very masculine and heavy. The mirror to the set is still in good shape so I will keep it and paint it along with the headboard. Both could be used in another room.

I have had my eye on this antique white set for quite some time {over a year}. I saw it in the store window and fell instantly in love! Much to my delight, Hubby surprised me by getting it for me a couple of weeks ago. Totally unexpected and I am thrilled!

The new mirror. Love the curves and the beveled glass....

The new headboard...

The new dresser. I really like the hardware....

What a difference the white makes! Our room is rather small so the white furniture just brightens it right up. Now, I just have to find the perfect bedspread and curtains. The spread and curtains are quite old so it's time for new ones. I am hoping to find something in toile. I'll let you know when I find them.

I'm joining Sherry today for her Home Sweet Home meme. Thanks for hosting Sherry!

Sharing from my heart~ Sandi

Monday, 19 September 2011

An Autumn Tea for Tea Time Tuesday

"Besides the autumn poets sing,
A few prosaic days
A little this side of the snow/
And that side of the haze." ~ Emily Dickinson
Welcome friends to another Tea Time Tuesday. We are well into September now and Autumn is only a couple of days away. So, I thought I would do an Autumn Tea today.

"Drink your tea slowly and reverently as if it is the axis on which the whole world revolves - slowly, evenly, without rushing toward the future...." ~ Vietnamese-born Thich Nhat Hanh, Buddhist monk and author
To be honest, I don't much care for Autumn. It is a reminder that Summer has gone and Winter will be on its way with its ice and snow. I am much more a Spring and Summer girl. But today, let's talk about what I do appreciate about the coming season.

There is beauty to be found in every season and inspiration can be gleaned from nature all around us. But, when it comes to Autumn, I am taking baby steps...

Autumn calls for brisk walks, inhaling the fresh air and savoring the sights and sounds of Autumn, such as the changing of the leaves....The leaves have not really started to change yet here on the Island, so I had to borrow this from the internet. Isn't this scene stunning? 

The colours of Autumn are rich with reds, golds, and yellows like pumpkins under a cobalt sky. I borrowed this from the internet as well. I have a picture of my little grandson running through a pumpkin patch but I simply cannot find it at the moment so this picture will have to do.

Going to the apple orchard is always fun. This is my lovely DIL and two of my grandsons enjoying a day of picking apples.

Changing out the soft Summer decor for a more muted or vibrant one is always fun. The floral wreath on the front door is replaced by a colourful Autumn one and the urn filled with geraniums is replaced by pumpkins and chrysanthemums on the front step.

I love baby pumpkins, white ones in particular. I like to paint them and sprinkle them with glitter, then decorate them with posies and ribbon...

The barbecue is getting a bit of a rest these days as I am in the kitchen more cooking nice hearty dinners for my hard working hubby. Roast beef with Yorkshire pudding is a favourite at our house in the cooler weather. Fresh yellow beans snuggle up to mashed potatoes and gravy. Slices of succulent roast beef are accompanied by Yorkshire pudding and some lovely home made mustard pickles....

I enjoy baking tummy-satisfying desserts too, such as this warm Apple pudding with hot Vanilla sauce on it. There is just a hint of cinnamon in the apples. Yum!...

There are the fruits of our labour; jams and pickles....

Even this little guy gathers his food for the Winter months. Once again, I borrowed this from the internet...

This time of year, the iced tea is replaced by spicy teas like Twinings Chai...

The warm glow of candlelight beckons one to sit and relax...

And what could be nicer on a cool evening than curling up with a loved one and a cup of tea in front of the fire.

Oh yes, there are many things one can enjoy about Autumn and many things we can be thankful for...And,  my favourite holiday, Christmas, is just around the corner!

The inspiration for my tea vignette today was taken from Victoria's front cover of the September/October issue.

The colours differ somewhat and there were no pomegranates available at the supermarket so I made due with what I had. I was inspired to set the tea table in red transferware instead of the browns which the magazine features. Reason being, I have no browns!

The basket of berries on the cover were not available at my house either, so I used some pretty carnations in a canning jar which is my choice of vase this time of year.

Fresh apples, peaches, and pears were also used as well as some spicy crackers and a nice Havarti cheese.

The plates have acorns on them so I thought they would be a good choice.

The stacked transferware teacups were a gift from my cousin Val.

Do you think I pulled it off alright? I am also joining Kathy today for her Welcome Autumn Party.

Next week, I will share a new teacup with you. I hope to see you then. In the meantime, there is still time to enter my Blogaversary Giveaway. If you are one of my Followersthen you are welcome to enter here.

I am delighted you have stopped by today and I would love for you to join me for Tea Time Tuesday. All you have to do is share a favourite tea cup or teapot, a coffee mug, or something tea related. If you wish, you may do coffee instead of tea or the following is acceptable too: apple cider, iced tea or iced coffee, hot chocolate, lemonade, or punch. The TTT button on my sidebar is available for you to use in your post or place on your sidebar if you wish. A poem, tea quote, or scripture verse would be more than welcome! Please link back to me so that your visitors may find their way here to visit with all my lovely participants.

"Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone." ~ Colossians 4:6 {NIV}

I am pleased to join the following parties as well~

Victoria - A Return to Loveliness

Table Top Tuesday

Teacup Tuesday
Teacup Tuesday

Teapot and Tea Things Tuesday
Teapot and Tea Things Tuesday
Tea For Two and Wednesday Tea For Me and Thee

Tuesday Tea

Tea Party Tuesday

Teatime Tuesday


Teacup Thursday

Fall Crawl and Blog Party

Friends Sharing Tea

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Sharing from my heart~ Sandi