Faith Family Friends

Celebrating the Joy of Living & Home Making ~

Baking, Cooking, Decorating, Tea Time, and taking Inspiration from those I love and the world around me...

A sharing of my heart and my home from a Christian perspective

...with a wee bit of whimsy added.

Wednesday, 30 January 2013


"Dear God,
Protect our going out and coming in;
Let us share the hospitality of this home with all who visit us, that those who enter here may know Your love and peace." ~ Author Unknown

Hello dear friends and welcome to my HOME~

Hope your week is going well. I have had such a busy week so far and I was concerned I wasn't going to get my post up in time. To be honest, I wasn't even sure what I was going to share this week.
You see, Monday I had company and yesterday, appointments, so my time has been very limited. But I did find something to share which I hope you will enjoy.

Before I get to my own share today, I would like to feature the most viewed post from last week's party as well as the three posts which caught my eye.

Diane @ Cozy Canadian Cottage had the most views on her post about Abandoned houses. Once majestic homes now stand just waiting for some tender loving care. One's imagination is ignited by ideas when you take a peek into their once splendid interiors.  Can't you just imagine this room brought back to its original spendor?

This post caught my eye when Linda @ More Fun less Laundry shared a winter white setting in front of a beautiful window filled with sparkly snowflakes. Her table is set with white flowers and beautiful china. It really is gorgeous! Beauty and whimsy together is just my cup of tea.


Penny @ Penny's Vintage Home has been doing some decorating with white paint. Her lovely mirror and cabinets which house her collection of milk glass have received a wonderful new facelift and they look stunning!

And Jeannie @ The French Hen's Nest shared her wonderful doll house which she has painted and filled with darling pieces of miniature furniture. This is every little girl's dream and I, for one, could move right in!

Thank you friends for all your wonderful posts last week and I look forward to what all of you will have to share with us this week.

When it's cold outside, I often crave a spicy Chili and so today I thought I would share my Chili recipe. This recipe is of my own making and I usually add the ingredients from out of my head rather than follow a recipe. I have done my best to print out the ingredients for you.


Brown 1 lb lean ground beef and drain off fat. Add 1 chopped onion, 1/2 cup chopped green pepper, 1 T. minced garlic, and salt and pepper to taste. {I usually leave out the salt}

Add 1 medium or large can of red kidney beans
1 large -28 oz. can of Hunts Tomato sauce
1 large -28 oz. can of diced tomatoes
1 can of drained mushrooms or you may use 1 cup of fresh mushrooms.
Cook until onion, peppers, and if you're using fresh mushrooms, are tender. You can cook this on top of the stove or in the microwave for ten minutes. I usually do mine in the microwave.

Then add a sprinkle of chili peppers to taste
1 bay leaf
1 T. chili powder
1/2 T. oregano
Continue cooking on top of stove at low to medium heat for about forty-five minutes. If you cook it in the microwave like I do, cook for about twenty minutes and stir every few minutes.

As you can see by the collage, I have served it three different ways.

I serve it poured over rice with a tossed salad and garlic bread on the side, which is the way my hubby likes it.
I also serve it in a bowl with shredded cheese and a dollop of sour cream on top. And once in a while I add 1 cup of cooked macaroni to it and sprinkle cheese on top.

If I have some leftovers, I often heat it up and serve it with nachos and sour cream. Enjoy! My kids love my Chili! Hope you do too!

Thank you for coming to my HOME today and I hope you have enjoyed your visit. If you have something HOME related please link up below and I will come and visit you. Enjoy your day everyone.

As a courtesy, please link back to me so that your visitors may find their way here to visit with all my lovely participants.

I am joining the following parties as well~

Home and Garden Thursday
Share Your Cup Thursday~
Cottage Style Linky Party~
Tutorials Tips and Tidbits ~
Home Sweet Home~
Open House~

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Sharing from my heart~ Sandi

Monday, 28 January 2013

Tea Time Tuesday

"To my way of thinking,
there is not a more perfect day
for tea with a friend
than when it is cold
and rainy on the outside
and there is a hot, blazing
fire on the inside." ~ Teatime Anytime ~
A book collection From The Clever Factory

Welcome to another tea time, ladies~

I am so happy with the nice turn-out we had last week! You are all so sweet and really made my Tea Time Tuesday celebration a huge success. Some of you really went out of your way to make it special and I appreciate you all so very much. You shared special quotes about friendship, baked special treats, and shared special  pieces of china that you knew I would love. Thank you!

Before I serve our tea today, I want to share a photo from a post last week as it was created just for me. It was a little out of the ordinary and in celebration of Tea Time Tuesday's 3rd Birthday.

Isn't this pretty? I'm sure you will all agree! Thank you Johanna @  Silber-Rosen for creating this gorgeous china rose just for the occasion. If any of you missed her post then please do stop by and visit her.  

"Where there is tea, there is love.
Where there is tea, there is hospital-i-tea." ~ Unknown

We are in the dead of winter now and we have been having a  stretch of very cold weather. Jack Frost has etched his way upon  the window panes but inside, I have the fire burning so it's nice and cozy.

In the grocery stores, I am happy to find perky tulips. They lend a touch of springtime to any room. So, today I have set my tea on the table near the fireplace with some creamy white tulips and a simple tea. Why not curl up on the sofa and I will pour you a nice cuppa tea.

A pretty white teapot is wearing a garland of flowers....

"Usefulness is not impaired by imperfection. You can drink from a chipped cup." Greta Nagel

A beautiful Colclough teacup made in England. Some of the gold has been worn from the handle. Someone obviously enjoyed sipping tea from her. I wonder what parties she has been to!

Filled with Lady Grey tea, she sits ....

.....with her companion, a Windsor teacup to pick up on the romantic feel.

Both teacups are a soft pink with white and lots of gilding. I love both of these sets but I really enjoy seeing the rose in the bottom of the Windsor cup. It's something pretty to look at while sipping my  tea. I think both teacups are romantic dressed in their pink and white and gold.

Hubby and I had friends in for tea and I had made some tasty mincemeat tarts.  Would you like to try one? So good!

Speaking of romance, Valentines Day is coming up and I am going to be hosting a Valentines Tea to celebrate it. It is only two weeks away so on February 11th, please join me for another special tea. I find this time of year I am inside more and a themed tea is fun to look forward to.
This year, I thought I would have a Tea of Hearts, or shades of pink or red
What do you think? Would you like to join me for a Valentines Tea? If you cannot do hearts, pink or red, then just share what you love. I will be happy to just have your company!

I am always delighted when you stop by. If you have something tea related or coffee in a pretty mug, please link up below. Have a beautiful day everyone.

"How precious to me are Your thoughts, O God!
How vast is the sum of them!
Were I to count them,
they would outnumber the grains of sand."~ Psalms139: 17-18

I am joining the following parties as well~

Heart and Home ~
A Return to Loveliness ~
Tea Cup Tuesday~
Tea Cup Tuesday ~
Tuesday Cuppa Tea~
Friends Sharing Tea ~
Share Your Cup Thursday~
Cottage Style Linky Party~
Home Sweet Home~

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Sharing from my heart~ Sandi

Wednesday, 23 January 2013



"The home should be the treasure chest of living." ~ Le Corbusier

Hello my lovely friends and welcome to my HOME~
I hope you're all having a lovely week so far. It's very cold here on the Island right now. You could say, we're in the deep freeze!

It's a good time to curl up with a hot beverage and read or visit one another in Blogland. 

One thing I wanted to do today was share the most viewed posts from last week. Blogger finally got the browser button working so I am able to upload pictures now. Yay! 
So here are the top viewed posts from last week, beginning with the most viewed and the three runners-up. Congratulations everyone!

Bernideen shared with us the beautiful Lefton china she found while out antiquing. Isn't it gorgeous! Bernideen is a long time bloggy friend who has all sorts of party tips, recipes, and splendid table settings to share with all her bloggy friends. She also runs her own shop in Colorado. If you have never met Bernideen then please be sure to stop by her blog and say Hello.  She is sure to have tea and treats waiting for you. Isn't her china just beautiful? 

Diane is a fellow Canadian blogger who took an ordinary kitchen and turned it into a warm and cozy space. Just by applying her own special touches and accessories, it made a world of difference. I love her collection of Friendly Village china in the hutch!
Be sure you stop by and say Hello to Diane as well.  She will most likely offer you a cup of tea or coffee while she takes you on one of her little adventures.

Jeanetteann shared some of her pretties with us. If you love soft and romantic, then be sure to check out her blog. Don't you just love the bit of bling on her pillow?
She is a beautiful seamstress and has a real gift for turning something ordinary into something extraordinary. Her baby clothes which she makes are unbelievably precious! 

Debbie shared the many wonderful bargains she found while out thrifting for after Christmas sales. She came home with an amazing amount of loot for her home and decorating. She's all set now for her next Christmas, as well as Valentines Day, and St Patricks Day. Her hubby didn't do too badly himself! I love that little teapot lamp she found!

Thank you to everyone for your visits and lovely comments every week. My HOME party is the new kid on the block here in blogland and it is encouraging to me that you are taking the time to stop by and participate.

"Charity begins at home, but should not end there." ~ Thomas Fuller

Do you have a beverage center in your home? I know many of you do. This is mine and it sits in a little corner of the kitchen.
I don't have one of those new Keurig or Tassimo machines. I prefer to make my coffee in a simple coffee maker. I also have a little teapot sitting by as well as the cream and sugar.

Do you see the pretty tea cozy?

My bloggy friend, Lorena, made it and sent it to me a couple of years ago. There is a darling pin made out of real clay roses attached. She makes the roses too. I love it and Lorena is such a talented and thoughtful lady.  Thank you, my friend!

As promised at this week's tea party, I will share my recipe for Baby Cheesecakes.

Baby Cheesecakes

2 pkg. - 8 oz. Philly Cream cheese softened
3/4 cup sugar
2 eggs
1 T. Lemon juice
1 T. Vanilla
24 vanilla wafers

Place 24 cupcake liners in muffin tins. Place one vanilla wafer in each liner. Mix the batter ingredients until well blended and spoon  batter into liners until 3/4 full. Bake @ 350 for 20- 25 minutes.

Now comes the fun part! Top the cheesecakes with strawberry, blueberry, or cherry pie filling. You may also use fresh berries, lemon curd, or whipped cream. For a raspberry jam topping, microwave 2 T. raspberry jam for 25 seconds and spoon over the cheesecakes.

Cherry cheesecake...

Thank you for your visit today and please link up if you have something HOME related to share with us. 

I am joining the following parties as well~

Homemaking Link Up Weekend~
Heart and Home ~
Home and Garden Thursday ~
Share Your Cup Thursday~
Cottage Style Linky Party~
Tutorials Tips and Tidbits ~
Home Sweet Home~
Open House~

Cooking and baking, recipes, antiquing, artwork, home decor, ceramics, crafts, crocheting/knitting, quilting/sewing, floral arranging/gardening, homemaking tips, hospitality, refinishing furniture, renos, tea time, tablescapes, thrift shopping etc....Maybe there's a new baby in the family or you have a new fur baby you would like to introduce us to. They are welcome too!

If you are one of my tea friends and you mised my tea party this week, you are welcome to link it up here.

Anything and everything which makes your HOME more enjoyable to come HOME to, for your family, your friends, and yourself. As a courtesy, please link back to me so that your visitors may find their way here to visit with all my lovely participants.

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Sharing from my heart~ Sandi

Monday, 21 January 2013

A Tea of Roses for Tea Time Tuesday


Happy Birthday Tea Time Tuesday!

"Another fresh new year is here...
Another year to live!
To banish worry, doubt and fear,
To love and laugh and give!" 
~ William Arthur Ward - Victoria magazine

Welcome dear friends to Tea Time Tuesday's 3rd Birthday Party! 
I am so happy you are here to help me celebrate!  I have been blogging for a few years now and for three of those years, I have been hosting tea parties.

Some of you lovely ladies have been with me from the very beginning and I want to say a special Thank you to you for your dedication and support. Thank you to Bernideen, Beth, Carolyn, Debbie, Diann,  JohannaJudith, Kathy, and Sherry.

Since those early days, many more of you have joined me and I want to thank you too. We all have special people in our lives who encourage us and stand with us no matter what and you all bless me every week with your visits, comments, and friendship. I always feel like I'm getting a big hug. God bless you all!

Tea~ is a hug in a cup. ~ Patrick Jane- "The Mentalist"

"Make new friends and keep the old,

One is silver and the other gold." ~ Old Rhyme

I look forward to serving up tea every week and it is for me, one of the highlights of my blogging week.

This tea party today is not just a celebration of three years of tea parties; it is a celebration of you, my blogging friends. My tea party brings us together every week and it is wonderful getting to know friends from all around the world. I'm so glad you're all a part of my life here at Rose Chintz Cottage!

"There are few hours in life more agreeable than the hour dedicated to the ceremony known as afternoon tea." ~ Henry James

Today I have a special tea to share with you, a Tea of Roses, so please do come in and make yourselves at home. This is a long post, so pour yourselves a nice cuppa.

I hear that January is National Hot Tea Month in the States so I am happy to be sipping some nice hot tea today. I have Earl Grey is steeping in the teapot and I am enjoying a cup of Bigelow's Eggnogg'n Tea  which Kitty sent me.

It is delicious and a real treat this time of year. Thank you Kitty!

"Come let us have tea and continue to talk about happy things." ~ Chaim Potok

For a tea of roses, one must have roses on the table and roses on the china.

Some of you may remember, my father had a favourite china pattern; Royal Albert Old Country Roses, which is one of the most famous china patterns in the world.
He however never indulged in it because I had started another pattern for my mother and he didn't want to infringe on the joy it brought me to do that for her.
He did however, purchase a couple little pieces and when he passed away, my mother gave them to me....

This little china basket is useful for holding spoons at tea time. Like the china pattern, it is adorned with red, pink, and yellow roses, as well as lots of gilding.

This adorable little boot comes in handy for many things. I have served jam in it as well as whipped cream and Devonshire cream. Today it is holding the sugar.

I have always yearned for a teacup in the OCR pattern to remember him by and last Summer, on my father's birthday, my sweet hubby gifted me with one in memory of my Daddy and I cherish it.

Then, while I was away in Vancouver visiting some of my family over the Christmas holidays, I celebrated a birthday. To my very great surprise and delight, my family chipped in on a teapot for me; Old Country Roses.

The nice thing about all this is that Hubby had forgotten it was this pattern which was my Daddy's favourite. So you can imagine my surprise when I opened the box! I couldn't believe my eyes!
So this is how I came to have this beautiful set. My family is such a blessing to me! I was concerned about how I was going to get it back home in one piece, but I managed!

Old Country Roses and my father's violin.

"There is a great deal of poetry and fine sentiment in a chest of tea." ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

I chose two teacups for our tea, one for you and one for me.

This one is Royal Albert Tea Rose. It is a beautiful cup with luscious yellow roses and sponged on gold trim. Some of the roses are slightly kissed with pink.

"You're my cup of tea."

And of course, my Royal Albert Old Country Roses.

As you know both were made in England and they were both found in antique shops last Summer.

Now how about a tea treat?

I made Baby Cheesecakes for our party today. These are just little morsels of sweetness covered in your choice of toppings.

I topped them with cherries, lemon and blueberries, and whipped cream and strawberries. There are also little bars of Swiss chocolate. Which would you like?

I will share the recipe for the Baby Cheesescakes at my HOME party on Wednesday.

If you are a Follower, do not forget to enter my Giveaway which you can find on last week's tea post here. I will draw a winner tomorrow evening, January 22, and I will make the announcement on this post. So check back to see who the winner is. 

I have a winner for my Giveaway....... Jen @ A Garden of Threads. Congratulations, Jen! Please email me your address and I will get your package in the mail.
Thank you everyone for entering.

Thank you for visiting; you have made my day!

"I do not cease to give thanks for you." ~ Ephesians 1:16

I am joining the following parties as well~

Home Making Link Up Weekend~
A Return to Loveliness ~
Tea Cup Tuesday~
Tea Cup Tuesday ~
Tuesday Cuppa Tea~
Friends Sharing Tea ~
Share Your Cup Thursday~
Cottage Style Linky Party~
Home Sweet Home~

I am delighted you have stopped by for tea today! Your presence always makes my tea party that much more special and I am happy to see all your tea things, whether you have shared them before or not. This tea party is all about sharing your joy of tea time and any thoughts you might have on the subject. You may be as creative, fancy, or as laid back with your tea time as you wish!

Do you have a favourite teacup/teapot or mug that you would like to share with us today? I would love to see it and I'm sure others would too!

If you wish, you may do coffee instead of tea or the following is acceptable too:

Hot Apple Cider

Hot Chocolate


Iced Tea or iced coffee

Punch in a lovely bowl.

The Tea Time Tuesday button on my sidebar is available for you to use in your post or place on your sidebar if you wish. A poem, tea quote, or scripture verse would be more than welcome!

To be sure everyone has a visit, it would be nice if you visited the participant before and after your name.

As a courtesy, please link back to me so that your visitors may find their way here to visit with all my lovely participants.

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Sharing from my heart~ Sandi