Faith Family Friends

Celebrating the Joy of Living & Home Making ~

Baking, Cooking, Decorating, Tea Time, and taking Inspiration from those I love and the world around me...

A sharing of my heart and my home from a Christian perspective

...with a wee bit of whimsy added.

Monday, 28 January 2013

Tea Time Tuesday

"To my way of thinking,
there is not a more perfect day
for tea with a friend
than when it is cold
and rainy on the outside
and there is a hot, blazing
fire on the inside." ~ Teatime Anytime ~
A book collection From The Clever Factory

Welcome to another tea time, ladies~

I am so happy with the nice turn-out we had last week! You are all so sweet and really made my Tea Time Tuesday celebration a huge success. Some of you really went out of your way to make it special and I appreciate you all so very much. You shared special quotes about friendship, baked special treats, and shared special  pieces of china that you knew I would love. Thank you!

Before I serve our tea today, I want to share a photo from a post last week as it was created just for me. It was a little out of the ordinary and in celebration of Tea Time Tuesday's 3rd Birthday.

Isn't this pretty? I'm sure you will all agree! Thank you Johanna @  Silber-Rosen for creating this gorgeous china rose just for the occasion. If any of you missed her post then please do stop by and visit her.  

"Where there is tea, there is love.
Where there is tea, there is hospital-i-tea." ~ Unknown

We are in the dead of winter now and we have been having a  stretch of very cold weather. Jack Frost has etched his way upon  the window panes but inside, I have the fire burning so it's nice and cozy.

In the grocery stores, I am happy to find perky tulips. They lend a touch of springtime to any room. So, today I have set my tea on the table near the fireplace with some creamy white tulips and a simple tea. Why not curl up on the sofa and I will pour you a nice cuppa tea.

A pretty white teapot is wearing a garland of flowers....

"Usefulness is not impaired by imperfection. You can drink from a chipped cup." Greta Nagel

A beautiful Colclough teacup made in England. Some of the gold has been worn from the handle. Someone obviously enjoyed sipping tea from her. I wonder what parties she has been to!

Filled with Lady Grey tea, she sits ....

.....with her companion, a Windsor teacup to pick up on the romantic feel.

Both teacups are a soft pink with white and lots of gilding. I love both of these sets but I really enjoy seeing the rose in the bottom of the Windsor cup. It's something pretty to look at while sipping my  tea. I think both teacups are romantic dressed in their pink and white and gold.

Hubby and I had friends in for tea and I had made some tasty mincemeat tarts.  Would you like to try one? So good!

Speaking of romance, Valentines Day is coming up and I am going to be hosting a Valentines Tea to celebrate it. It is only two weeks away so on February 11th, please join me for another special tea. I find this time of year I am inside more and a themed tea is fun to look forward to.
This year, I thought I would have a Tea of Hearts, or shades of pink or red
What do you think? Would you like to join me for a Valentines Tea? If you cannot do hearts, pink or red, then just share what you love. I will be happy to just have your company!

I am always delighted when you stop by. If you have something tea related or coffee in a pretty mug, please link up below. Have a beautiful day everyone.

"How precious to me are Your thoughts, O God!
How vast is the sum of them!
Were I to count them,
they would outnumber the grains of sand."~ Psalms139: 17-18

I am joining the following parties as well~

Heart and Home ~
A Return to Loveliness ~
Tea Cup Tuesday~
Tea Cup Tuesday ~
Tuesday Cuppa Tea~
Friends Sharing Tea ~
Share Your Cup Thursday~
Cottage Style Linky Party~
Home Sweet Home~

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Sharing from my heart~ Sandi


  1. Thank you so much for hosting! Have a lovely week....hugs, Penny

  2. Johanna's china rose was stunning, she's a creative lady.
    I didn't have any mincemeat tarts over Christmas so I'd love one of yours with tea today.
    The Valentine Tea sounds like fun.

  3. So sorry I missed wishing you a happy 3rd anniversary!
    Love that tea cup, with such a sweet suprise at the bottom.
    The flower out of saucers was an adorable idea.

  4. Truly lovely, this is the best way to start of one's week. Beautiful teacups - mine is similar today! I appreciate you sharing and hosting,

  5. Gorgeous teacups! I love pink, chintz and gold wonderful on all accounts! Thanks for hosting and have a wonderful day!

  6. Aquí también hace mucho frío y me apetece mucho un té.
    Gracias, querida amiga por esta linda entrada.
    Un beso y que tengas una feliz semana

  7. Lovely features, and I just love dear Johanna's china rose, so pretty! I'm in love with the teacup with the rose inside, wow, it must be so wonderful to drink tea from it!! Thank you for hosting, sweet lady.

  8. Your mince tarts look so good, Sandi. I really enjoyed seeing your beautiful teapot and vase - they go together quite well. The tulips are pretty too!

  9. Love,Love,Love your teapot, vase, and teacup, so pretty!

  10. Sandi,
    Thanks so much for hosting!! The tea pot is lovely but those tea cups are to die for.... Beautiful!!


  11. Hi dear Sandi, I agree that Johanna's china rose was unbeleivable!! Whata lovely tribute. Your mini tarts look so yummy. Thank you for hosting your tea party where we can visit and enjoy each other's company.

  12. Hi Sandi,

    I love your pretties--especially that white teapot with the roses.

    Stay warm, my friend.

  13. What a pretty tea table, Sandi. I love white tulips; always a favorite around here. Your tea-pot is so delicate and pretty. You did have some wonderful posts last week. I'm looking forward to more today. Hugs, Deb

  14. Another lovely post! The cup and saucer set is so elegant and seems suitable for this cold January day. I have just had a nice cup of Earl Gray Vanilla Tea, A Tetley Brand tea variety I can only seem to find in Canada, when we visit there. It is such a soothing brew!

  15. Hi Sandi, I love your beautiful tea with the white roses! The rose bud in the bottom of the cup is such a nice surprise. The birthday rose is wonderful! I linked up a pink tea. Maybe shoud have saved it for the Valentines party. Oh well, just an excuse to do another one. I do have a cute pink and brown teapot. Thanks for hosting.

  16. The inside of that one teacup is just lovely! Like the china rose!

  17. Belated blogaversary, Sandi! Your teapot with the flowers is so pretty. Love the cup too!...Christine

  18. Those tulips are so pretty. Love the pink cups, and the mincemeat tarts look yummy!

  19. I love your tulips they look so beautiful. Your table looks very inviting.

  20. I really love that creamy dreamy white rose tea pot...and the pretty pink tea know I never had mince meat pies or tarts..thank you for sharing have a lovely week with love Janice

  21. Hi Sandi, I think your teacups are so pretty. Such a delicate shade of pink. I'm not joining today. I'm busy running errands and going to appointments before our trip west on Saturday. I'll keep reading and posting but won't be linking to any blog parties while away. Oh, I'd love to have a tart with my tea. Thank you! :) Blessings, Pamela

  22. Yes, Johanna is one of the best - totally sweet tea time lady!

    You DID have a wonderful turn out last week, I still am catching up to my reading, haha.

    Your tea is lovely. Your minemeat tarts look delicious.

    Thank you so much for hosting.

    Hugs to my beautiful rosy friend.

  23. what a lovely china rose, wonderful job.
    Your tea today is very charming and looks delicious. God bless...

  24. Hello Sandi,
    Johanna's gift to you is amazing! wow!
    And your tea setting is lovely...especially the white tulips. So cheery when winter stretches long. Both of your tea cups are beautiful and romantic.
    Tea in pretty tea cups really is a delight!

  25. Hi, Sandi!
    Happy Anniversary!! So glad to be back and able to link up and share some tea with you. It has been a long time, my friend! Your Blog is gorgeous, as usual. Love your beautiful tea pot. My mom has the same Tea Cup as the first one shown on your post, they are so beautiful and such a joy of more peaceful time. I hope you are well. Have a wonderful week.
    Many Blessings and Hugs,

  26. Hi Sandi,

    This is my first time linking up with you and I know I'll enjoy it. Judith suggested that I join you and I didn't think I'd have time today...but I did!! :)

    I love your tea pot with the roses and the pretty Windsor Tea Cup and Saucer.

    Jan ♥

  27. I love looking at your lovely tea parties and I love visiting all those who have linked up. I have been sewing a lot and having my tea and coffee in many of my souvenir mugs and cups but no photos. I did make some nice coasters with teacups and tea pots on them and I am going to add a photo of one of my cups to the post I did about the coasters so I can join in your linky party. That is a wonderful china rose!

  28. hello
    joli billet
    dans la maison ,on allume les
    lumières,et le chauffage
    on choisit les sons et les histoires
    c' est un monde fermé
    et l' on boit une tasse de thé
    au chocolat
    la vie est belle
    edith ( iris )France

  29. Beautiful creamy white and pink tea! Your teacups are lovely. I always enjoy the tea parties you host. Gratefully, Phyllis

  30. Good morning, Sandi! Your tea setting is so pretty today. I especially love the cup with the rose. Hope you have a lovely week!

    Mrs. Sarah Coller

  31. What a Beautiful Tea Time Tuesday!
    Happy 3rd Birthday!
    I hope to join the party next week.
    Sorry I haven't gotten my act together yet!
    Be Blessed Sandi,

  32. Johanna's china rose was amazing! Your gilded cups are lovely. It's been ages since I've mince anything! Yum! Thank you so much for hosting.

  33. Each photo is so lovely.You have that special touch for giving a beautiful tea and I don't mean just in the blog world either.We would all love to be sitting around your table.Hugs to you Denise

  34. Dear Sandi,
    I am so late with my post today. Thank you so much for your sweet words to the china rose. I think every TT Lady did her very best for your birthday. I enjoyed so many special posts in honor of your bithday. I love to get all those inspirations around the world. And I love your tea posts special. There are always thoughtful quotes, yummy treats and lovely china. The little saucer with the minced pies is very special!
    Best greetings, Johanna

  35. What beautiful teacups Sandi. I love the pink and gold together.

  36. Hi Sandi,
    Your tea time vignette is beautiful. Love the tulips and your pretty teacups. Johanna's china rose is so beautiful & creative! Love it! Thanks for hosting.

  37. Hi Sandi,
    What a beautiful table you share for tea today! Your china is so elegant and the white flowers such a perfect match!
    And you were right to make a special reference to Johanna and her lovely china rose. She's so creative... and a good friend, too!
    Have a great week.

  38. Love your pink and gold cups! And your mincemeat tarts look yummy!
    Thanks for hosting this fun party!
    sandy :)

  39. Hi Sandi: I just love the picture of the plates shaped like a rose. It is just beautiful. I have never seen anything like it. Have a wonderful week. Blessings, Martha

  40. Hi Sandi,
    Good visiting with you this week!
    Loved what Johanna did with those tea cups! Looks just like a Rose!
    It took me a minute! haha!
    That was special of her.

    Thank you for all you do!
    Hugs to you sweet lady!

  41. Hi Sandi. Oh my goodness I love that Windsor tea cup. It looks very similar to one I have in my collection. That elaborate gold...gets me every time. :)

  42. Dear Sandi, as always, I appreciate very much your call to share this moment of friendship, offered with grace and good taste.
    Love the Windsor :-)
    This week I offered my small contribution with one of my cups.
    I hope to bake a few heart for the Valentine tea :-)
    Mini hugs from Italy


I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.