"It was one of those perfect English autumnal days which occur more frequently in memory than in life." ~ PD James {Victoria magazine}
Hello friends and welcome to another tea time! I hope your Autumn is off to a lovely start. Can you believe this is the last Tea Time Tuesday for the month of September?
Seems like September just got underway. The last two weekends here on the Island have been just beautiful; warm and enchanting! I never want it to end. What was your weekend like?
Before we have our tea today I would like to extend a warm welcome to all of my new followers! It's lovely to have you join me here at Rose Chintz Cottage and I hope you will find joy and friendship here.
I always have a bowl of fresh fruit in the house but this time of year, I like having a bowl of apples out. Not only are they tasty and fragrant but they're pretty too. There were two pears but Hubby snitched one before I took the picture. I like the colour of these Pink Ladies.
These apple cups came from a secret sister many years ago. Aren't they cute? They're not much good for sipping tea from however. I just like bringing them out this time of year.
The birdies may have flown south but I can still enjoy them on my teapot. This is one side.
And this is the other. This sweet teapot was a Christmas gift last year.
And this is what the top looks like.
I love it and it holds a wonderful amount of tea; about four to six cups. It's a perfect size for company.
The other day a good friend brought me a large bag of hydrangeas to use in arrangements. I think they look pretty in my vintage pink depression glass pitcher. I love the different hues of the little petals.
Come, let's indulge in a cup of tea or two, shall we? I have set my tea out on a side table in the living room today. I placed a throw over the table with some lace and set up my birdie teapot.
As you can see, I still haven't painted the walls in the living room yet. They're still a taupey-rose colour.
Red transferware is such a favourite of mine and it all goes together like cheese and crackers, or tea and cookies.
I am enjoying Twinings Chai tea today.
I love spicy tea at any time but it is especially nice this time of year.
With the abundance of fresh apples around, I made an Apple Upside Down Cake. It is actually a Cottage Pudding with apples on the bottom served warm with Vanilla sauce. Doesn't the sauce look lovely pooling onto the spoon? Yum!
For those of you who would like the recipe, I will post it on my HOME party this week.
We'll start with raspberry ice
And then some cakes and tea
Order what you will
There'll be no bill
It's complimentary." ~ From the "Mary Poppins" song - Jolly Holiday
As you all know, October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. We have all been touched by breast cancer in one way or another. So on October 14th, I will be hosting my annual Pink Tea to show my support of Breast Cancer Awareness.
I hope you will join me that week with something pink. It could be a teacup or teapot, coffee mug, or tablescape. Perhaps cupcakes will be on your tea menu or a cake. Or maybe just a beautiful pink rose. You are welcome to copy and paste my button for the occasion if you wish.
I am delighted you have come for tea today and I would be happy to see your pretty tea things whether you have shared them before or not.
Happiness is sharing tea with a friend.
Simply link up below and I will be pleased to come and visit you. Have a beautiful day everyone.
"Why is beauty so important? Because we derive energy and motivation from beautiful sights, beautiful sounds, beautiful words and ideas, and beautiful environments." ~ Thomas Kinkade
As a courtesy, please link back to me so that your visitors may find their way here to visit with all my lovely participants.
I am joining the following parties as well~
Inspire Me Tuesday ~ http://www.astrollthrulife.net/
A Return to Loveliness ~ http://www.adelightsomelife.com/
Tea Cup Tuesday~ http://artfulaffirmations.blogspot.com/
Tea Cup Tuesday ~ http://www.marthasfavorites.com/
Tuesday Cuppa Tea~ http://www.antiquesandteacups.info/
Friends Sharing Tea~ http://blog.bernideens.com/
What's It Wednesday ~ http://ivyandelephants.blogspot.com/
Home and Garden Thursday ~ http://www.adelightsomelife.com/
Share Your Cup Thursday~ http://jannolson.blogspot.com/
Home Sweet Home~ http://thecharmofhome.blogspot.com/
Thank you for joining me for tea today. All your tea or coffee things are welcome as well as your tablescapes. We tea ladies enjoy visiting tea rooms as well if you would like to share one of your visits with us.
If you prefer to share coffee instead of tea, please feel free to do so. Also, any of the following are welcome~ Lemonade, iced tea/iced coffee, hot chocolate, hot apple cider, or punch in a beautiful bowl.
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