Today is Pink Saturday's 2nd Birthday and we're all helping Beverly to celebrate her pink event!
There will be lots of pink balloons and pink cake to be seen throughout our blogs today.

These are some of the patterns of my china. As you can see, I collect a lot of pink! 

A closer peek at some of the roses. She is a very well dressed young lady!
Well, folks, those are my pinks for this pink celebration!

A pretty pink embroidered cake which I got off the Internet, seems just right.......
My roses aren't in bloom yet so this is a photo from my last year's pink roses.
Now please come in and sit yourself down and we will have some tea. As you can see from the photo, my sofa is robin egg blue with pink flowers on it. There are also pink cushions and a pink throw which was hand made by my Auntie P on it.
I am serving tea in this pink floral teacup today. It is a set adorned with pink roses and other florals and I thought it would be perfect to take tea in today.
Please help yourself to the refreshments. There are warm Tuna Rolls served on my Rose Chintz platter and pink rhubarb pie and whipped cream served on a pink floral dessert plate. 

Lastly, I would like to share this lovely doll which was gifted to me when we left our last parish. She was chosen especially for me because of my love of hats which I usually wore to our services.
As you can see, she has lovely long blonde ringlets and big brown eyes.
Her frock and bonnet are trimmed with a lovely pink satin ribbon. Pink roses too are found along with lace, pearls, and satin ribbon. Pale pink roses and pearls adorn the bodice of her frock.
Please make your way over to see Beverly and her party of pinkies. Click on the link or the Pink Saturday button on my sidebar. http://howsweetthesound.typepad.com/my_weblog/
I wish all my American friends a safe and Happy Memorial Day weekend.
See you on Tuesday for Tea Time Tuesday.
Sharing from my heart~ Sandi