I had that familiar conviction that life was beginning over again with the summer. ~ F. Scott Fitzgerald
It is officially summertime and I love it! Our lawn has gone from sporting dandelions to being peppered with buttercups, clover, and devil's paintbrush. Although I don't like the name of that last wee flower, I have fond memories of them carpeting my grandmother's front yard in the summertime. There was a mix of the yellow and orange at her place. I don't see any orange here.
The flowers don't bother me at all. Hubby has to keep the lawn cut because of where we live but a week's worth of posies make the bees happy, I'm sure.
After posting my "heart to heart" story last week, I received so many lovely comments of well wishes and encouragement. I admit, a tear or two fell. My hubby was also touched by your kindness.
Someone said that oftentimes our blog friends know us better than our "real" friends. Here, when one shares from their heart, a group of blogging friends will wrap you in their virtual embrace and you know you are cared for. It is a beautiful thing here in Blogland; like a village! The prayer support here spans a great deal of the country, both yours and mine, and sometimes, the world. Thank you, all of you; you are loved!
I have decided to do something a little different this week. Today, I am sharing some of my favourite things with a photo if I have one. I would love to hear if any of mine match up with yours.
My favourite apparel- That has changed over the years. Before my hubby and I were married, I usually wore a dress. You know those cute little mini dresses with high boots? I used to love to dress up and but now I'm much more comfortable in jeans, a top, and sandals. And a hat, can't forget the hat! Of course when the cold weather comes, I trade in the sandals for boots or sneakers. I'm not tall and leggy like the model below and the sandals could be a little lower in the heel, but this outfit is so me!
Favourite jewelry- Besides my wedding rings, that would be earrings. I think earrings dress up any outfit. And I don't mean those long dangly ones!
My favourite colour - I love the full colour spectrum. I cannot wear black, grey, or white next to my face because of my colouring but I like it on those who can wear it. I also love red which I have in my kitchen-dining area. Red toile, that is. My grandson claims my favourite colour is white because I have so much white furniture. He's a cutie! But robin egg blue, pink, and green really are my favourite colours. They make me happiest. Below, a wall in my living room. The eagle is a piece I did years ago. Isaiah 40:31
Favourite food- I love food and I savour it. Sometimes I eat too much of it, especially bread. A chicken dinner with all the trimmings; dressing, gravy, cranberry sauce, the works, would have to be at the top although I do enjoy roast beef with Yorkshire pudding too. I haven't made that in a while because we don't eat a lot of red meat.
I also love homemade pizza and lasagna.
Favourite 'strange' food- dulse {dried seaweed} and apparently, the best dulse comes from Atlantic Canada where I live.
Dulse contains significant levels of calcium and potassium which help your bones strengthen and become more resilient. Benefits of dulse also include helping to lower your blood pressure, improve your eye sight and improve the health of your thyroid gland.
Favourite dessert- Sticky date pudding with toffee sauce. I think I could eat pumpkin pie any time. My favourite cake is without a doubt a carrot cake with cream cheese frosting.
Favourite beverage- water with a slice of lemon
Favourite scent- the scent of summer wafting through open windows. I wish I could bottle it!
Favourite place to go- the beach when I am able. You knew that, didn't you?
Once your feet have touched the warm sun drenched sand of the seashore you will never be the same. ~ Patsy Gant
Favourite flower/bouquet- There are so many flowers to love. However, roses or a bouquet of carnations/roses are my favourite. My fav colour of rose is pale blush pink or white. I like daffodils, tulips, lilacs, and lupins too.

Favourite china pattern- Any guesses? Johnson Brothers Rose Chintz. Loved it since I was a little girl.
Favourite songbird- Goldfinch
Favourite movie- Historical dramas, romantic comedies, and mysteries.
Favourite actor- Denzel Washington
Favourite music- worship music, hymns, old love songs by the Bee Gees, and classical. When I was music director at our church, I always mixed the music up. I chose the new songs and incorporated the hymns too. That way, you keep everyone happy. And as beautiful as some of the newer music is, there is something special and nostalgic about the old hymns we remember from childhood.
Favourite past time- Going to the beach when I am able. Listening to music or reading when I can't. Both music and reading transport me to a different place just as the beach does. It goes without saying that spending time with my family tops them all. Sadly, they were all coming home this summer and now they can't because of the restrictions due to covid 19.
Favourite collection- Transferware, china, and silver tea spoons. I have collected many things over the years including rocks from around the world. A couple of blogging friends sent me rocks too. I will have to show you my rock collection one of these days.
Favourite holiday- Christmas
The Lena Liu ornament was a gift from my mother.
Favourite season- late Spring and Summer
This is a drive through our Victoria Park in Charlottetown. Love the trees! You can't see it but to the right is the water where the sailboats have their races.
That's it for today. Thank you for joining me and let me know if any of my favourites match your own. And don't forget to stop and smell the roses!
For flowers that bloom about our feet;
For tender grass so fresh and sweet;
For song of bird and hum of bee;
For all things fair we hear and see,
Father in heaven, we thank Thee. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
It is officially summertime and I love it! Our lawn has gone from sporting dandelions to being peppered with buttercups, clover, and devil's paintbrush. Although I don't like the name of that last wee flower, I have fond memories of them carpeting my grandmother's front yard in the summertime. There was a mix of the yellow and orange at her place. I don't see any orange here.
The flowers don't bother me at all. Hubby has to keep the lawn cut because of where we live but a week's worth of posies make the bees happy, I'm sure.
After posting my "heart to heart" story last week, I received so many lovely comments of well wishes and encouragement. I admit, a tear or two fell. My hubby was also touched by your kindness.
Someone said that oftentimes our blog friends know us better than our "real" friends. Here, when one shares from their heart, a group of blogging friends will wrap you in their virtual embrace and you know you are cared for. It is a beautiful thing here in Blogland; like a village! The prayer support here spans a great deal of the country, both yours and mine, and sometimes, the world. Thank you, all of you; you are loved!
I have decided to do something a little different this week. Today, I am sharing some of my favourite things with a photo if I have one. I would love to hear if any of mine match up with yours.
My favourite apparel- That has changed over the years. Before my hubby and I were married, I usually wore a dress. You know those cute little mini dresses with high boots? I used to love to dress up and but now I'm much more comfortable in jeans, a top, and sandals. And a hat, can't forget the hat! Of course when the cold weather comes, I trade in the sandals for boots or sneakers. I'm not tall and leggy like the model below and the sandals could be a little lower in the heel, but this outfit is so me!
Favourite jewelry- Besides my wedding rings, that would be earrings. I think earrings dress up any outfit. And I don't mean those long dangly ones!
My favourite colour - I love the full colour spectrum. I cannot wear black, grey, or white next to my face because of my colouring but I like it on those who can wear it. I also love red which I have in my kitchen-dining area. Red toile, that is. My grandson claims my favourite colour is white because I have so much white furniture. He's a cutie! But robin egg blue, pink, and green really are my favourite colours. They make me happiest. Below, a wall in my living room. The eagle is a piece I did years ago. Isaiah 40:31
Favourite food- I love food and I savour it. Sometimes I eat too much of it, especially bread. A chicken dinner with all the trimmings; dressing, gravy, cranberry sauce, the works, would have to be at the top although I do enjoy roast beef with Yorkshire pudding too. I haven't made that in a while because we don't eat a lot of red meat.
I also love homemade pizza and lasagna.
Favourite 'strange' food- dulse {dried seaweed} and apparently, the best dulse comes from Atlantic Canada where I live.
Dulse contains significant levels of calcium and potassium which help your bones strengthen and become more resilient. Benefits of dulse also include helping to lower your blood pressure, improve your eye sight and improve the health of your thyroid gland.
Favourite dessert- Sticky date pudding with toffee sauce. I think I could eat pumpkin pie any time. My favourite cake is without a doubt a carrot cake with cream cheese frosting.
Favourite beverage- water with a slice of lemon
Favourite scent- the scent of summer wafting through open windows. I wish I could bottle it!
Favourite place to go- the beach when I am able. You knew that, didn't you?
Once your feet have touched the warm sun drenched sand of the seashore you will never be the same. ~ Patsy Gant
These are my own roses, Theresa Bugnet.
I don't really have a bucket list because I don't travel any longer but if I could...
Favourite place to go visit- Charleston, South Carolina and England.
Why Charleston? After reading the tea shop mysteries by Laura Childs, I would love to experience the charm and history of this place. England of course is where some of my ancestors hailed from. My youngest son has been to Europe many times and like him, I would really appreciate seeing the architecture. He plans to visit England one day. I wish I could go with him. We would have a marvellous time!
My favourite teapot- Royal Albert Old Country Roses because it was a birthday present from my family and it was my father's favourite pattern.Favourite china pattern- Any guesses? Johnson Brothers Rose Chintz. Loved it since I was a little girl.
Favourite songbird- Goldfinch
Favourite movie- Historical dramas, romantic comedies, and mysteries.
Favourite actor- Denzel Washington
Favourite music- worship music, hymns, old love songs by the Bee Gees, and classical. When I was music director at our church, I always mixed the music up. I chose the new songs and incorporated the hymns too. That way, you keep everyone happy. And as beautiful as some of the newer music is, there is something special and nostalgic about the old hymns we remember from childhood.
Michael W. Smith whom my son has seen every time he does a concert in Vancouver, B.C., has been a favourite for years.
I also like Robin Mark from Ireland who comes to the Island every year and puts on a concert and a worship seminar. He loves it here because he says it reminds him of Ireland. He won't be coming this year however because of the virus. Schotzy, you would love it!
The Bee Gees; three brothers from England who composed and sang the most amazing love songs.
Favourite past time- Going to the beach when I am able. Listening to music or reading when I can't. Both music and reading transport me to a different place just as the beach does. It goes without saying that spending time with my family tops them all. Sadly, they were all coming home this summer and now they can't because of the restrictions due to covid 19.
Favourite collection- Transferware, china, and silver tea spoons. I have collected many things over the years including rocks from around the world. A couple of blogging friends sent me rocks too. I will have to show you my rock collection one of these days.
Favourite holiday- Christmas
The Lena Liu ornament was a gift from my mother.
Favourite season- late Spring and Summer
This is a drive through our Victoria Park in Charlottetown. Love the trees! You can't see it but to the right is the water where the sailboats have their races.
That's it for today. Thank you for joining me and let me know if any of my favourites match your own. And don't forget to stop and smell the roses!
For tender grass so fresh and sweet;
For song of bird and hum of bee;
For all things fair we hear and see,
Father in heaven, we thank Thee. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
Sharing from my heart ~ Sandi