"Let us be grateful to the people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom." ~ Marcel Proust
Welcome dear friends to my last Tea Time in the month of April ~ I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. Do you like my green carnations? They smell as good as they look! They had so many lovely colours to choose from at the grocery store and I was tantalized by the peach, the pink, the white, and the green. I chose the green just for a change.
A couple of weeks ago when I visited Fabby, she had shared a pretty new teapot. And as always, Fabby had set a lovely table but on this particular day she had also shared her tea chest. It inspired me to share mine with you.
So today's tea is a little chintz I set up with the wonderful tea chest that I won in Bernideen's Giveaway a couple of years ago.
Some pretty teacups and a teapot are accompanied by the tea chest which holds a variety of tea. This chest keeps my tea fresh and handy at all times. The chest is a beautiful burgundy and on the lid is a lovely cameo. The interior is lined with a gold sateen with the Victorian Trading Co. emblem.
A Rose Chintz teacup by Gracie china.
Rose Bud teapot by Maxwell and Williams. Earl Grey is steeping.
"The very sight of a teapot puts a smile on the face of most people. One cannot help but think of more serene and genteel times. From a whimsical child's teapot to an elegant English Teapot, to collectible teapots that adorn some homes, they are a subtle reminder of all that is good in the world." ~ Barbara Roberts
Rose Bud teacup by Maxwell and Williams.
For our tea treat today I have some home made cornbread with some delectable New Brunswick maple syrup.
Mmm! I think Mountain Maples maple syrup is the very best. If you live in the Maritimes, I'm sure you will agree. Unless of course, you are enjoying it right in the sugar woods!
You may wonder why cornbread. Well, when I visited Millie a few weeks ago, she had made cornbread and I've been craving it ever since!
So, please help yourselves because I have plenty.
Thank you to both Fabby and Millie today for their inspiration, and to Bernideen for the lovely tea chest. I would also like to thank Kathy for her directions on how to apply the copyright symbol to my photos.
I know my photos are not exactly magazine worthy, however after the scraping ordeal some of our friends went through, I am applying this to my photos from now on. Like all of you, I go to a lot of work to get my post ready and I would not appreciate it being stolen.
"We know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God..."~ Romans 8:28 {NLT Bible}
I would love for you to join me by simply sharing a favourite teacup/teapot or coffee cup and then create a post around it. Perhaps you have a special tablescape you would like to share with us or you have had the pleasure of visiting a Tea Room recently. We would all love to hear about it. Please find the Linky below and I would be very happy to come and visit you!
To be sure everyone has a visit, it would be nice if you visited the participant before and after your name. And please be sure to have a link back to this post so your visitors can find their way here.
I am joining the following parties as well~
A Return to Loveliness ~ http://www.adelightsomelife.com/
Tea Cup Tuesday~ http://artfulaffirmations.blogspot.com/
Tea Cup Tuesday ~ http://www.marthasfavorites.com/
Tuesday Cuppa Tea~ http://antiquesandteacups.blogspot.com/
Friends Sharing Tea ~ http://bernideensteatimeblog.blogspot.com/
Homemaking Link Up ~ http://www.hopeineveryseason.com/
Share Your Cup Thursday~ http://jannolson.blogspot.com/
Cottage Style Linky Party~ http://lavendergardencottage.blogspot.com/
Home Sweet Home~ http://thecharmofhome.blogspot.com/
I am so happy to have you join me for Tea Time! If you wish, you may do coffee instead of tea or the following is acceptable too~ Lemonade, Iced tea or iced coffee, hot chocolate, hot apple cider, or Punch in a beautiful bowl. Simply link up and I will come and visit you. Have a beautiful day!
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Sharing from my heart ~ Sandi