Faith Family Friends

Celebrating the Joy of Living & Home Making ~

Baking, Cooking, Decorating, Tea Time, and taking Inspiration from those I love and the world around me...

A sharing of my heart and my home from a Christian perspective

...with a wee bit of whimsy added.

Thursday, 23 June 2011

Summer Block Party~ Rose Chintz and Lilacs

Hello bloggy buddies ~ I hope you all enjoyed your first week of Summer.

Today I am sharing some old-fashioned lilacs arranged in my vintage Rose Chintz pitcher. As most of you know by now, the pattern Rose Chintz was produced by Johnson Bros. of England. It is a lovely summery pattern of pink and purple-blue florals sprinkled on a creamy white background. 

Most of this romantic looking china was passed down to me by my beloved Auntie P. who had received her first pieces as a wedding gift. This china has been a favourite of mine ever since I was a little girl. My aunt always served her meals on these dishes and so they conjure up wonderful memories of my childhood and visits to her home. 

Some vintage teacups look charming stacked beside the lilacs.


A string of pearls from Scotland and a vintage silver spoon accompany the teacup with a sprig of lilacs. Lilacs don't bloom very long but I will enjoy them displayed in my vintage china for as long as I can. 

Thank you for visiting today. I am joining these lovely parties ~

Sherry for her Home Sweet Home party -

Debra for her Blogger Block Party / Vintage Inspiration Friday -

Courtney for her Shabby Cottage Summer -    
Sharing from my heart~ Sandi


  1. Mi piace molto l'accostamento dei lillà con le belle tazze!Rosetta

  2. I thought of you yesterday, sweet Sandie. I had gone antique-ing, and I saw a large collection of Rose Chintz. I would have loved to pick up a piece or two for you, but it was SO expensive....not like that little 10 cent dish I stumbled on at a yard sale last year.

    Hope you are doing well and enjoying a lovely summer. I'm sure you are beaching, no doubt.


  3. LOVELY delicate photos. I recently have been reading about chintz and it's place in "tea history" quite fun. I will be posting my "Mad Tea Party" post on Saturday -- hosted by A Fanciful Twist the blog party should be quite fun. I invited Anne Boleyn to tea!! Take Care and hope you are feeling better these days.

  4. Hi Sandi... very pretty, dear friend! The lilacs and beautiful chintz tea set just belong together! Ohhh...and I love how you added the pretty strand of pearls too! Gorgeous...simply gorgeous! Loved your beautiful photos, sweet friend!

    Love ya,

  5. HI Sandi,

    I really like your china and Johnson Bros is awesome. I have at least one Johnson Bros. china piece in my posession...a different style than your china, but equally gorgeous :) :) I like the string of pearls just pouring out of the creamer :) :) Every lady needs pearls ;) :) Oh, the best part is hearing about your Auntie P...that's what makes your china especially lovely :) :) Have a great day. Love and hugs from Oregon, Heather :)

  6. Sandi,
    Your lilacs are beautiful in that china. Love the scotch pearls too. How pretty this all is. Thanks for linking it up at Home Sweet Home!

  7. Oh, Sandi! You still have lilacs? Aren't you blessed! Ours were come and gone by the first of May this year. When I lived in New England, though, I reveled in June as the lilacs came out to play and I could enjoy them driving to and from the closing days of school. The pearls are dear. Your chintz is chi-rrific!

  8. Hi Sandi,
    Isn't it lovely to be able to enjoy the lilacs again and this warm sunny day was a treat too.


  9. Sandie, Your china is beautiful and the lilacs..spectacular!

  10. Great pattern. I have a dinner plate I got in an auction last yr in a box for 50 cents! the lilacs are gorgeous!

  11. Hi Sandi
    Your lilacs make the Rose Chintz pitcher look that much nicer - good choice for a vase.

  12. The Lilacs are beautiful with your china! My Lilacs didn't produce much this year because I pruned them after a heavy snow damaged the branches last winter. It is nice seeing yours!

  13. Hello Sandi,
    your tea vignette with lilacs is beautiful. I love lilac alsoand your Chintz pattern is always stunning. Have a nice summer time.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  14. exquisite, sandi! i swear i can smell those sweet lilacs...a blessed weekend to you. -xok.

  15. so pretty. I have always loved this pattern. Your pictures are lovely.
    ~ ~Ahrisha~ ~

  16. Sandi,
    What a pretty post!!
    Thanks for the info about the strike.Joe was curious!
    I pray that the strike will end soon and your hubby will be back to work soon!



I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

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