Rose Chintz is a pattern which was produced by Johnson Brothers in England. They started their company somewhere around 1882. This particular pattern was produced between the years of 1930-2003 and is one of the most popular transferware patterns ever produced by Johnson Bros. This busy rose design incorporates large roses mixed with pretty wild flowers.

This past Saturday, my hubby and I spent the day with our 8 year old grandson Cameron. My hubby had driven over to pick him up and brought him back here to our home.
When Cameron first walked into our home, he had on his jacket and his head was covered by one of those knitted hats with the braids hanging down. They seem to be quite popular these days. He looked so cute! I was so happy to see him but at the same time I was startled at how much he resembled his father, our oldest son Jeff, at that age! Cameron is quiet in nature like his father as well; a very nice young man!
Many of our family traits are passed down from one generation to another. It's uncanny sometimes how alike a child and his parent can be! When I saw how much Cameron resembled his father in his looks and temperament, it made me wonder how much I resembled my heavenly Father.
The Bible tells us that we are made in His image. I wonder, do I resemble Him by my actions, my words, and my deeds? Can people see Jesus in me? Do I live my life in such a way that I leave a sweet fragrance behind wherever I go? I hope so! My desire is to be a blessing. I hope yours is too.
"And whatever you do in word or in deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, giving thanks through Him to God the Father." - Colossians 3:17
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Participants are listed in the order in which they started participating.