Happy Thanksgiving to all my Canadian friends!
I just finished making my pumpkin pies and now I will take a break before getting dinner started.
While my pies were in the oven I did some experimenting on my blog. As you can see, I've added a picture of some of my Rose Chintz from my china cabinet. At first it was huge and I had trouble getting it down to a size to fit the blog; but I finally did it! I am so very new at all this and it is just hit and miss these days. Someday in the very near future, I would like to have my own design but not sure how to go about that yet. I want to put some music on the side bar too.
I welcome any input from you more experienced blogging ladies.
Over the weekend I went around my home taking pictures of things I hope to show you in the coming weeks. I do believe I'm getting to enjoy this!
Well my sweetie just made me a nice hot cup of earl gray tea so I'm going to bid you a lovely day and I'll talk to you soon. Take care everyone.