Saturday 6 January 2018

Tea with Anne and Me

The beauty of winter is that it makes you appreciate spring. ~ L.M. Montgomery 

Springtime, ah yes, I'm already thinking about it! 

Welcome dear friends and kindred spirits! I hope your New Year is off to a delightful start.

A new year, just like each new day, comes bearing its own gifts...untie the ribbons.

As I was pondering what to share this week I thought about Anne of Green GablesI've been thinking about her a lot lately. 

I suppose it's because I remember one New Years Eve my hubby, our youngest son who was eight years old at the time, and I curled up in the family room with some munchies to watch the Anne movies. It was a wonderful way to welcome in the new year and it's one of those lovely memories from when my children were growing up.

Have you seen the Anne movies or read the books? I like to read the books every couple of years. The Anne movies I am talking about are not the newer movies/series they have out. I am most disappointed in them for they stray quite a bit from the original story. I am talking about those with Megan Follows playing the lead role of Anne. I highly recommend those because they really are superb and follow LM Montgomery's story very well. The acting is so extraordinary, the characters will make you believe you really are in Avonlea. If you haven't seen them, you are missing out on a treat. 

Anne is our beloved heroine here on the Island and she is joining me for tea today. 

Most of you have seen the Anne doll that my father gifted me with his last Christmas. I cherish her and always think about Daddy whenever I look at her. My father knew of my love for Anne and he gifted me with two Anne dolls actually but my porcelain Anne will join us today.

She is dressed in her best pinafore and a calico dress. A pert straw hat with matching ribbon sits upon her head which has a full crop of red hair braided into pigtails. She has green eyes and freckles sprinkled upon her nose and cheeks.

When Anne was a young girl she possessed great 'scope for imagination' and she loved to dream about what it would be like to be a grown up. So, today we will enjoy a grown up tea with some treats left over from Christmas.

My Granny's pancake jug holding the ivy sits behind the teapot. The jug is over a hundred years old just like the Anne story.

I am using my snowflake teapot again which is adorned with an embossed snowflake motif. 

Won't you join me? I am having David's Tea Salted Caramel today and it compliments the Christmas treats.

Today we will live in the moment 
unless it's unpleasant in which case 
we will eat a cookie. ~ Cookie Monster

That quote made me smile and I just had to share it. 

Life is worth living as long as there's a laugh in it. ~ Anne of Green Gables

One thing we can all agree on; Anne made us laugh! I am very blessed to have someone in my life who makes me laugh. My hubby is such a clown and he loves to make me giggle. If I am upset or a bit down about something he will say, "Oh, there they are! I see your dimples!" Dimples really are my downfall at times. They're a dead giveaway when trying to keep a straight face. If you have them, then you know what I mean!

I have set out three pretty teacups; one for you, one for Anne, and one for me. 

Colclough made in England

Another Colclough. I have two of these teacups. I had one and then the other I received from Nancy a few years ago.      

This teacup and saucer is Elizabethan. This is the Island's provincial flower; the Lady's Slipper.

Each cup of tea represents an imaginary journey. ~ Catherine Douzel

My treats are all home made. 

I have set out donut bits, chocolate peanut butter bars, mincemeat tarts, sugar plums, and fruit cake. Please help yourself. 

"She had a good sleep that night and had awakened in the morning to find herself and the world transformed. It had snowed softly and thickly all through the hours of darkness and the beautiful whiteness, glittering in the frosty sunshine, looked like a mantle of charity cast over all the mistakes and humiliations of the past." ~ from LM Montgomery- Anne of Green Gables. 

Snow is like that. It covers all the ugly dried up leaves and debris making the earth appear as though a glistening white blanket had been flung down upon it making it fresh and beautiful again.

Tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it. ~ LM Montgomery - Anne of Green Gables

It's kind of like the new year! There are no mistakes in it ...yet! May we all use a little kindness toward others, use wisdom when we need it, talk less, listen more, and not waste a moment. Life is precious!

 Offer someone a smile even if you don't feel like it. It will make you feel better and it might just make someone else's day.

A smile is the best facelift. 

When we make a mistake, may we also learn from it and may we all shine like a light in the darkness. 

"Dear old world," she murmured, "you are very lovely, and I am glad to be alive in you." ~ Anne of Green Gables - LM Montgomery 

I'm so glad you are all a part of my world! I have made some very dear friends here in Blogland since I created this little blog of mine. I hope 2018 will allow me to keep sharing from my heart and maybe bring a little happiness or a smile into your day. 

Thank you for joining Anne and me today and the Lord bless you all! The majority of this post is a repost and I hope you enjoyed it.

The Lord bless you, and keep you; 
The Lord make His face shine on you,
...And give you peace. ~ Numbers 6:24-26

I am sharing this with the following parties as well~

Tuesday Cuppa Tea
 Friends Sharing Tea
 Share Your Cup Thursday
 Home Sweet Home

 Sharing from my heart ~ Sandi 


  1. Dear Sandi: Oh how I love to see a post about Anne of Green Gables. She is "surely" one we never tire of and we adore. All the charcters were so genuine. This week my husband and I were talking about how so many lingers for years in nursing homes with no quality of life. We both said we would prefer to go like Matthew did - out in the field, tending the things he loved. Well, I didn't really intend to get gloomy here but you get my point. I also love the Road to Avonlea series. How special that you live right there too! Thanks for sharing this lovely post with so many pretty teacups and tea wares!

  2. So happy to have tea with you and Anne today! I agree with you about the movies with Megan Follows being the best Anne of Green Gables. There are things that happen in the new movies that never happened in the books and are too "dark" as well.

  3. What wonderful companionship for tea Sandi! Salted caramel sounds delightful, and your treats look delicious! I have now watched the old Anne movies for a long time. I need to again. I recently watched the new series and enjoyed it, but really couldn't remember alot about the others. Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  4. Beautiful!

    "Today we will live in the moment
    unless it's unpleasant in which case
    we will eat a cookie." ~ Cookie Monster

    How true that is!

    Lovely post. Especially Aaron's blessing!

  5. Hi Sandi!How delightful is your post...Your doll is adorable,your teacups are gorgeous and your treats look delicious...And your sweet memories and "words" made me smile as ever!Have a lovely Sunday!

  6. i just love your sayings, your Anne doll and lovely teacups! I shared this post to my Vintage Treasures by Grandmalay, because this is National Hot Tea Month!
    Your blog is always such a delight to visit! Your treats look yummy too! May God bless you richly this New Year

  7. Dear Sandi, oh how I wish I could visit with you over a cup of tea and enjoy all the sweets you made and your dear company! I love your darling “Anne” tea and thank you for the beautiful quotes! Happy New Year to you!

  8. Delightful to see just a pretty table all set up with lovely china for an afternoon tea! My mother in law has similar Anne doll that she got when she went to visit Canada. She was so happy to visit the Anne Of Green Gables "world" and bought a few things back with her. Happy new year 2018!! May it a wonderful year for you and family!

  9. Le escribo desde Madrid(España)

    Me encanta su blog, lo leo siempre, pero hoy me atrevo a escribirle para darle las gracias, soy fan de Anne of Green Gables. Por cierto, estoy leyendo Anne of the Igleside. Y si he visto la serie que protagonizó Megan...
    Muchas gracias por este delicioso y emotivo té.
    ¡Feliz Año!

  10. I'd love to join you and Anne for a cup of tea. Please pass the raspberry cordial! Heh.

    I read the the Anne books published by Bantam Seal (like your books). I also liked the film adaptation starring Meghan Follows the best. You can't improve perfection so the recent modern remakes were disappointing. I think that they shot some of the second season of "Anne" around here as I saw film signs posted last summer. So I'll have to tune in to the new episodes to see if I recognize any of the sites.

  11. You always share the loveliest thoughts about Anne! I would so love to sit down to a tea with you and "Anne" as our virtual guest! Maybe someday :) We hope to return to the island soon for a visit, and perhaps we can do just that. Your tea and treats are absolutely delightful! You were quite busy making all those special treats! Many hugs to you today dear friend :)

  12. With three daughters, you can believe I've watched more than my share of Anne and in many different forms. I'm excited to have two grand girls who are getting towards the "Anne" age. I loved your post and the quotes interspersed with the lovely photos.

  13. You are absolutely in the best place for having tea with Anne Sandi! Wonderful! I love your pretty pink spooner and your teacups are wonderful. Family memories are such treasures! Your goodies are wonderful too...we are finishing of some treats too...probably good when they are gone, but will miss them! Have a wonderful week and thanks for linking to Tuesday Cuppa Tea!

  14. I love your Anne and all the lovely photos. The plate of homemade treats looks delicious!

  15. Your Anne is simply beautiful and I am drooling over those treats! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  16. Sandi, what a beautiful post in every way! I love Anne, and your Anne doll is the most wonderful doll I've ever seen. I'd be delighted to have tea with both of you! I didn't leave the house today, but I'll think of your post when I go out tomorrow and try to spread a little kindness.

  17. Delightful tea time with Anne of Green Gables! I love hearing about Anne and her winsome little quotes. I know I've already told you this, but I was named after Anne of Green middle name is Anne with an "e", and I am a natural redhead. My mother loved those stories and when I was born a redhead, she knew she had to make my middle name Anne. (Pamela Anne). so I feel like a kindred spirit and love these tea parties and stories. Thank you for bringing a smile to my face today!!! Happy and blessed New Year to you!!

  18. Your posts are always inspiring, Sandi. I love the quote at the beginning, "A new year, just like each new day, comes bearing its own gifts...untie the ribbons." So true! May 2018 bring you many blessings and good health!

  19. What a beautiful and tasty spread you've laid, Sandi! The Elizabethian cup is gorgeous! We used to hunt for lady slipper's in the woods when I was growing up in Vermont. I wondered about those new Anne movies. That is disappointing to hear. I will have to see about finding the ones with Megan Follows, as you recommended. I re-read the novels last summer and enjoyed them so much! How blessed you are to live where you do! Blessings on your weekend!

  20. Anne with Megan Follows was always my favorite! She is still a kindred spirit indeed! Thank you for sharing at Home Sweet Home!

  21. Dearest Sandi, Thank you so much for sharing your life with us, out here in Blogland. I have saved your blog, as my favorite and enjoy reading and viewing on the larger computer screen vs the small Android phone I have. Your love of God and home and people are an inspiration to me. I feel a Kindred Spirit with you, and really wanted to say, THANK YOU!! Hugs, Sister in Christ, Roxanne of Waynesboro, Virginia
    Texas born and bred and enjoying my Dream in the Blue Ridge Mountains..GOD BLESS ALWAYS, THANK YOU!!!

  22. Thank you, dearest Lady Sandi, for such a beautiful and Godly Blog. I feel we are of Kindred Spirits and just wanted to say THANK YOU for faithfully sharing your life and beauty of living with us here in Blogland! Thank you! Lady Roxanne Power of Waynesboro, Virginia USA...loving God in the Blue Ridge Mountains, USA

  23. Thank you, Lady Sandi, for such a beautiful and Godly Blog. I enjoy reading and meditating on your writings and beauty! Thank you!
    Lady Roxanne from Waynesboro, Virginia USA
    Enjoying God's Beautiful world in the BLUE RIDGE MOUNTAINS!

  24. Thank you for such a lovely Blog! I enjoy reading and meditating on each and every one! I appreciate your Kindred Spirit of loving God and loving Teatimes, too!! Thanks,
    Lady Roxanne of Virginia

  25. Oh, Tea with Anne, who could resist! I used to love all things Anne, and then I grew up and grew to love all things Lucy Maud Montgomery. I've got all her published journals and enjoyed them so much too.

    I have loved the old series with Megan Follows. I cannot bring myself to see the latest version, maybe one day, but to me the 1980's series was/is the last word in Anne and LMM. A newer generation may feel differently.

    Wishing you a beautiful day, Rose!
    Brenda xox


I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.