Faith Family Friends

Celebrating the Joy of Living & Home Making ~

Baking, Cooking, Decorating, Tea Time, and taking Inspiration from those I love and the world around me...

A sharing of my heart and my home from a Christian perspective

...with a wee bit of whimsy added.

Monday, 29 August 2016

No Place Like Home

Stay, stay at home, my heart, and rest;
Home-keeping hearts are happiest,
For those that wander they know not where
are full of trouble and full of care;
To stay at home is best. ~ Longfellow

Hello my lovely friends and welcome to No Place Like Home; a blog party where you are invited to share all your home and garden posts. A place to share your imagination, wonderful ideas and gifts with others. 

I would like to thank all you lovely ladies for your kind condolences and prayers over the past week. It is never easy losing someone you love and it is even harder when that loved one is so young. I know your prayers really helped the family get through it. The Lord bless you all!

This is my coral begonia on our back deck. It's doing very well. 

I still have a few Bordeaux petunias too in spite of the heavy damaging rains we've had. 

My last post of two weeks ago I had shared our little outing to Avonlea Village in Cavendish, PEI.

It's a charming little village on the north shore of the Island not far from Green Gables. The little village houses several buildings where our famous author of the Anne books, LM Montgomery, spent time. If you missed that post and you would like to see it, please click here.

I am honoured to have you link up to my party and I wish you all a delightful day.

Now let's see what you are creating in your home to make it a cozy place to come home to for your family, your friends, and yourself. 

Lord, this humble house we'd keep 
Sweet with play and calm with sleep. 
Help us so that we may give 
Beauty to the lives we live. 
Let Thy love and let Thy grace 
Shine upon our dwelling place. - Edgar A. Guest 

Thank you for linking up with No Place Like Home. All of your home and garden posts are welcome including: antiquing, artwork, cooking and baking, recipes, collections, crafts, tea time and tablescapes, DIY's, florals and gardening, home decor, pets, photography, thrifting, vacations, wildlife, and anything with Christian content such as poetry or a short devotional. Wishing you all a beautiful day and God bless you!

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.
Sharing from my heart ~ Sandi

Monday, 22 August 2016

No Place Like Home is Cancelled This Week

Hello my lovely friends! I am cancelling No Place Like Home this week because of a death in the family. My hubby's youngest brother lost his fight with cancer early Sunday morning. We weren't expecting it to be quite so soon and it's a bit of a shock. Thank you for your prayers for our family and I'll be back soon. God bless you all!

Sharing from my heart ~ Sandi

Saturday, 20 August 2016

Return to Avonlea

I am Summer, come to lure you away from your computer... come dance on my fresh grass, dig your toes into my beaches. ~ Oriana Green

Hello dear blogging friends! That first quote sums up perfectly how I feel about summertime. I want to get out and savour the green grass beneath my feet and the warm sand between my toes. I love that picture of my son and daughter-in-law at the beach at sunset!

Spending a lot of time in front of the computer just doesn't appeal to me this time of year. I think if our summers were longer I might feel differently but they are so very short. Anyway, I am squeezing every moment of summertime into my days.

Hubby and I returned to Avonlea Village the other day. Last year when we went, we met up with friends we hadn't seen in a while. By the time we had stopped chatting a big chunk of the afternoon was gone and we didn't see the whole village. So we went back again this past week.

This is the train station where one passes through to enter the Village. If you recall, Matthew Cuthbert picked Anne up at the train station when she first arrived on Prince Edward Island.

You can purchase an ice cream cone at Cows or browse the Anne of Green Gables Store in the station. She is hard to see but standing by the street light is a statue of Anne.

Next door to that is the old school house where Lucy Maud Montgomery taught school in 1896-1897. There is still an old blackboard on the back wall.

Across the street is Anne of Green Gables Chocolates and next to that is a dress shop. This little village is like stepping back in time and I love all the sweet little houses!

There are times when we stop, we sit still. We listen and breezes from a whole other world begin to whisper. ~ James Carroll

Hubby sat long enough for me to take his picture. He's a people person and a people watcher.

You never know what peace is until you walk on the shores or in the fields or along the winding red roads of Prince Edward Island in a summer twilight when the dew is falling and the old stars are peeping out and the sea keeps its mighty tryst with the little land it loves. You find your soul then. You realize that youth is not a vanished thing but something that dwells forever in the heart. ~ L M Montgomery 

The little building behind the lily pond is where they sell maple syrup. 

All in all, it was a never-to-be-forgotten summer - one of those summers which come seldom into any life, but leave a rich heritage of beautiful memories in their going - one of those summers which, in a fortunate combination of delightful weather, delightful friends and delightful doing, come as near to perfection as anything can come in this world. ~ L.M. Montgomery- 'Anne's House of Dreams' 

There were three lovely pink lilies blooming in the lily pond that day.

Do you suppose a frog prince lives in there?

All along the village boardwalk are benches and picnic tables set strategically about so you can just sit and enjoy the charm of the village or have a bite to eat from one of the numerous restaurants and cafes.

One can enjoy PEI lobster in this quaint little blue house.

Hubby was hankering for a potato in the robin egg blue coloured Red Island Baked Potato house but when we got inside, they had run out of potatoes so we went elsewhere for dinner. Apparently their baked potatoes are very popular. I was hoping try their butter chicken. Maybe next time.

Up the street to the right is the pizzeria where we had an amazing wood fired pizza last year.

Another cute place with a picket fence where they offer yet another type of menu. If you notice the smoke rising from the black stove to the right, they are cooking beef brisket in there.

Across the street from the Potato House is Samuel's where one can enjoy a cup of tea.

Next to that is this darling little church where LM Montgomery attended.  

If ever you visit the Island, Avonlea Village would be an enjoyable way to spend an afternoon. Some of the buildings are actual buildings that our famous author of the Anne of Green Gables books, LM Montgomery, spent time in. 

Take a stroll down the walk and visit the many shops or choose a restaurant for a tasty Island treat.

I wasn't able to get a shot of every establishment because of the people that were walking about. The tourists were simply eating it all up but I think you can see what a charming little village this is in Cavendish, not far from Green Gables.

Enjoy your weekend friends and thank you for visiting. May God watch over you and keep you safe! 

I am sharing with these lovely parties:

The Art of Home-Making Mondays ~
 Share Your Cup Thursday~
 Home Sweet Home~

 Sharing from my heart ~ Sandi

Monday, 15 August 2016

No Place Like Home

The Bible does not say very much about homes; it says a great deal about the things that make them. It speaks about life and love and joy and peace and rest. If we get a house and put these into it, we shall have secured a home. ~ John Henry Jowett

Hello my lovely friends and welcome to No Place Like Home; a blog party where you are invited to share all your home and garden posts. A place to share your imagination, wonderful ideas and gifts with others.

Did you all have a nice weekend? Summer's winding down and we want to make the most of it, don't we?

Since our company left we've been taking little drives just to get a few pictures. I have been enjoying little things that capture my attention.

The thyme is everywhere on people's lawns. I've never seen so much of it. It's so pretty!

Also, the Queen Anne's Lace was especially prolific this year. Everywhere you look there is lace along the roadsides and in the fields.

Peaceful scenes upon the water.

The other day I shared the little tea party I had with my daughter in law and granddaughter. A special little party that I hope will be a sweet memory for my little granddaughter. The little lady enjoyed three cups of tea. If you missed my post, you can click here to see it.

Last week's party served up a wonderful variety of ideas and recipes. They were all splendid and thank you so much for sharing. I am honoured that you linked up to my party. What a wonderfully talented group of ladies you are! 

The posts I am featuring this week were the top three most visited. Enjoy!

Deborah @ The Beautiful Matters shared her Book Club Sleepover. I think those ladies really know how to enjoy themselves.

Shannon @ Belle Blue Interiors shared how she organized her baking cart. I know I could use one of these.

Betty @ My Cozy Corner shared a lovely chintz tea using her newly found chintz teapot. 

I have to share Elizabeth's recipe for Chocolate Fudge Strawberry Shortcake as well. Next time I have a hankering for chocolate I think I will whip this up.

Thank you everyone for participating last week. As a courtesy, it would be nice if you would have a link back to my party. 

Now let's see what you are creating in your home to make it a cozy place to come home to for your family, your friends, and yourself.

Lord, this humble house we'd keep 
Sweet with play and calm with sleep. 
Help us so that we may give 
Beauty to the lives we live. 
Let Thy love and let Thy grace 
Shine upon our dwelling place. - Edgar A. Guest 

Thank you for linking up with No Place Like Home. All of your home and garden posts are welcome including: antiquing, artwork, cooking and baking, recipes, collections, crafts, tea time and tablescapes, DIY's, florals and gardening, home decor, pets, photography, thrifting, vacations, wildlife, and anything with Christian content such as poetry or a short devotional. Wishing you all a beautiful day and God bless you!

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.
 Sharing from my heart ~ Sandi

Friday, 12 August 2016

Tea Time with My Girls

Life brings simple pleasures to us every day. It is up to us to make them wonderful memories. ~ Cathy Allen

Hello my lovely friends! While my family was home we enjoyed many different activities and made some wonderful memories. One of them was a tea party with my daughter in law and my little granddaughter. 

We didn't have a lot of time and we had to scoot the guys out the door so we could enjoy this special time together.

Mommy is pouring the tea while the little lady looks on and Nanny takes the picture.

The table was set with lace and the tiered stand held chicken rollups and peanut butter and jam sandwiches. Nanny tried to serve something that she knew Jenna-Lynn would like; chocolate tarts and strawberry wafers were the sweets.

My Skye McGhie Cream Lace teapot held David's Tea Kombucha Tea, which is a mixture of oolong tea, mango, pineapple, kombucha powder, and safflower petals. I normally don't care for fruity teas but this one was delicious! Jenna-Lynn had three full cups of tea with honey and milk of course!

We sipped tea from three different teacups and saucers. Originally I had set out my matching Masons Vista teacups for my granddaughter and me. 

I told her the story about how they came to be mine but she wanted a "big girl cup" like Mommy and me. So the demi tasse was put back in the cabinet and she chose the Burleigh Calico Red teacup instead. This little lady knows what she wants.

She is wearing her new dress that her daddy bought her the day before and the necklace he brought back for her from his trip to Mexico. 

Star Dust 
glistening on angels wings
Little Girls 
dreams are 
of magical things

Johnson Bros. Old Britain Castles was Carina's teacup.

And I sipped from my Mason's Vista teacup.

Jenna-Lynn loved the parasol and the tiny silver spoons. But having had three cups of tea I would say she rather enjoyed the tea too.

She sniffed the last of my roses. I thought my roses were done and they came back just long enough for a bouquet for our little tea time.

Boomer was bound he was going to have tea as well so he jumped up on Carina's lap. He really is a character! It's hard to say "No" to that face.

It was a lovely little tea time with my beautiful girls. And Boomer too!

My pretty girls! 

It was good to the last drop.

Today I'd like to sit and sip,
Forget about the world a bit,
Ignore the things I have to do,
And just enjoy a cup or two. - Unknown

I'm so glad you could drop by for a visit. Enjoy your weekend and be sure to capture all those magical moments before they are gone.

I am joining the following parties ~

 Tuesday Cuppa Tea
 Bernideen's Tea In The Garden
 Tea Cup Tuesday
 The Art of Home-Making Mondays
 Share Your Cup Thursday
 Home Sweet Home

 Sharing from my heart ~ Sandi

Monday, 8 August 2016

No Place Like Home

But what on earth is half so dear -
So longed for as the hearth of home? ~ Emily Bronte

Hello my lovely friends and welcome to No Place Like Home; a blog party where you are invited to share all your home and garden posts. A place to share your imagination, ideas and gifts with others.

I have been very busy since I last posted. My whole family, all twelve of us, were home for a huge Family Reunion. We had Hubby's relatives come from as far away as Ireland, Colorado, Florida, Ontario, BC, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and of course PEI. Many we met for the very first time. This is the majority of us. 

All of my kids were home along with Boomer, the little pup that I have become very fond of. This little guy made this pillow his own. How could I not allow him to make himself comfy, he's just too cute! He is a hybrid breed, a Shinese. A cross between a Shih Tzu and a Pekingese and he's as soft and cuddly as a little teddy bear. His tail curls up when he is standing.

My little granddaughter wearing an Anne of Green Gables hat. Isn't she adorable? She loves to pose for the camera.

We enjoyed trips to the beach, both the north shore and the south shore. 

The kids loved catching hermit crabs among the red cliffs...

and playing in the sand at Brackley Beach.

Sunset at Brackley Beach.

We enjoyed walks on the boardwalk at Victoria Park. A few of us didn't make it into the picture because they were walking behind the camera.

Family is everything!

Our two youngest on the rocks lining the boardwalk.

One of our grandsons piggybacked his little cousin all the way to and from the play park from our house which is a good little jaunt.

One of the highlights for my Mom was when all her grandchildren and great-grandchildren visited her. This is my son and his sweet family from BC. 

My middle guy and me out for the afternoon spending some mom and son time.

Papa's girl!

I hope you enjoyed a few pictures taken on my blog break. 

The last of my company left this morning on the 6 AM flight so we had to get up very early to see them off at the airport. It's sad to see them go. Our middle son longs to move his family back to the Island so it's always hard on him especially. 
I may be a wee bit late getting around for my visits today because of the very early morning I had. 

I don't have any features today because I have been absent but thank you to everyone who participated in my last blog party. It was my biggest party to date. What a talented group of ladies you all are!

Now let's see what you are creating in your home to make it a cozy place to come home to for your family, your friends, and yourself. 

Lord, this humble house we'd keep 
Sweet with play and calm with sleep. 
Help us so that we may give 
Beauty to the lives we live. 
Let Thy love and let Thy grace 
Shine upon our dwelling place. - Edgar A. Guest

 Sharing from my heart ~ Sandi