Monday 15 January 2018

Wintertime; A Time for Home

Winter is the time for comfort, for good food and warmth, for the touch of a friendly hand and a talk beside the fire: it is the time for home. ~ Edith Sitwell

Good morning dear friends and welcome to my little cottage!

It is time to tuck away the window display that I had out for Christmas. But before I do that, my wee china deer that my mother gifted me with years ago is making one more appearance.

I love figurines and ornaments! I especially love those that have a story behind them.

I am using what's left of my mother's Christmas arrangement for a centerpiece. 

Originally, that wee Santa hat was perched on a puppy's head. The arrangement was a gift to my mother from her sister. This picture really doesn't do it justice but you get the idea.

The puppy was designed with white carnations, black eyes and a nose. He had two front paws and ears as well. He was so whimsical! The bucket is a Christmas red and has birch bark around it with rope handles on each side. A matching birch bark bow is tucked into the greenery. A nice container to use again and again.

I have replaced the carnations and most of the greenery with some fresh evergreens from our back yard, then I added red roses and baby's breath.

Wintertime is the time for home, and a nice cup of tea in January is so welcome! Won't you stay and join me?

"Stay" is the most charming word in a friend's vocabulary. ~ Louisa May Alcott

My cups and plates are Victorian Chintz made by Burleigh of Staffordshire, England; a gift from my cousin, Val.

This mismatched cup and saucer are just pieces that I put together. Red/pink transferware looks so pretty in each other's company, don't you agree?

The teapot is called Valencia and I love the shape!
Tea towels make a cozy table covering on which to serve my tea. 

I made cupcakes for the grandchildren but I have lots to share. Would you like one with your cuppa?

A cup of tea warms the heart like a good friend. ~ unknown

Brrr! The weather has been bitterly cold the past two or three weeks but has moderated quite a bit which makes it lovely for getting out for some fresh air. So lovely in fact that Friday afternoon Hubby and I took our coffee down to the waterfront and sat in the car just to enjoy the view. Unheard of in mid-January on PEI! I should have taken my camera with me because I missed a very unique shot.

My son works outdoors every day but he still takes the pup for walks two or three times a day. The weather has been so cold, he hasn't been able to do that until the past couple of days. I'm sure the pup enjoyed stretching his legs in the fresh air too. The pup is a miniature pincher and he still looks like a young pup although he's getting up there in years! Isn't he adorable? His name is Spike.

Sometimes I'm really tempted to get myself a fur-baby. 

It has turned cold again since yesterday. Wintertime on the Island kind of dictates to us what we can do this time of year. We take each day as it comes and we try to make the most of it. 

Well, that's my post for this week. I hope you all have a marvellous day and thank you for joining me. 

I shall smile when wreaths of snow blossom where the rose should grow. ~ Emily Bronte

I am joining the following parties as well~

 Tuesday Cuppa Tea
 Friends Sharing Tea
 Share Your Cup
 Home Sweet Home

Sharing from my heart ~ Sandi


  1. Dear Sandi:
    He is indeed a cute little doggie. Your transferware is so pretty and I, like many, love the mix and match look. I find dark pink, red and darker red flow all together. Your table looks love with the towels too. Enjoy your week and your warmer winter there.

    1. Good afternoon. Today is my first day as a blogger. And I figured out how to join your blog. I'm looking forward to keeping in touch and learning how this works. I'm starting a tea society at my home once a month. Tea@3LadiesSociety. Hope it works out to be a fun adventure. Have a nice weekend.

  2. How cheery your post is.. as always, I just love everything.. The deer figurine is adorable and I love how he his gracing your red table. I didnt decorate so much this year but I just cant seem to get in the mood to put it away... I'm just calling it winter!!! God bless you in the new year and it feels so good to be visiting... I've been in absentia a lot myself .. good to be back myself!!!

  3. I agree that the pink and red transferwares blend together beautifully. I only have white and blue transferwares so I have to enjoy the red and whites through you!

  4. Hi Sandi, and Happy New Year to you! Lovely red transferware, my favorite is the Victorian Chintz of course. :) I always enjoy reading your posts and the wonderful quotes you choose to go along with everything. Truly a joy to read. Thank you! Spike is adorable!
    Have a great week!

  5. I also try to extend the Christmas decor well past Christmas. So many of my Christmas collectibles are meaningful and have stories behind them.
    Yes, Spike is a cutie. My twelve year old fur baby is such a joy in my life-100% unconditional love.
    Thank you for sharing Sandi,

  6. Your pretty photo's make me miss Christmas. I too kept a few things out that looks like winter..but I am ready for Spring!

  7. Your pretty photo's make me miss Christmas. I too kept a few things out that looks like winter..but I am ready for Spring!

  8. That is an adorable dog! It has been almost too cold for our fur babies to be outside for long. Love the red and pink transferware...had to pin some pictures to my Tea and Crumpets board. Tea really does taste better in a lovely cup. xoxo

  9. Sandi, I'd love to join you for a cup of tea! The quote, "Stay" is the most charming word in a friend's vocabulary. ~ Louisa May Alcott, really made me miss my mother, who always urged everyone - even strangers - to stay!

  10. Hi Sandi! I sure enjoyed your lovely post! Your red transferware is so beautiful and adds such sweet color on a winter day. Your little dear is so precious! We have real deer here in our yard every day! Your son’s pup is a cutie! Sure wish we were neighbors and we could share our tea times together!

  11. Gorgeous Teaset!Love your red roses too!Beautiful pictures,hugs!

  12. Sandi
    Your chintz and transfer-ware are lovely. Its very cold here too.

  13. I love your transferware tea, dear Sandi! The Victorian Chintz looks so pretty with your other pieces. It's still very cold here in Ohio, with snow all about. Wish I could join you for a cup of tea and a yummy cupcake. ❤

  14. thank you for this delightful winter tea time break. It is chilly here in Florida this morning, in the 20's, but that is probably warm for you this time of year!! I am enjoying a cup of tea as I sit here and write and read and catch up on my friends here in blogland. I love your red and white tea motif, and especially the cute little deer. I am happy you let him stay for tea. Have a blessed and beautiful day my friend.

  15. Hi Sandi. So much of the Christmas decor is happily reason why I love snowmen.... And red and white transferware pieces all work so well together, don't they? It has been a wierd winter. We had record lows followed by record highs last week, and now it seems, back to normal. Sometimes normal is good! Spike is so cute. We have missed or cat terribly, but it was so heart wrenching when we lost him, so I don't think we'll have another. Have a lovely week, and thanks for linking to Tuesday Cuppa Tea!

  16. Hi Sandi! I was born on PEI and my middle son and his family live in Kensington. Small world. Your China is very pretty. I am a huge fan of red and white. Your Christmas arrangements are just lovely. You should get a fur baby! We would not be without one. They have so much love to give and do so unconditionally! We love our fur baby so much! Xo

  17. That is one of the prettiest teapots! Sweet furbaby. I had 4 kittens abandoned in my yard this summer and they have became residents. We really never planned on them but they are very sweet. Thanks for sharing at Home Sweet Home!

  18. Sandi, I love the mixture of your pretty dishes! I love fur babies as well. Just don't want to have to worry about what to do with one when hubby and I decide to take off. :) Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  19. Your son's doggie is a cutie. Nice that he can come and visit you!

    Enjoyed the photo gallery of all your lovely things -- the last glimpse of Christmas and that beautiful tea set. The cupcake looked pretty yummy too.

    Wishing you a happy day...
    Brenda xox

  20. Good afternoon. Today is my first official day blogging! I'm looking forward to joining your beautiful and charming world of Tea and friends. I recently started a tea society that meets at my home.
    Tea@3LadiesSociety. Wish me luck. We meet once a month. And I have started to collect recipe and serving ideas. My Treasured Tea serving collection is ROSE CHINTZ by Johnson Bros. made in England. Passed down to me from my Grandmother in Ireland.

  21. Hello Phyllis and welcome to Blogland! I am so happy you stopped by and introduced yourself! I have tried to find you and I have found your profile but that is as far as it takes me. I am hoping you can find a way to make your blog accessible to those of us who would like to visit. Have a wonderful weekend. Blessings...Sandi


I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.