Faith Family Friends

Celebrating the Joy of Living & Home Making ~

Baking, Cooking, Decorating, Tea Time, and taking Inspiration from those I love and the world around me...

A sharing of my heart and my home from a Christian perspective

...with a wee bit of whimsy added.

Monday, 21 November 2011

A Little Blue For Tea Time Tuesday

For the gracious gift of family and friends, Father, we thank You!

Happy Thanksgiving to all my American friends!

Welcome friends for tea and another Tea Time Tuesday....

We had snow on the weekend. Thankfully, it has melted. The only kind of snow I want to see right now is this kind; the kind that you apply yourself to ornaments and birdhouses!

This birdhouse had been part of a centerpiece I made years ago.

It's too early for snow, but settling in with a hot cup of tea and some goodies is just lovely! Don't you agree? While all my American friends are preparing for Thanksgiving, I'm preparing for Christmas. You see, we Canadians celebrated our Thanksgiving in October.

It's time to nestle in and stoke the fires of home. Are you seeing blue?

Yes, I am sharing blue and white for a change! This is another one of my thrift store finds from New Brunswick. I paid $6.00 for it. I finally have something blue and white to go with my Churchill Blue Willow plates. I have had these plates for years and never had a teacup to go with them.

The patterns are different but no matter, they still go well together.

Royal Homes of Britain is the pattern of the teacup made by Enoch Wedgwood of England.

This centerpiece was a birthday gift from a friend a few years ago. I bring it out every Christmas season. It is so pretty with its blue and white flowers, little deer, and pinecones!

Try adding a little maple syrup to your cup for a sweet touch of Autumn in your tea.

The Blue Willow plates as well as the red plates are made by Churchill of England. The two red plates were also a gift from a friend.

Are you hungry? I have a nice plate of crackers and cheese to accompany our tea today. This is one of the favourites on Bible Study night. So simple, yet so good!

Cream Cheese with Hot Pepper Jelly
Place 4 oz. of cream cheese in a dish
Microwave 3-4 tablespoons of hot pepper jelly for a few seconds and pour over the cream cheese.
Sometimes I sprinkle a few bits of red and yellow peppers on the top.
Serve with an assortment of crackers. Yummy!

I also made a Carrot Cake with Cream Cheese icing to go with our tea today. I substituted the walnuts with dried cranberries and I like it better as does my hubby.

He isn't overly fond of carrot cake but he did enjoy a piece of this. I like to heat it up just a bit so the icing dribbles down the sides.

A cup of tea and Victoria magazine is a wonderful way to spend some quiet time. The new issue is simply brimming with all kinds of lovely photos and stories; lots of  ideas for the upcoming season to incorporate into your own home. Isn't this cake on the cover of Holiday Bliss, pretty?

NOTE: Just a reminder about my upcoming Christmas Tea ....
On December 5, I will be hosting my Embrace The Season ~ Christmas Tea. It will be the highlight of the year. I hope you will join me and share your Christmas china and a Christmas craft, memory, or recipe with us. The button below is for your Christmas Tea post or to place on your sidebar if you wish.

"And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these in charity." ~ 1 Corinthians 13:13

I am delighted you have stopped by today and I would love for you to join me for Tea Time Tuesday! All you have to do is share a favourite tea cup or teapot, a coffee mug, or something tea related. If you wish, you may do coffee instead of tea or the following is acceptable too: apple cider, iced tea or iced coffee, hot chocolate, lemonade, or punch. The TTT button on my sidebar is available for you to use in your post or place on your sidebar if you wish. A poem, tea quote, or scripture verse would be more than welcome! Please link back to me so that your visitors may find their way here to visit with all my lovely participants.

I am pleased to join the following parties as well~
Victoria - A Return to Loveliness

Table Top Tuesday

Teacup Tuesday

Teacup Tuesday

Teapot and Tea Things Tuesday

Teapot and Tea Things Tuesday

Wednesday Tea For You and Me  

Tea Party Tuesday

Teacup Thursday

Friends Sharing Tea

Thank you for stopping by today. If you would like to join my tea party, just sign up using inlinkz below. I will be stopping by to visit and I hope you will keep the tea hot. Have a lovely day everyone.

1. Jacqueline  18. KathyB.  
2. FABBY: Tea Set & Pumpkin Bread Pudding  19. Tea Diary  
3. Johanna@Silber-Rosen  20. suzyq-atthefarmhouse  
4. Ruth, Antiques And Teacups  21. Lisa @ Allergy Free Vintage Cookery  
5. Trish~ Sweetology  22. Brenda  
6. Teacups in the Garden  23. Ann @ Christ in the Clouds  
7. Poetry In A Pot  24. Maria Andrade  
8. Kathy-Delightsome Life  25. Lavender Cottage  
9. Christine  26. Shel  
10. Cindy @Art, Books, Tea  27. two cottages and tea  
11. Cindy  28. THE GRAND LADY  
12. Gratitude Tea ~ Atteatude and Chocolate  29. Silken Purse ~ A Special Tour  
13. Miss Kathy@The Writers Reverie  30. Bess @ Fixing My Thoughts  
14. Breath of Fresh Air  31. Blue And White Tea  
15. jeanetteann  32. Favorite Tea Pot  
16. Martha's Favorites!  33. Princesa Nadie  
17. Carrie - Oakrise Cottage  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)
Sharing from my heart~ Sandi


  1. Hi Sandi, What beautiful teacups and china. I love all the blues. Great photographs. Hope your week is wonderful. Happy Blue Monday to you.......

    The French Hutch

  2. Hi Sandi,
    what a fabulous tea you share today. Amazing that you have so early snow. Your tea cup is lovely and I like how you set it with the snowed birdhouse. That looks great. All your treats look yummy and my mouth is watering. Thank you so much for sharing this great tea time. In Germany our Thankygiving is in October.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  3. A beautiful post. My Mother loved her blue willow dishes. Sadly we lost them in a flood when I was little, but whenever I see them I think of hers.

  4. Thanks for sharing your blues. Those snacks look yummy too.

    Happy Thanksgiving!

    Happy Blue Monday, Sandi!

  5. How beautiful, your tea cups and plates in transferware are gorgeous. You're sharing such a delightful tea party. Thank you for hosting and having me and have a wonderful Thanksgiving. FABBY

  6. Sandi, as always, your post is beautiful and gracious.

    Blessings to you,
    Barb ♥

  7. Blue and white is a favorite of mine. Your post is always!

  8. I love your new blue and white transferware. Of course, transferware of any colour is special. Your carrot cake looks delicious. I bought red pepper jelly at recent markets and love it as you do with cream cheese on crackers. Yum! Have a lovely week.

  9. ooh I love blue willow..I have a teapot and 6 place settings in that fashion and I just love it. Thank you for hosting, the birdhouse you made is so cute too. Have a great week.

  10. The blue and white is so pretty. Such a lovely teascape. Thanks so much for joining TTT. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. Hugs, Marty

  11. Hi Sandi,
    I've missed visiting your blog while I was forced to take a "time-out." Everything here is as lovely as ever. I like the blue! The birdhouse you decorated is very nice, I like bringing the outdoors inside...snow and all!

    Have a blessed Thanksgiving!

  12. Hi Sandi!
    YUM! The cheese and crackers look delicious! I love your blue cup. It looks amazing with silver ornaments and red transferware! Nice post. HAPPY Thanksgiving~ Thanks for hosting,

  13. Hello Sandi,
    Love your blue birdhouse along with the teacup - simply perfect! We are having unusually warm weather here! It is amazing how crazy the weather has been! I love your tea - will definitely try your recipes! Thank you for hosting - have a great Thanksgiving!

  14. Hi Sandi,
    That is a pretty teacup you found to go with your blue willow plate.
    I love pepper jelly too on crackers and I still enjoy carrot cake once in awhile.
    Sadly, my camera broke down so I have no tea pics to join in your tea time this week.
    Take care,

  15. I love Blue Willow, Sandi. It is such a classic design. Your tea table is so cozy with all the mouth watering food...Christine

  16. Hello Sandi,
    I love Blue Willow, too. Everything looks lovely and the carrot cake looks soooo yummy! Now I'm hungry! lol Thanks for hosting the tea party once again. Happy Thanksgiving!

  17. I'm so sorry dear Sandi, I don't know how I missed it! All it's fixed, thank you for hosting and for the lovely comment. Wishing you and yours a happy Thanksgiving.

  18. So pretty and the cake looks awesome. Happy Blue Monday!

  19. Blessings, Sandi! Such a lovely Blue Willow teatime! I have a couple of the Churchill pieces, and some older ones by other potters - there are so many. I've never seen the red before, though! I like to use my blue and white in January for the winter cold theme. And, January is just around the corner, too! Looking forward to crafting a nice Christmas tea for Dec. 5th!


  20. What beautiful pieces you have...I love blue and red transferware! I can't wait till your Christmas to start planning for mine. Thanks for sharing!!
    Miss Bloomers

  21. I remember my mom haveing the blue willow pattern.. I lovely tea and the cake is my favorite

  22. Hi Sandi, Lovely blue and white tablescape. I love them together for the Christmas season. Reminds me a cold, crisp day in December.
    Thank you for dropping by.
    Enjoy the week.

  23. Sandi.. the teacup is perfect with your blue and white plates... Oh yes, I'll have a slice (or two) of that delicious cake, please.

    I'm so happy the snow is staying away ... but you know it will make its way eventually. Have made note of Your Christmas tea party for Dec.5th and adding your button to my side bar... Happy Tuesday my friend, xo HHL

  24. Hello Sandi
    I love your teacups, I am a blue china lady so just love them. The little bird house is so cute.
    We must think alike, I am having a blue tea today too. We in Australia don't have Thanksgiving,but I love hearing about everyone elses. We are in the throes of the Christmas preperations. enjoy xx j

  25. Hi Sandi: Love the blue tea cup and china. The winter blues on that Christmas tree is also so beautiful. Have a wonderful week. Blessings, Martha

  26. What a sweet birdhouse!
    Your two blue and white tea cups are so pretty. I love how they look.
    Hopefully your snow will hold off a little while longer!

  27. Beautiful images as always, sweet Sandi! I LOVE carrot cake! The lacey spreader is adorable! Hope you and your sweet family have a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving!

  28. How lovely your tea setting is with the pretty china and delicious mouth is watering!
    Have a wonderful week,

  29. When I saw the first picture of the blue teacup, for a moment I thought I had returned to my own blog, the teacups in blue, love them! I have many of the same patterns.

    This month's Victoria magazine is a special treat to read with tea and snacks, isn't it?

    I am going to have to join your special December Christmas party. Thank-you Sandi, bless you .

  30. Hi Sandi,
    What memories hold so dear in these blue willow plates. This is a wonderful tea you shared and the carrot cake looks yummy. My mom loved blue willow and she gave me three of her best to display. Yesterday when we were unpacking the house I found the three plates and well you can imagine the memories that poured back, then to come and see your post. Thanks

  31. Hi Sandi! I loveee your teacup, it's gorgeous and what a cute bird house with snow on the roof, the little birdie is just adorable on the twigs behind the bird house, your carrot cake make my mouth water and I love your little reindeer on the mini christmas tree. Thanks for hosting and sharing!


  32. Very beautiful blue. They all go perfectly well together. I really love the shape of the cup. And when you added the red, it just made it pop! Very beautiful sets. Although the cake on the magazine looked very good, I thought your cake looked very scrumptious! All of the thick icing just made my mouth water and wishing for a piece. Your pepper jelly and cream cheese also made my mouth water. All a delight!! Truly!! Although your Thanksgiving was in October, I still wish you a Happy Thanksgiving and also a Merry Christmas.

  33. Hi Sandi
    Good match to the Blue Willow with your new teacup.
    You have some kind friends that have gifted you with beautiful pieces of china.
    I like the idea of cranberries in the carrot cake!

  34. Hello Sandi, Thank you so much for your visit on my PS post. We were traveling to FL on Sat. so my visits are belated.

    I love your Blue Willow china and your lovely ideas for Christmas. I too love a wonderful cup of tea. I will join your party on Dec. 5th. It sounds wonderful.

    Since we live in the mountains of NC we too get snow but nothing like Canada. It is always a kind of a fun time and we love the snow. Many times we get enough snow to keep us home because of the mountain roads. It never lasts though.

    Happy tea time Sandi.
    Hugs, Jeanne

  35. HI Sandi ... We're expecting a snow storm here tomorrow ...BRRR>> It's cold outside... A perfect time to read you post and admire your lovely blue teacups and china... They look great together...and all those yummies... I love hot pepper jelly on my crackers...mmm..You're making me hungry( Ha Ha ) A most gracious post...Thanks for sharing!!!..Hugs

  36. Hi Sandi...

    Ohh boy...we have already had a couple of snows here in Colorado, but it's a beautiful sunny day today!

    I'm just tickled for you, my friend...that you found such beautiful blue and white teacups to go with those pretty plates! You know, I think a place setting, when done in the much more interesting and prettier when the dish patterns are mixed and matched! I also love the little bird house with the twigs and tiny bird! That's darling, my friend! Thank you for sharing your beautiful new blues and the lovely tea and goodies with us today! You are such a sweet and gracious hostess!

    Thank you for the sweet Thanksgiving day wishes as well!

    Love ya,

  37. Hello there,

    Thanks for linking up!

    I love your blue and white tea..,Lovely!

    So sorry to be so late dear Sandi!.., (I'll pop back later).., Must run for now to errands with my hubby.

    ~(My computer kept seizing and my web browser crashing, multiple times today). ~ Oh my!

    Thanks so much for posting my Gingerbread Christmas Tea Party blog button Sandi, I really appreciate the kindness. (I posted your lovely Christmas party button as well, the week you posted it).., fun!

    Hugs WL

    P.S.~ My main, The Plumed Pen, post for this week's, 'Tuesday Tea For Two', will have to now become a, 'Wednesday Tea For you And Me' as in old times. (It has been a bit of wild old time and then some, not just with the computer)...,Oh well!

    I'll link The Plumed Pen up tomorrow.

    ~ God is always most gracious and good however, and I'm full of thanks giving for His tender mercies daily, despite my; 'tempest in a teapot'.

  38. Beautiful blue dishes. I like that they go well in any season. I'm going to try making carrot cake with dried crandberries. Looks delicious.
    We got our first real snow a few days ago, just in time for Christmas decorating!

  39. I am in love with blue was my mom's most favourite...
    you are such a gracious hostess...always stopping by! I thank you for that.

  40. They say everything tastes better on a plate of blue and white. I love your blue and white dishes. Happy Thanksgiving! Pat

  41. Dear Sandi
    Sorry this week I am late but I don´t have too many free time so I posted my tea cup but I didn´t link it
    I have the same Blue Willow plates I use them every day for lunch or dinner
    The tea cup is very pretty ,now I remember I have a very similar one in pink color and perhaps next week I´ll show it
    Love for you

  42. HI Sandie...had to pop by to say hi...send hugs and let you know I'm thinking about you....beautiful gentle things on your that little birdhouse. Have a great day out there......

  43. Hi Sandi! Oh, what a beautiful post and I love your blue and white tea cup. Thank you so much for popping in to see me.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  44. Sandi, Your blue china and tea cup are really lovely! I like the birdhouse too. I mailed you a little something a week or so ago - hope you enjoy it. Wishing you a very Merry Christmas filled with joy and family. Make memories!
    Hugs, Beth


I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.