Friday, 29 July 2011
Spiritual Sundays ~ Good News!
with Charlotte and Ginger. I have missed a couple of weeks because Hubby and I have been on vacation but I'm back this week with some Good News!
Aren't you glad God never takes a vacation?
When the Lord Jesus walked this earth, He went about doing good and He brought Good News to all. He is in fact, the Good News!
The Word of God says, Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today, yes and forever. ~ Hebrews 13:8
He never changes and neither does His Word!
As many of you know, I have been experiencing some health problems and many of you have been praying for me. I want you to know that I have felt your prayers and God has given me grace to walk in.
He has heard your prayers and answered them according to His will....
"Therefore I say to you, do not worry about your life." ~ Luke 12:22
I will back up a bit in case some of you are not aware...I had a report come back a couple of months ago which was not favourable. Since then I have been poked, prodded, and sliced. However, the good news is, no malignancy was found! I will be under the watchful eye of the doctor for several months but as of right now, all looks well. I believe it will remain that way. Praise the Lord!
From the bottom of my heart; THANK YOU, YOU ARE THE BEST!
God bless each one of you and grant you the desires of your heart!
Sharing from my heart~ Sandi
Pink Saturday ~ In the Pink!
Thanks to our hostess Beverly for bringing all her pinkies together for another week.
If you like the colour pink then please visit Beverly and all her pink participants for a pinkalicious party.
Monday, 25 July 2011
Tea Time Tuesday
"Come and share a pot of tea, My home is warm and my friendship's free." ~ Emilie Barnes
Welcome to my 78th Tea Time Tuesday dear friends. Please come in and make yourself at home. I am simply delighted you have come for tea!
I want to thank everyone for your visits and lovely comments last week. It was a great party!
Hubby and I are still on vacation and we are on the go a lot so please be patient with my visiting. I promise to visit you before the end of the week.
As I mentioned last week, I have a new treasure to share with you today.
While out and about on one of our day trips, Hubby and I visited an antique shop where we found this lovely teacup. I have always been attracted to certain colours and peach is one of them. I have never seen this particular teacup before.
It is Royal Chelsea number 160A and made in England of fine bone china. Isn't she pretty? I couldn't find any history about the cup but my friend Ruth from Antiques and Teacups ~ had the information I was looking for. Thank you Ruth!
The teacup dates 1943-1951. The company is really New Chelsea that started in 1912 in Longton, Staffordshire by Stoke-on-Trent, and this is one of their later marks. They closed in 1961.
I checked on eBay and my teacup is selling for twice what Hubby paid for it.
It is a beautiful warm peach on the outside with a white interior adorned with lovely posies of every hue.
It is a unique teacup in that it has an unusual gold trim. The cup itself has a plain gold loop handle and a slight pedestal.
The saucer has a sweet nosegay of posies in the center and is adorned with the same broken gold trim around the edge.
I just love this teacup and Hubby was so sweet to get it for me!
Time for tea...
I am using my Skye McGhie Cream Lace teapot with a Skye McGhie cream and sugar in the Country Rose pattern.
The roses are a pretty pinky peach colour and don't the colours all look lovely together with my new teacup?
The teacup appears to be blushing with the rose snuggled up to it. I love to savor the blush of a rose, the chink of china against its pretty saucer, and the intricate design of lace. I think they were made for each other, don't you?
Ah, it's a lovely cup of tea! I enjoy my tea black with no sugar. It's wonderful to sip from this pretty teacup and enjoy the flowers beneath the amber liquid.
The mere chink of cups and saucers tunes the mind to happy repose. ~ George Gissing
"Finally, rejoice, be made complete, be comforted, be like-minded, live in peace; and the God of love and peace shall be with you." ~ 2 Corinthians 13:11
Thank you for stopping by today and I would love for you to join me for Tea Time Tuesday! All you have to do is share a favourite tea cup or teapot, a coffee mug, or something tea related. If you wish, you may do coffee instead of tea or the following is acceptable too: apple cider, iced tea or iced coffee, hot chocolate, lemonade, or punch. The TTT button on my sidebar is available for you to use in your post or place on your sidebar if you wish. A poem, tea quote, or scripture verse would be more than welcome! Please link back to me so that your visitors may find their way here to visit with all my lovely participants.
Happiness is sharing tea with a friend. ~
I am pleased to join the following parties as well~
Victoria - A Return to Loveliness
Table Top Tuesday
Teacup Tuesday
Teacup Tuesday
Wanda Lee~
Teapot and Tea Things Tuesday
Teapot and Tea Things Tuesday
Wanda Lee~
Tea For Two and Wednesday Tea For Me and Thee
Tuesday Tea
Tea Party Tuesday
Lady Katherine~
Teatime Tuesday
Donna and Miss Spenser~
Teacup Thursday
Home Sweet Home
If you would like to participate in Tea Time, please use the inlinkz below to sign up. I welcome you all, but please, only tea things, no advertisements. Thank you and have a beautiful day.
1. | Trish ~ Sweetology | 22. | Very Special Teacups | |
2. | Johanna@Silber-Rosen | 23. | Lily-Rose Cottage | |
3. | Just a Little Southern Hospitality | 24. | Charlotte/Tea in the Garden | |
4. | Rose Vignettes | 25. | Poetry In A Pot | |
5. | Bella Vista | 26. | Enjoying A Lazy Afternoon | |
6. | Debbie-Dabble | 27. | Tea Diary | |
7. | Marie Arden Pink Living | 28. | suzyq - atthefarmhouse | |
8. | Christine | 29. | Pamela -teatime on deck | |
9. | Stressed But Blessed | 30. | Tea in the Garden | |
10. | The Tablescaper | 31. | Breakfast Tea | |
11. | Bella;s Rose Cottage | 32. | Marianne@Leisure Lane | |
12. | ATTEATUDE and Chocolate | 33. | Our Country Home | |
13. | Apple of His Eye | 34. | Silken Purse | |
14. | Celestina Marie Designs | 35. | The Plumed Pen | |
15. | Martha's Favorites! | 36. | Concetta's Cafe | |
16. | Miss Kathy @ The Writer's Reverie | 37. | Jacqueline ~ Cabin & Cottage | |
17. | Princesa Nadie | 38. | Maria Andrade | |
18. | Karie's Chic Creations | 39. | Bessie & Bea | |
19. | Ruth, Antiques And Teacups | 40. | Birdie Teapot and Creamer | |
20. | Fishtail Cottage | 41. | Shari's Paper Trail | |
21. | jeanetteann | 42. | Kathy-Delightsome Life |
Sharing from my heart~ Sandi
Monday, 18 July 2011
Tea Time Tuesday and Marty's Cloche Party
Hello friends and welcome to Tea Time Tuesday. I am taking part in Marty's Summer Cloche Party today so I have combined the two parties and you will see a few of my cloches throughout this post.
Hubby and I are still on vacation and we have been spending our time out and about browsing antique shops and such. The weather has not been very good for beach combing so we are finding other ways to enjoy our free time and looking for little treasures is one of them!
I am always in favour of decorating with a cloche. In the kitchen, a cloche stands on the counter holding some lovely butter tarts. My favourite vintage teapot, Rose Chintz by Johnson Bros., stands beside it waiting to be of service.
Sometimes I have my tea set set out in the dining room with fresh flowers.
I also enjoy displaying different pieces of my Rose Chintz such as this little vignette with the coffee pot. Yes, there's a little cloche within a cloche!
It's butter dish, but it is a cloche!
Today I have Cranberry Apple, Chai, and Rooibos tea tucked into Rose Chintz teacups along with one of my roses. I thought it all looked pretty sitting under a cloche.
Let's sit in the living room where I have tea set out on the coffee table. I am having Chai tea myself as it's my favourite at the moment.
Rose Chintz demitasses....I never tire of my roses or my Rose Chintz. What could be lovelier than lace, roses, and china!
There is no trouble so great or grave that cannot be much diminished by a nice cup of tea. ~ Bernard-Paul Heroux
I gave it a coat of paint and now it looks like this...
It may be hard to tell from the photo but the birdies are both a soft robin's egg blue, as are the eggs in the nest. So, do you like the cloche black or white?
I love cloches and I have several. I almost always have a cloche sitting here in the dining room.
And I enjoy displaying treasures under them.
Please come back next week to see my newest treasure which Hubby got me on one of our travels. She's a pretty thing!
Happiness is sharing tea with a friend.
Thank you for stopping by Rose Chintz Cottage. I would love for you to join me for Tea Time Tuesday! All you have to do is share a favourite tea cup or teapot, a coffee mug, or something tea related. If you wish, you may do coffee instead of tea or the following is acceptable too: apple cider, iced tea or iced coffee, hot chocolate, lemonade, or punch. The TTT button on my sidebar is available for you to use in your post or place on your sidebar if you wish. A poem, tea quote, or scripture verse would be more than welcome! Please link back to me so that your visitors may find their way here to visit with all my lovely participants.
I am joining Marty ~ for her Summer Cloche Party as well as these lovely parties~
Victoria - A Return to Loveliness
Teacup Tuesday
Teacup Tuesday
Wanda Lee~
Teapot and Tea Things Tuesday
Teapot and Tea Things Tuesday
Wanda Lee~
Tea For Two and Wednesday Tea For Me and Thee
Tuesday Tea
Tea Party Tuesday
Lady Katherine~
Teatime Tuesday
Donna & Miss Spenser~
Teacup Thursday
I am always delighted to have you join me for Tea Time. Please sign up using the inlinkz below and please do try to make an effort to visit as many tea friends as you can. If you have only a few moments then try visiting the name before and after yours. I am leaving the inlinkz open a little longer this week as I am on holidays and I am not at the computer much so I will be a little later getting around to your post. I will visit you by the end of the week if not sooner. Thank you for your patience and enjoy your day.
Sharing from my heart~ Sandi
Friday, 15 July 2011
Pink Saturday
Hubby and I are on vacation and I didn't think I would be posting this weekend but I just learned how to make a collage and I'm so excited that I had to share this first attempt with you! Hope you like it...
All of these photos are from my Tea Time Tuesday post this past week except for the one of the hand-painted bunny. He's extra; a gift from Celestina Marie @ Celestina Marie Designs ~
I had won him in her Giveaway at Easter time. Isn't he sweet snuggled up to my roses? I leave him out year round because he's just too cute to tuck away. He always brings a smile to my face. If you look at him closely, he looks very content and I think he's hiding a wonderful secret!
Most of you will recognize the Lavender Rose pattern by Royal Albert, with the beautiful pink roses sprinkled upon the white china. They were my mother's which she has handed down to me. The tablecloth beneath the white lace topper is also pink.
Thanks for stopping by and have a lovely pink weekend everyone!
Sahring from my heart~ Sandi
Monday, 11 July 2011
Tea Time Tuesday
Welcome my dear friends to Tea Time Tuesday!
Ah, summertime! My hubby and I are on vacation for the next number of weeks so I will not be posting as often. I will however continue to host my Tea Time Tuesday every week. Some posts may be a wee bit shorter than usual but I'm sure some of you won't mind as I realize they tend to be long. I may take a little longer getting around for my visits too but please bear with me.
Please do come in and make yourself at home.
Before I serve our tea today, I would like to introduce another tea friend. I decided a while ago that it might be nice to feature a tea friend every once in a while so this week I would like you all to 'meet' Judith of Lavender Cottage. I'm certain most of you have already met Judith as she has been a regular participant almost from the inception of Tea Time Tuesday.
This is what Judith has to say about herself....
"My husband and I just celebrated our 39th anniversary and we have two lovely daughters (two fine SIL) and six grandchildren that are a delight. The youngest and oldest are boys (4 and 16) and the rest are tea party lovin' girls. (6, 7 and 14 yr old twins)
I'm a freelance garden writer/photographer and initially started blogging to write articles to further my weekly gardening column. As we tend to gravitate to other bloggers with the same interests, I found a few to follow that also liked gardening. During this process, I ended up on Sandi's blog one day when she was hosting her weekly tea party. Well, hosting and attending tea parties is another of my passions so I was very happy to meet up with her. The earlier parties only had six or so regular participants and it's so nice to see how the numbers are growing; Sandi's an awesome hostess.
Thank you Sandi for hosting Tea Time Tuesday each week and bringing together a group of ladies to enjoy each other's company and get to know each other over a cup of tea."
Thank you my friend... Judith and I are both Canadians and we both love beautiful china, flowers, and tea. Please take a moment to visit with her and see what she is offering today. The lovely photo above is one from her tea post this week.
I have brought some roses in for a bouquet and sprinkled a few rose petals around on the tea table which I have set in front of the window. The whole table smells so fragrant. Now, let's enjoy a Lavender Rose tea, shall we?
Lavender Rose is a favourite pattern of mine. I love the shape of this teacup and the lovely roses with their touch of lavender, graceful handle, and softly scalloped rim.
I started this beautiful Royal Albert pattern for my mother years ago when I was first married. Since she has downsized, she gave her set of china to me. Thank you, Mum! I really am enjoying it!
Happiness is sharing tea with a friend.
Tea Tidbits ~
Did you know that you can feed tea leaves to your roses?
House plants thrive on cold tea.
I have made a dessert to enjoy with our tea. My hubby prefers cake and berries while I prefer a shortcake biscuit and berries. And since we are on vacation with little time for preparing, I am having angel food cake from the grocery store topped with luscious blueberries, strawberries and whipped cream. Doesn't it look pretty as well as delish?
This tea table just whispers of Summer to me. The scent of blooms and the freshness of berries are just a couple of lovely things I enjoy about summertime.
I am happy to join the following parties as well~
Victoria - A Return to Loveliness
Table Top Tuesday
Teacup Tuesday
Teacup Tuesday
Wanda Lee~
Teapot and Tea Things Tuesday
Teapot and Tea Things Tuesday
Wanda Lee~
Tea For Two and Wednesday Tea For Me and Thee
Tuesday Tea
Tea Party Tuesday
Lady Katherine~
Teatime Tuesday
Miss Spenser~
Teacup Thursday
Thank you for visiting Tea Time Tuesday. If you would like to participate in today's tea please use the inlinkz below to sign up. God bless you.
1. | Yellow Roses And Hydrangea | 20. | Sweetology | |
2. | Crafty Gardener, Canada | 21. | Celestina Marie Designs | |
3. | Christine | 22. | Deanna | |
4. | Beyond The Garden Gate | 23. | Princesa Nadie | |
5. | Donna's Designs | 24. | Tea Diary | |
6. | Snap @ Twisty Lane | 25. | alice in wonderland tea | |
7. | Miss Kathy @ The Writer's Reverie | 26. | Sall's Country Life | |
8. | Lavender Cottage | 27. | Lorena @ RoseChicFriends | |
9. | Johanna@Silber-Rosen | 28. | Charlotte Wilson | |
10. | Just a Little Southern Hospitality | 29. | Bernideen's Tea Time Blog | |
11. | Seaside Rose Creations | 30. | Pink Breeze Punch | |
12. | Front Porch Tea Table | 31. | Maria Andrade | |
13. | The Charm of Home | 32. | Charlotte/Pink Roses | |
14. | Kathy-Delightsome Life | 33. | Concetta's Cafe | |
15. | Kathy-Delightsome Life | 34. | Yvonne @ StoneGable | |
16. | Summery Breakfast Tea | 35. | Martha's Favorites! | |
17. | The Tablescaper | 36. | Linda Colantino | |
18. | ATTEATUDE and Chocolate | 37. | Shel | |
19. | Ruth, Antiques And Teacups |
Sharing from my heart~ Sandi