Faith Family Friends

Celebrating the Joy of Living & Home Making ~

Baking, Cooking, Decorating, Tea Time, and taking Inspiration from those I love and the world around me...

A sharing of my heart and my home from a Christian perspective

...with a wee bit of whimsy added.

Friday, 30 December 2011

Pink Saturday ~ Happy New Year

Hello bloggerettes and welcome to my last Pink Saturday post of 2011! Thank you Beverly for hosting your scrumptious pink party every week throughout the year. You are a most gracious hostess.

Before I share with you my favourite pink of the year, I want to thank each and every one of you for your visits, comments, and friendship over this past year. You have made blogging such a lovely pasttime and I cannot imagine my life without it or you! God bless you!

I thought you might enjoy some holiday pictures before I share my favourite pink.

Teacup Christmas Tree

A little faux mercury glass birdie was a gift.

Christmas angel in pink toile.

My newest Snowbaby. She's called Goddess of Chocolate.

I collect SnowBabies from Department 56 and I have one named for each member of my family. This newest one is Jenna Lynn, named for my granddaughter. She is wearing a real knitted hat with a rosette on it. She also wears a little tutu, and carries in one hand, a chocolate cupcake which is topped with a pink candy. She wears her pearls and also carries a tote in the other hand with, you guessed it, chocolate! A gift from my hubby for Christmas this year.

Now for my favourite pinks.... The first is my beloved vintage Rose Chintz china which I collect. It is such a girly and romantic pattern, introduced by Johnson Bros. of England in 1883. Sprinkled with pink roses and pale blue forget-me-nots on a creamy white background, it is a pattern which I have loved since I was a little girl. Thank you Auntie P for getting me started in my fantasy which has now become a reality.

I have saved the best pink for last...

Jenna Lynn on her birthday December 4th with her new dollie.

Jenna Lynn wearing her pink fur-trimmed jacket.

I am delighted you have visited Rose Chintz Cottage and I want to wish each and every one of you a Happy & Healthy New Year. May it be bright and pink, with many blessings. God bless you all!

Sharing from my heart ~ Sandi

Saturday, 24 December 2011

Merry Christmas!

"Our hearts grow tender with childhood memories and love of kindred, and we are better throughout the year for having, in spirit, become a child again at Christmas-time." ~ Laura Ingalls Wilder  

You can just feel the Christmas spirit in the air!
It has been such a pleasure blogging and as I reflect upon this past year, I am thankful for each one of you who has visited and commented on one or both of my blogs.
I want to especially thank those of you who have participated in my weekly tea parties. You are all appreciated so very much.

May you have the gladness of Christmas which is HOPE;
The spirit of Christmas which is PEACE;
The heart of Christmas which is LOVE. ~ Ada V. Hendricks

From my heart to yours, A Very Merry Christmas!

Sharing from my heart~ Sandi

Friday, 23 December 2011

A Christmas Journey for Spiritual Sundays

Hello dear friends in bloggy land and welcome to my last post for Spiritual Sundays this year!

I wanted to share something meaningful which related to the birth of our Lord Jesus when I came upon this wonderful devotional written by Dave Egner from Our Daily Bread.

Christmas Journey

How far is it from Nazareth to Bethlehem? If you're in Pennsylvania, it's about 9 miles and takes about 10 minutes by car. But if you're in Nazareth of Galilee, and you're traveling along with your pregnant wife, as Joseph was, it's about 80 miles to Bethlehem. That journey probably took Joseph and Mary about a week, and they didn't stay in a nice hotel when they got there. All Joseph could find was a stall in a stable, and that's where Mary delivered " her first-born Son." {Luke 2:7}

But the journey for the infant Jesus was much farther than 80 miles. He left His place in heaven at God's right hand, came to earth, and accepted our humanity.
Eventually, He was stretched out on a cross to die, and He was buried in a borrowed tomb.

But the journey was not over. He conquered death, left the tomb, walked again among men, and ascended to heaven. Even that is not the journey's end. Someday He will return as King of kings and Lord of lords.

As you take a Christmas journey this month, reflect on the journey Jesus made for us. He came from heaven to earth to die for us, making salvation available through His death on the cross and His glorious Resurrection.

Praise God for that first Christmas journey!


Thank you Charlotte for hosting Spiritual Sundays each week. The Lord bless you and your family especially at this lovely time of year!

And from my home to yours, Merry Christmas and may you and your loved ones be blessed this coming New Year with Good Health & Happiness.

Sharing from my heart~ Sandi

Monday, 19 December 2011

Tea Time Tuesday ~ Merry Christmas!

"For Christmas is tradition time - traditions that recall. The precious memories down the years, The sameness of them all." ~ Helen Lowrie Marshall {Victoria magazine}
Welcome to my 100th and last Tea Time Tuesday before Christmas and of 2011. I will be taking a blogging break from TTT after this week's tea party until the New Year. So, I hope you will enjoy my tea post and you will miss my tea parties.

I will begin afresh with Tea Time Tuesday on January 2, 2012. 

The holidays are such a busy time what with baking, decorating, entertaining, and shopping, so it's nice to just sit quietly and have a tea break. Therefore, my tea today will be a quiet and simple one.

Soft white and a touch of pink will be my theme today.

I am sipping tea from my crystal studded teacup. The sparkles add a wee bit of bling to the tea table and is perfect for the Christmas season, don't you agree?

Sprigs of evergreen from our tree add a festive touch as well as a fresh scent.

The thing I like about this teacup is that both sides are beautiful. 

The best of all gifts around any Christmas tree: the presence of a happy family all wrapped up in each other.~ Burton Hillis

I have been busy baking shortbread among other things....

...and I thought I would enjoy one with a cup of tea. 

Time to savour the season over a cup of Stash Holiday Chai tea. It is just right with a freshly baked scone or two.

Happiness is sharing tea with a friend.

TEA TIP~ To make your scones a little more festive for tea, why not drizzle icing over them when they're hot from the oven.

These scones are wonderful! I made them with candied fruit, the kind you use in fruit cake. I added allspice and cinnamon to the mixture and then I drizzled icing over them when they were hot from the oven. Yum!

Do you like my Christmas tree plate? I have a few pieces of this china which I always take out at Christmastime. It's such a whimsical pattern and I love the little teddy bear sitting beneath the tree! I know a little girl who will one day love it too.

"Christmas waves a magic wand over this world, and behold, everything is softer and more beautiful." ~ Norman Vincent Peale

Love came down at Christmas,
Love all lovely, Love Divine;
Love was born at Christmas;
Star and angels gave the sign.
Christina Rosetti

"...for behold, I bring you good news of a great joy which shall be for all the people; for today in the city of David there has been born for you a Saviour, who is Christ the Lord." ~ Luke 2: 10-11

Jesus is the Reason for the Season.

Thank you for stopping by today. I would like to invite you to join me for Tea Time and all you have to do is share a favourite teacup or coffee mug or something tea related. You may do coffee or hot chocolate, hot apple cider or eggnog instead if you wish. A poem, scripture verse, or tea quote would be most welcome and the TTT button on my sidebar is available for you to use in your post or sidebar if you so desire. As a courtesy please link back to me so your visitors may find their way here and visit with all my lovely participants. 

I am also joining the following parties this week~ 

Home Sweet Home

Victoria- A Return to Loveliness

Teacup Tuesday

Teacup Tuesday

Wanda Lee~
Teapot and Tea Things Tuesday

Teapot and Tea Things Tuesday

Wanda Lee~
Tea For Two and Wednesday Tea For Me and Thee

Tea Party Tuesday

Friends Sharing Tea


Miss Spenser~
Teacup Thursday

For somehow, not only at Christmas, but all the long year through, the joy that you give to others is the joy that comes back to you. ~ John Greenleaf Whittier

To all my wonderful tea party friends  ~ Thank you for your visits, comments, and participation in my tea party this past year. Your lovely presence is what made my tea party so enjoyable and one which I looked forward to hosting every week.

Merry Christmas and A Happy & Healthy New Year!

I am simply delighted that you have stopped by for tea with me today! Please use the inlinkz below to sign up for Tea Time Tuesday. Thank you so much for joining me for tea this past year. Your visits and participation have made it all worthwhile. God bless you all!

1. Johanna  20. A Merry Christmas Tea Party  
2. Diann @ The Thrifty Groove  21. Martha's Favorites!  
3. Little Women & tea  22. Teacups In The Garden  
4. CarolS  23. Christmas Mantel and Vignettes  
5. 1940s Christmas Wedding  24. Tea Diary  
6. Brenda-DownMemory  25. Hats'n Hospitalitea  
7. Trish~ Sweetology  26. Celestina Marie Designs  
8. Linderhof  27. A Sheepish Christmas  
9. Lavender Cottage  28. Donna's Designs  
10. Snap @ Twisty Lane  29. Maria Andrade  
11. Christmas Nights  30. Anglers Rest  
12. Birthday Christmas Tea  31. Kathryn Ross  
13. Beth @ conversations from my house  32. Snow for the Snowlady Tea  
14. Ruth, Antiques And Teacups  33. Christmas Gift Ideas/Holiday Teas  
15. Time Was Antiques  34. Homemade Gifts  
16. Bella's Rose Cottage Christmas Tea and Cookies...  35. suzyq - atthefarmhouse  
17. FABBY: White Scapes  36. Tea and Friendship  
18. The Tablescaper  37. Maria Andrade  
19. The Plumed Pen  38. Poetry In A Pot~  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Sharing from my heart ~ Sandi

Friday, 16 December 2011

Around My Cottage for Pink Saturday

Hello everyone and welcome to my Pink Saturday post. Many thanks to Beverly for hosting this pink party so faithfully every week.

Today I'm sharing a few pictures from around my cottage.

I've been busy baking. Shortbread anyone? Some are iced with pink frosting.

Old fashioned ribbon candy ornaments decorate a mismatched teacup and saucer.

Cup of tea and some gingerbread?

The musical Gingerbread House plays The Dance of the Sugarplum Fairy when you ring the doorbell. The gumdrops also light up and keep time to the music. A delight to my grandchildren!

Kitchen window.

Hurricane lamp centerpiece on the coffee table.

My wooden rocking horse, wearing a pink bow, sits by the fireplace.

A pink toile angel.

A little tree in the dining room.

The patio doors and chandy all decked out for the season.

A vignette in the main bath.

A pink mercury glass hurricane lamp in the bedroom.

This is part of my Christmas Village. The farm house, barn and silo, and water mill, I made for my father years ago.

They are all made of ceramic.

This Village is spread out along the ledge in our family room.

And finally our Christmas tree which is in the family room this year. It is covered in ornaments collected over almost forty years. Most are gifts from family members and friends and they hold much sentimental value. Burgundy and gold sheer ribbon is used on the tree and a collection of dolls and teddy bears wait beneath its branches.  

To see my fireplace mantel please see my last week's Pink Saturday post here.

Thank you for visiting and I wish you all  A Very Merry Christmas and  A Happy & Healthy New Year!

Sharing from my heart~ Sandi

Monday, 12 December 2011

A Gingerbread Tea for Tea Time Tuesday

"Christmas is a season for kindling the fire for hospitality in the hall; the genial flame of charity in the heart." ~ Washington Irving

Welcome dear friends to Tea Time Tuesday's GingerbreaTea with the lovely Wanda Lee and Pam.

Today's tea party is all about featuring the wonderful spice, ginger, and what would Christmas be without Gingerbread? When my children were growing up, I made gingerbread boys every year for Christmas. They are such wonderful spicy and whimsical cookies which can be enjoyed not only with a glass of milk or a cup of tea, but they make delightful decorations as well.

Hubby likes to dunk his into his tea!

For today's tea, I am going to show you some of the gingerbread decorations around my home. So, grab your teacup and saucer and come follow me, won't you.

We'll start with this candy-striped plate stand. It's not gingerbread, but it's cute, isn't it?

These little Gingerbread boys are frolicking in the snow.

My Snowlady baker welcomes you with a big smile and beckons you to pull up a seat and enjoy some gingerbread and tea...Her arms are filled with spicy treats.

Today I am using the Christmas teapot Hubby gifted me with last year. The Gingerbread boys are looking on and admiring it!

They love to frolic on the tea table too; they're so excited to see you come for tea!

Would you like a Gingerbread cookie?

Mmmm, tea and cookies!

Happiness is sharing tea with a friend.

My Gingerbread House usually sits on the kitchen counter next to the gumdrop tree.
After their visit, my grandchildren get to take the gumdrop tree home with them.

Today I will use the house on my tea table. 

My grandchildren just love my musical Gingerbread House and they take turns ringing the doorbell which then plays a magical Dance of the Sugarplum Fairy.

Gingerbread and candy canes.

Old fashioned Ribbon candy ornaments.

Christmas is a time to bring out all the pretties; the festive ornaments; the sparkle and the glitter.  It's a time to bring on the candy; faux or the real deal... It's the season to be extravagant with your decor and your food. Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year; a season of Good will toward men. It's the Season of LOVE that should reign in your heart all year round.

Perhaps that is the true gift of a teatime celebration:
It fills our cups with joy and warmth and friendship. 
May the echo of the teacup’s message be heard not 
only at Christmas, not only on special occasions, 
but anytime friends come together.

Emelie Barnes

"And suddenly there appeared with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, "Glory to God in the highest, And on earth peace among men with whom He is pleased."  - Luke 2:13-14

Wishing you all a Merry Christmas!

I am delighted you have stopped by today and I would love for you to join me for Tea Time. All you have to do is share a favourite tea cup or teapot, a coffee mug, or something tea related. If you wish, you may do coffee instead of tea or the following is acceptable too: apple cider, iced tea or iced coffee, hot chocolate, lemonade, or punch. The TTT button on my sidebar is available for you to use in your post or place on your sidebar if you wish. A poem, tea quote, or scripture verse would be more than welcome! Please link back to me so that your visitors may find their way here to visit with all my lovely participants.

I am joining the following parties as well~

I'll Be Home For Christmas Linky Party

Victoria - A Return to Loveliness

Table Top Tuesday

Teacup Tuesday

Teacup Tuesday

Teapot and Tea Things Tuesday

Teapot and Tea Things Tuesday

Tea For Two and Wednesday Tea For Me and Thee

Tea Party Tuesday
Friends Sharing Tea


Teacup Thursday

Thank you dear friends for visiting today. I would love for you to join me for tea and you may use the inlinkz below to sign up. I look forward to seeing all your lovely tea things. From my home to yours ~ Merry Christmas!

1. Carrie-Oak Rise Cottage  18. Trish~ Sweetology  
2. The Charm of Home  19. Gingerbread Christmas tea  
3. Lavender Cottage  20. suzyq - atthefarmhouse  
4. Johanna@Silber-Rosen  21. Tea Diary  
5. Ruth, Antiques And Teacups  22. Hats'n Hospitalitea  
6. Bella Vista  23. Shel  
7. Teapot Giveaway @Art, Books, Tea  24. Millie  
8. Nutcracker Christmas - and Teacup Give Away  25. Snap @ Twisty Lane  
9. Ruth, Time Was Antiques  26. Maria Andrade  
10. HospitaliTea  27. The Plumed Pen  
11. Christmas  28. Ann (What I Love about...)  
12. Miss Kathy@The Writers Reverie  29. Beth - Pink Tea  
13. Beth @ conversations from my house  30. Silken Purse ~ Gingerbread Tea  
14. Linderhof  31. Kathy-Delightsome Life  
15. Fabby: Entrance & Kitchen Christmas  32. Chatching the Gingerbread Man...  
16. Cup Of Christmas Tea  33. Snowlady Teaparty  
17. Scones, Jam & Tea  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Sharing from my heart ~ Sandi