Thursday 8 March 2012

Dreaming...Outdoor Wednesday

Hello everyone~ We have a snow storm on the way and so I'm deaming of warm breezes and warm sunny days when I can get out and do some of my favourite things....

Like take a long walk along one of our lovely beaches....

....or a quiet path through the woods where the only sound you hear is the chatter of squirrels and the leaves overhead. The sound of snowplows and snowblowers are just a distant memory.

Dappled sunlight through the trees...

Spring is just around the corner and so I thought I would repost this from a couple of years ago. Want to come along with me? Grab a cup of coffee or tea and join me, won't you?

My hubby and I took a walk through what used to be Rainbow Valley, an amusement park for children and their families. It is just down the road from Green Gables in Cavendish.

Since then, the children have all grown up and the National Park has converted the grounds over into nature trails. It is really beautiful! 

This is the entrance to the grounds, where now only the elves and fairies and other wee creatures live. A lion guards the post.

I love how the old trees bend their branches down to the earth, making it a green canopy for dreaming under. One can still spread out a picnic if you so desired.

There are benches here and there to sit and reflect upon the beauty which surrounds you. Meanwhile, the elves and the fairies dance and flit among the trees and flowers. The breath of Summer is warm on your face and you remember.... 

I think I can still hear the faint sounds of children laughing. There used to be barns filled with little animals for the children to pet, water slides, boats to float in, and many other fun things for families to do together. The barns are still there but they stand empty now.
Now, all is quiet...!

Throughout the grounds there are flora and fauna. I don't know what you call this bush, but it was so pretty, I had to take a picture.

There is an abundance of Queen Anne's Lace.

A closeup; so pretty in a bouquet!

A lonely gazebo stands amidst the trees. 

This looks like an abandoned cottage, all boarded up. Wouldn't you love to take a peek inside?

There are lots of open spaces too. 

Off in the distance you can just get a glimpse of a little church in the Avonlea Village across the highway. We had to zoom in to even get this shot.

I took this shot afterwards.

Are you ready to take a walk through the woods with me? Can you smell the fresh air?

You can hear the chattering of the squirrels and chipmunks. Maybe even a bunny rabbit hopping through the brush.

One almost feels like Little Red Riding Hood walking through here.

Oops! I got someone's head! Could it be an elf?

Certainly not the big bad wolf!

I love to look up and see the sky peeking through the branches and I love the sound of the leaves rustling in the soft breeze! If you listen closely, you may hear the sound of children's laughter from long ago.

This is my favourite elf!

He is adorable, adventurous, mischievous, and just plain fun to be with! Some might think he's not long out of the trees! Regardless, I think I'll keep him!

Thanks for indulging me today. Pretty soon, I will be able to do just this! Hope it's sunny where you are. Have a delightful day everyone!

I'm linking this with Susan and her Outdoor Wednesday.

Sharing from my heart~ Sandi


  1. Absolutely gorgeous land! I so hope to visit your area someday! No snow here in our place (Oklahoma). It's all around us but nothing in my town as yet. Spring can't get here fast enough for me!


  2. Hi Sandi,
    What a beautiful walk with you this day. The grounds are gorgeous and I love the Queen Anne's Lace. I also really love the view of the little white church in the distance. Yes, my friend, I too long for spring and beachy days.
    Thank you for sharing your inspiring pics. I so enjoyed my walk with you.

    Blessings always.
    XO Celestina Marie

  3. Having lived on PEI at the time of Rainbow Valley...I remember all those fun things...we loved the paddle boats...I was sorry when it closed...but it is beautiful with all the trails and grown trees...truly the most beautiful place in the least my world..thanks for sharing.

  4. I'm so glad they made a parkland where Rainbow Valley used to be. I remember we took the kids there when they were small and our daughter was too small to go on the water slide but her friends could! :) It's a beautiful spot now. Beautiful photos. Thanks for sharing a bit of your island. Pamela

  5. Beautiful country Sandi, thanks for sharing. I have fond memories of the rolling hills of PEI from our trip there.

  6. I love walking in the bush the real bush where you have to hop over logs and just sit and watch nature and reflect.

  7. Oh what a special trip you just took us all on, Sandi!

    Thank you, I needed that!

    Just so beautiful and fresh.

  8. I loved the walk Sandi....and the little bit of a taste of PEI. It's all beautiful. And even though we didn't get any snow it's cold and like you.....I can't wait for spring again and to just breath in its beauty. Hope your thursday is the best.

  9. Growing up my most read and re-read the Anne Green Gables series soooo many times and I am currently reading the series to my daughter (we are on Anne of the Island). To see the pictures of Avonlea and to read about Rainbow Valley... I actually have tears in my eyes. What a lovely post. I pray some day I am able to visit P.E. Island. Until then I will be quite content with your blog.

    p.s. I just discovered your blog and I love all your posts, your blog is so beautiful, this one just touched me in particular.

  10. Oh the green. And the queen Anne's lace. It doesn't grow here. Such a gorgeous place but I bet it looks beautiful in a blanket of white too.

  11. I would certainly be longing for that park too! So gorgeous. I would love to walk through there. I never thought of the sound of snow plows! Maybe it will be all over soon.

  12. Hi Sandi, That was a wonderful walk, thank you. I am awaiting spring and all its' splendour. Take care, Jen.

  13. Very fun pretty and a breath of fresh air. We had snow last night here in Oregon and it was so pretty.
    I love the Little Red Riding Hood forest!
    Do have a nice weekend.

  14. This is the BEST post ever! Seeing the things the Lucy Maud {Anne} saw! You are so darn lucky!

    Thankx a million!

    m ^..^

  15. What a beautiful outdoor post. I loved going for a walk with you.

  16. So happy to come along with you on your trip. It's a beautiful place, with so much Summer goodness! The wood path was very inviting!

  17. I know I was supposed to be looking at the outdoor post but I found myself watching all the teacups and tea magazines down the right sidebar. I love teacups. Carlene

  18. What a wonderful stroll through
    your garden... hopefully the
    snow will not be as heavy as
    thanks for the tour

  19. Enjoyed your cyber walking tour. I'm pooped now, think I'll go make a spot of tea and then continue looking at the Outdoor Wednesday posts.
    Joyce M

  20. Hi Sandi, I'm late commenting but I have to say I am so glad I came to see you. Your post is beautiful and full of fun. The photos are beautiful and it was a grand tour. Thank you for such a lovely day with you in the park and especially in the woods.Big smile here.
    Hugs, Jeanne

  21. What a wonderful place to have a vacation in there. Enjoy your tour. :) real estate ph


I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

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