Monday 9 November 2015

No Place Like Home # 2

But what on earth is half so dear -
So longed for as the hearth of home? ~ Emily Bronte

Welcome friends to No Place Like Home! I am so happy with the turn-out we had last week. You all shared a wonderful variety of posts and I hope you all enjoyed yourselves and my new party. I know I did. 

Over the weekend I celebrated my son's birthday and I shared with you my pretty new blue transferware. If you missed this post you may find it here.

I also made Gingerbread cake. I borrowed the recipe from Carolyn at Aiken House and Gardens.

Here is the recipe.

Old Fashioned Gingerbread Cake

2-1/4 cup flour
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp ginger
1/2 tsp cloves
3/4 cup firmly packed brown sugar
2 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp soda
1/2 tsp nutmeg
3/4 cup oil
2 eggs
3/4 cup water
3/4 cup molasses

Heat oven to 350 degrees. Generously grease and flour a tube pan. {I never flour a pan. I just spray the pan well with Pam or I use coconut oil to coat the pan}. 
Combine all the above ingredients and blend at low speed until moistened. Beat three minutes at medium speed. Pour into pan and bake 45-55 minutes. Enjoy with whipped cream, apple sauce or lemon sauce.

Now, here are the posts I am featuring this week. 

Suzanne at Blueberry Cottage has a charming blog where she offers tips on home making and some godly advice for other ladies here in Blogland. Her blog had the most visits.

Two posts were tied for second place for having the second highest amount of visits. 

Deborah at The Beautiful Matters shared her beautiful November teacup and her thoughts on being a stay-at-home mom. 

Bernideen at Bernideen's Tea Time, Cottage and Garden Blog shared her gorgeous hunting scenes tea set and home made pillows out in her charming garden. 

The post that caught my eye was Spot On Cedar Pond where Kathy B. shared about her hen Prudence. Prudence lays beautiful olive coloured eggs. Kathy's post brought back such wonderful memories of my grandparents' farm where the chickens ran freely about the yard. Oh, such lovely memories!

And for a wonderful snack, Kitty at Kitty's Kozy Kitchen shared her recipe for this wonderful Pumpkin cheese ball. I love that she used a pepper stem for the pumpkin. Looks delicious!

Thank you everyone for participating last week. As a courtesy, and if you would like to be featured, you should have a link back to this party.

Because this Wednesday, November 11th, is Remembrance Day here in Canada I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our veterans, soldiers, and military. Those who have fought and still fight to this day to keep our country free. My late father-in-law fought in WW2 and I remember him with a thankful heart. 
Canada is my home and I am proud to be a Canadian. God bless and keep our country free!

Thanksgiving is a day when we pause to give thanks for what we have.
Veterans Day and Remembrance Day is a day when we pause to give thanks to the people who fought for the things we have. ~ Author unknown 

Now let's see what you are creating in your home to make it a cozy place to come home to for your family, your friends, and yourself.

Lord, this humble house we'd keep
Sweet with play and calm with sleep.
Help us so that we may give
Beauty to the lives we live.
Let Thy love and let Thy grace
Shine upon our dwelling place. - Edgar A. Guest

Sharing from my heart~ Sandi


  1. I enjoyed seeing that you baked Carolyn's recipe and I can't even imagine the smell - wow! The spices would make your home smell so good. I am enjoying our family with my hubby in Missouri so won't be posting for a few days. Have a great week! Thank you for featuring my posting from last week!

  2. Thank You for hosting Sandi. Glad you liked the squash recipe.

    Hugs from Oklahoma,


  3. Sandi,
    Good Morning, my friend!!
    Thanks so much for hosting this great party!!

    Have a wonderful week!!


  4. Thanks for hosting the link -up Sandi and mentioning my blog. I am in good company, the other ladies blogs are certainly beautiful:-)

  5. I love your new adventure Sandi. It will be so fun to see what everyone is doing.

  6. Your newly acquired blue transferware is lovely. I read two of the five blogs you featured, and I'm anxious to check out the other three. As always, I look forward to seeing yours. Have a wonderful week, and thank you for reminding us to thank our veterans - past and present - for preserving the freedoms we enjoy.

  7. Good Morning, Sandi. The gingerbread is making me hungry. One of my favorite things about Autumn and the coming holiday -- gingerbread! Thanks for hosting!

  8. Thank you for featuring my post Sandi. What a happy surprise to see it here today. I 'm anxious to check out Suzanne's blog, as I've not seen her blog before. I love gingerbread; such a homey dessert for these colder fall days. It looks lovely on your blue transfer ware, with that sprinkle of cinnamon (or nutmeg?). Happy belated birthday to your son. Have a good week, and thank you for hosting. Blessings, Deborah

  9. Thank you so much for featuring my pumpkin shaped cheese ball! I am truly honored to be amongst the other features at your party. Oh my Sandi, how I wish I had a slice of gingerbread for dessert today after lunch! It would be perfect with a cuppa pumpkin chai tea. Thank you for sharing the recipe with us, as I just love gingerbread. Thank you, too, for hosting your lovely party. May you have a wonderful week, my friend.

  10. Hi Sandi,
    Your blue and white china is lovely and Carolyn's cake looks delicious too. Your features are wonderful choices. You must be so proud of your handsome son and his beautiful family. They grow up so quickly. My eldest son had the same rocking horse and was a very busy little boy too. Love the pics! It brought back memories for me too. Beautiful words for Remembrance Day! Thank you for hosting No Place Like Home Dear Sandi. Have a Wonderful Week! Karen

  11. Hi Sandi! I love Gingerbread! Great choices. Thanks for hosting and linking to Tuesday Cuppa Tea!

  12. Happy birthday to your son, Sandi. Love your blue transferware!...Christine

  13. Sandi, I love the gingerbread cake and many thanks for the recipe. I think I will surely try this one!

    Thank you for leaving such a sweet are indeed a woman of grace.

    Blessings to you,

  14. Sandi, I love the gingerbread cake and many thanks for the recipe. I think I will surely try this one!

    Thank you for leaving such a sweet are indeed a woman of grace.

    Blessings to you,

  15. Hi Sandi, What a fun new party you're hosting, thanks so much! Happy belated birthday to your son! Have a wonderfully blessed week!

  16. The gingerbread cake looks amazing! I want to try it. I have a weakness for anything with molasses in it! Thank you for hosting again today, and I can't wait to visit all the wonderful posts about home :)

  17. Hi Sandi, I want to thank you for paying me a visit recently. I do miss blogging, but I still am involved in visiting and maybe someday I will be back to writing my own posts again. I loved seeing your pretty blues. I really like blue in my china as well. I've just gotten my 'Friendly Village' out again as it's perfect for fall and winter dining. I was short on plates, so bought some more on eBay and interestingly enough, they are about 1/4" smaller and the color on the plates isn't quite the same. I found that interesting and not at all bothersome. I know you also have 'Friendly Village.' I like your new party, Sandi, and wish you the very best. I imagine you will be decorating for Christmas soon....I personally like to wait until after our American Thanksgiving, which is later this month. Hugs and blessings, Beth

  18. I'm glad to hear that inaugural "No Place Like Home" party was a success! I'd love to have a slice of the gingerbread cake and sip tea from your pretty blue transferwares. Thank you for hosting and have a wonderful week!

  19. Gingerbread is one of my husband's favorites! I can see this in my future. Thanks once again for hosting this lovely new party! Love the Name! Lynn

  20. Gingerbread is such a holiday love of mine. Thanks for hosting.


  21. Sandi, your Gingerbread cake looks so good it will be great anytime but especially at Christmas!
    Have a Blessed Day,

  22. Thanks you for hosting Sandi! Have a Blessed Day. Monika

  23. Thank you for hosting, Sandi. Your blue and white tea set is really beautiful and great features..Happy Tuesday..Judy

  24. Your gingerbread looks good Sandi! Happy Birthday to your son. Thanks for hosting!

  25. Oh Sandi, I love the new header! Gingerbread is perfect for sharing as a birthday cake, it's delicious for any occasion.

  26. Hi Sandi! Oh, what a lovely cake and happy birthday to your son! So many lovely places to visit from your party! Hope you're doing well and thank you for popping in to see me.
    be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  27. Hi Sandi and thank you for hosting. Happy Birthday to your son. Having grown children is bittersweet. I am playing catch up these days. It seems that I have time to read, or I have time to write.Why is balance so hard?

  28. Hi Sandi! I was a bit confused when I saw the new name since I haven't been around lately (thanks so much for stopping by Halloween week even though I couldn't link). Your gingerbread cake looks so yummy! I will have to add it to my baking list. I really liked your recap of last week too. Thanks as always for hosting.

  29. Hi Sandi! Thanks for the fun new link up! I've added a delicious sweet bread recipe. I've just started a Vintage Show & Tell link party, if you'd like to join. It starts every Thursday.


  30. Sandi, your old fashioned gingerbread cake looks and sounds scrumptious! I will definitely give it a go, as my daughter loves gingerbread. Happy belated birthday to your son!

    Wishing you a bright and beautiful Thursday from a very dark, cold and rainy Toronto!


  31. What a delightful, fun-and-colour-filled post, with so many wonderful things to share! I've enjoyed every word, every frame, and send thanks and congratulations to you and all mentioned for your lovely SHARINGS every day. You all add so much to my days.

    I'd never tasted gingerbread until I had grandchildren---it was something in Dickens, in Alcott, for those who lived in the delightful imaginary lands of Maine or Somerset or Dublin---not like our common old peach cobbler or banana puddin'. (Those are shining stars of the culinary world, as well, but were everyday things to me---not like the exotic thoughts of gingerbread, as elusive as whatever were those dream-dancing sugarplums on the Night Before Christmas).

    THEN, I found the magical Voortman's shining little kiosk of cookies in a BIG grocery store after we moved to the Heartland, and those windmill cookies captivated me forever. Four of the eight GRANDS will be here for the week of Thanksgiving, and I see lots of gingerbread in our future.

    Thank you for all this!!


  32. As I scroll through your posts Sandi, I always feel the touch of beauty and gentleness that radiates from you. Hugs and wishes for a beautiful weekend.


I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.