Wednesday 3 January 2018

A Holiday Tea

More snow came before New Year’s, and the harbor froze over, but the gulf still was free, beyond the white, imprisoned fields. The last day of the old year was one of those bright, cold, dazzling winter days, which bombard us with their brilliancy, and command our admiration but never our love. The sky was sharp and blue; the snow diamonds sparkled insistently; the stark trees were bare and shameless, with a kind of brazen beauty. - "Anne's House of Dreams" - LM Montgomery

Hello my lovely friends and Happy New Year! I thought Lucy Maud Montgomery's quote was a suitable one to start this new year off with. 
We are in the deep freeze right now and before this first week of January is over we will have a storm move in which promises to blanket our little Island with mountains of white snow.

The week between Christmas and New Year's is a good time to relax and reflect on the holidays and the past year's events. The new year brings new dreams and new possibilities; a fresh beginning!

A new blown glass teapot ornament from my son.

It has been quite the year for my hubby and me! There were some lovely moments when our family was home to visit and there were some not so nice with health issues, some which are still on-going. 

My sweet hubby just retired last Friday after being employed thirty-two years with one of the biggest corporations in Canada. He had been a busy guy having been bi-vocational during a number of those years. I won't miss his four AM risings to go to work and I will be happy having him around for a few weeks before he starts working part time at something else. He has never been one to remain idle for very long.

I just celebrated another birthday and I decided to bring out my Old Country Roses today. It was a family tradition at our house to get your nose buttered on your birthday. My father loved greasing my face and oh, how I miss him! My OCR reminds me of him because he loved the pattern which is why I am using it today. So would you like to join me for some tea and goodies?

If you're a collector of fine china then you probably know the story behind this famous pattern. But if you are not familiar with its story, here's the scoop:

Royal Albert's Old Country Roses is the most recognized and most popular pattern in the world.
It was designed by Harold Holdcroft in 1962 and was inspired by a typical English country garden with flowers in bloom and is recognized by its signature clusters of roses in deep red, bright pink, and warm yellow, offset by delicately stippled 22 karat gold rims and accents. It is a beautiful pattern which brings a touch of class to any table; from traditional to modern to shabby-chic.

My teapot was a birthday present from my family a few years ago and the other pieces were antique finds. 

Now how about some treats with your tea? 

Joy is another name for tea at its best. ~ James N. Pratt

Hubby got me two lovely strawberry cheese cakes for my birthday treat instead of cake. Oh my, the sweets we have had in this house lately! We both want to cut back on carbs and sugar and having all of these tantalizing treats about makes it difficult. I did send my son home with a bag of homemade butter tarts so we have just a few of those left. 

I just took the tree down today and am slowly packing everything away for another year. 

Are you looking forward to this new year? They say if you don't have your health, you don't have anything. I have found there's a grain of truth in that although I can also count my many blessings and relish each day as it comes. 

May the Lord bless you all, family included, and be sure to do something nice for someone else today. Even a smile while standing in line at the checkout may help someone else feel better. You really don't know what the person standing next to you is going through. 

We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give. ~ Sir Winston Churchill

I am joining the following parties as well~

 Tuesday Cuppa Tea
 Friends Sharing Tea
 Share Your Cup Thursday
 Home Sweet Home

Sharing from my heart ~ Sandi


  1. Well the nose buttering is new to me! Lol! I, too, love Old Country Roses, and so do a lot of folks...the best selling china pattern since it’s debut. Congratulations on you husband’s retirement. I know you will enjoy your time together. Every day we have with our Other Half is a gift indeed! Again, blessing to you for 2018.

  2. I do love this pattern...but I have never heard of buttering a nose. That's a fun idea. Congrats on the mister retiring. Mine has four more years, but we are both ready for him to do so.

  3. I love Old Country Roses too and have a huge collection. I loveto use it when I am on my own as my hubby has an awful habit of breaking things. He is really clumsy and I would be heartbrokn if he broke my lovely china. He only has to walk into the room and something breaks. I have lost count of the times that I have gritted my teeth and said 'it is only things and people matter not things'...

  4. Oh my...I love the quotes, Sandi!! You are so right about just smiling at someone, which is such an easy thing to do.
    Your OCR tea party is just beautiful, and I know brings sweet memories of your dear Dad. If I were at your house, I'd happily share one of those dessert treats with you.
    Congratulations on your hubby's retirement and not having to rise at 4 am. Good for him, in not staying idle, and I hope it will be an easy job.
    Happy Belated Birthday wishes and hugs to you, dear Sandi!

  5. Well Happy Belated Birthday Sandi! I just love OCR but I don't have one piece, Not yet anyway. That teapot ornament is just lovely and hangs so elegantly on your tree. Congratulations on your husband's retirement and may you all have a wonderful and blessed 2018!

  6. Happy New Year and Belated Birthday, Sandi! I'm smitten with the pretty teapot ornament from your son. OCR is also one of my favourite patterns and was gifted the tea set by my mom a few years ago. I'm craving cheesecake after seeing your yummy birthday cake. Hee! I've also started taking down my Christmas decor. The biggest task (tree) will be done this weekend. Congrats on your hubby's retirement! I'm sure he'll find things to keep him occupied in retirement.

  7. Happy New Year and Belated Birthday!Your teapot ornament is really beautiful,unique!That Teaset is stunning and your memories so sweet!Thanks for your always darling post.Hugs,Maristella.

  8. What a sweet post and glad for your Hubby! My husband started working last year as a courtesy driver for a car dealership on Saturdays and a day or two more they send him to pick, deliver, etc cars. It is pretty easy and he likes it. All around the state and he gets home at night. It is just a few days each week. They have 15 drivers and all are "retired" people. Just an idea I wanted to pass along as a thought. Old Country roses is always so beautiful! I am seeing that the snow is coming your way. We had a white Christmas in Missouri which was unusual. Keep warm and snug and enjoy your new time together.

  9. Belated Happy Birthday! Happy New Year, too. Congratulations to your husband on his retirement. The cheesecakes look delicious. We are trying to cut down on the carbs and sugar a little now, too. (Well, I am, don't know about Tim!) I hope the storm passes without incident. It's certainly making the weather news out here.

  10. Sandi, my husband retired early and would have gone mad without getting into part-time work right away. Sounds like your husband is off to a good start. Your photos of the OCR are exceptionally good, and I enjoyed reading about it. Wishing you a healthier 2018.

  11. Your Old Country Roses, is like visiting an old friend. My grandmother had a few pieces, which she would bring out for a small Danish-kaffe in the afternoon. Always with hand decorated linens with rosebuds on them. Lovely, thanks for sharing!

  12. Happy Birthday dear Sandi! Well I have learned something new! Nose buttering. Your rose dishes are lovely. I am in love with your blown glass tea pot Christmas ornament! How lovely. Happy New Year dear Sandi. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  13. Happy Birthday! I too love OCR, and found some pieces made in England several years ago. I presented them to my MIL for her birthday one year, and when she passed away in 12, the family returned them to me. Such a beautiful pattern. No tea pot, but I still enjoy the loveliness of the pattern.

  14. Happy New Year Sandi, and Happy Birthday! I love that sweet teapot ornament your son gave you. And that peek of your tree in the background behind the OCR, it's so pretty with all the pink and blue ornaments.
    Congratulations to your husband. And stay warm and inside as this snow and cold hits you all! It is freezing cold here, and we are staying close to the fire! xo Deborah
    p.s. never heard of nose-buttering! Happy memories.

  15. Lots of lovely things to celebrate! I love OCR too. Such a classic pattern.

    I hope the storm is not too bad for you!

    Happy New Year!

  16. Happy Birthday to you! How lovely to celebrate with your beautiful OCR set. I really like how you collected the pieces over time. Your gifted teapot is quite a treasure.
    Congratulations on your husband's retirement! Sending wishes of health to you in the New Year!

  17. Happy Birthday Sandi, and happy retirement to your hubby! Mine retired recently and so far, so good! :) I love your Old Rose china and nose buttering sounds like such a fun tradition. Wishing you health and happiness for '2018'! Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  18. Sandi, Enjoy time with your husband. I love the glass teapot ornament, exquisite. Looking forward to 2018! Thanks for sharing. Sylvia D.

  19. That is one of my favorite china patterns. Congrats on your husband's retirement. May you and your family have a blessed 2018. Thanks for sharing at Home Sweet Home.

  20. That is the prettiest shot of your teacup and dessert! I will feature that this week at HSH!


I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

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