Welcome to Spiritual Sundays where we gather every week to share stories of our faith. We all love the Lord here and are not ashamed to proclaim it! I want to thank Charlotte & Ginger for their efforts behind the scenes and for making this event possible every week. Bless you, ladies!
Please click on the link http://bloggerspirit.blogspot.com/ or the Spiritual Sundays button on my sidebar to visit all the other participants.
A couple of years ago I had written a short devotional for the church bulletin and it revolved around the wedding of a pastor's daughter who had just gotten married. I would like to share it with you today......
Everyone enjoys a celebration! A few days ago, we were delighted to have witnessed a beautiful Christian wedding. Everyone was there to celebrate the marriage of the lovely young couple whom we have come to know and love. The church was beautifully decorated and the air was thick with the anticipation of what was to come.
As the bride entered the sanctuary, she was radiant, with tears of joy upon her cheeks. She did indeed, look every inch, a princess! While all eyes were focused on the bride, she made her way toward her beloved.
I couldn't help but also watch the face of the bridegroom. Truly, this young couple was very much in love and couldn't wait to begin their new life together.
It was an awesome and endearing sight!
But before this special day arrived, there were many preparations to be made. The bride had been very busy for months; meticulously planning for her wedding day. She had a list, which she had referred to; nothing was forgotten nor was any detail over looked. When her special day arrived, she was ready, and everything was perfect......
In my mind's eye, this lovely scene reminded me of the future, when the Bridegroom, our Lord Jesus, will come for us, His Bride.
We also, are to make ourselves ready for His coming. We are privileged to have the Word of God, the Bible, to refer to. Our walk, our talk, the places we frequent, are all supposed to glorify our Lord. Do our faces, our very lives, reveal to the world that we are pledged to our Beloved, and that we are expecting Him soon? Are we looking forward to His coming?
Just as the bride prepared herself so carefully for her bridegroom, let us likewise, prepare ourselves for our Lord Jesus.
His coming is imminent. Are you ready to meet Him?
"Let us rejoice and be glad and give Him glory! For the wedding of the Lamb has come, and His Bride has made herself ready. " REV. 19:7 {NIV}