Saturday 7 November 2015

Gingerbread and Pretty Blue Dishes

Autumn's robust richness is reflected in everything from our radiant decor to our seasonal cuisine, and gatherings with friends and family abound during this celebratory time of year.Holiday Victoria  Bliss magazine

Hello my sweet friends. I hope you all had a wonderful first week of November. 

Today is my second son's birthday and because he lives out on the west coast, I won't be able to share his birthday cake with him. But my thoughts are with him today as I think of him and the little boy who grew up and became the man he is today. 

He was the one who kept me on my toes as he was a handful while growing up. You can tell just by looking at this picture of him on the rocking horse that he was full of mischief. Adorable, but still full of mischief! He taught me a lot about myself.

Motherhood is challenging at best but I like to think our children make us better and help us to focus on what is important in life. It is an awesome responsibility taking a wee life and helping to mold it into someone who is a blessing to others and able to contribute to society in a positive way. I wouldn't trade those years for anything. I loved being a mom. I still do.

My children are my special blessings and each one is a gift from above. The good thing about these gifts is that they keep on giving. This is my wonderful son with his little family. This photo was taken a couple of years ago. 

I received this lovely ornament in the mail this week. They wanted to surprise me. I'm glad their new puppy is in the photo too. Aren't they a sweet family!

This photo was taken a couple of weeks ago. It has 2015 on the other side. I will cherish it always and I can't wait to hang it on the Christmas tree! 

Happy Birthday Sweetie! I love you!

Now before this mom goes and gets all weepy on you, I had better serve the tea.

My Auntie P sent me this cute tea quote which we have all seen before but it is surrounded by teapots. The teapot in the top left hand corner reminds me of my Royal Albert New Country Roses.

I have set the table with blue and white today. I have become smitten with blue and white lately and I must put the blame on Martha at Lines from Linderhof  and Phyllis at Relevant Tea Leaf. I have to blame someone, right? 
For years I collected red/pink and white but I now am also captivated by blue and white. Let's face it, I just adore transferware.

I went into HomeSense one day shortly after they opened their new store here in Charlottetown and I spied these blue and white pieces. The prices are always very affordable.

I fell in love and had to bring two plates and two bowls home. These are The Victorian English Pottery est. 1819 by Edward Challinor

I love the florals and the quirky birds!

Another day I found these mugs and dessert plates which are Johnson Bros. Devon Cottage

I was so excited to find them because Hubby gifted me with the Devon Cottage teapot last Christmas and I was hoping I could find some other pieces. 

I am so enamoured by how well all the blues go together. 

Isn't this a cute hand made coaster that a blogger friend sent me?  Love the embellishments.

I thought the yellow and blue would look nice on my tea table today.

Tea is a symbol of friendship and hospitality around the world. ~ unknown

I had a friend in for coffee the other day and I made Gingerbread. When it gets cold outside I long for comfort food and this is the best recipe for gingerbread by far. It is moist and delicious and tastes scrumptious served with whipped cream, apple sauce or lemon sauce. I got the recipe from Carolyn at Aiken House and Gardens. I plan to share the recipe on Monday for my No Place Like Home party.

Please help yourself to a cuppa tea and some gingerbread.

Please come back on Monday and join me for No Place Like Home; my new party where you may share tea time and anything else pertaining to your home and garden.

Have a wonderful weekend, friends!  

I am joining the following parties as well~

Blue Monday
Tuesday Cuppa Tea
 Bernideen's Tea Time, Cottage and Garden Blog Party
 Tea Cup Tuesday
 Share Your Cup Thursday
 Home Sweet Home

Sharing from my heart ~ Sandi


  1. So many pretty things Sandi. Love the pix of your son and family. Such a joy! I have to admit, I always think of you as PINK and am a bit startled when I see another But I do love all your blue lovelies. I can just smell that gingerbread.

  2. Being a Mom is the finest gift of all... and being a Grammy is right up there too, isn't it?!
    Your family is lovely :-)))
    Your beautiful Blue and White China takes me back to my childhood... back to my grandmother's china cabinet...I love it!
    Thanks for the walk down memory lane,

  3. Happy Birthday to your son. I adore blue and white. Your post makes me want to get to TJ Maxx soon! Have a lovely weekend, Sandi....

  4. Always so pretty and YUMMY ! Happy Birthday to your son. Lovely photos . I do like the tea pot quote and so true a cuppa tea makes me feel so much better . Did you know tea is also good for the digestion after a meal ? yup that's why so many Europeans have a cuppa tea after or even with their meals . Thanks for sharing , have a good weekend !

  5. Lovely post! What a sweet family you have. Children certainly are a blessing from above. Your blue and white is timeless and so pretty. Have a beautiful weekend. Lynn

  6. Oh, Sani- I absolutely *adore* your pretty new blue and white pieces! They look great together for sure!

    I am excited about the gingerbread recipe because my husband actually LIKES it. He is finicky and really doesn't eat desserts or cakes or cookies or anything hardly. THAT one he will, I betchya!

    Your family is beautiful, I wish a happy and healthy year to your son. I know he is much loved. ♥

  7. Lovely family Sandi, and I'm that huge fan Of Blue and White and these pieces are lovely. I've seen them online before and admired them. I like a lot of things Johnson Bros. seems me and you like a lot of the same things...pretty pretty pieces. Happy Sunday with love Janice

  8. Sandi, you are blessed with a precious family! Happy birthday to your son.
    Love all your blue pieces!

  9. Sandi!!
    Happy birthday to your sweet son!! What a lovely photo of his beautiful family and the ornament is such a wonderful gift!
    Stunning Blue and Whites here today!!
    Thanks so much for stopping by and for leaving such a heartfelt comment!! I am so glad that you are hosting a new party!!


  10. Happy Birthday to your dear son, Sandi! I love the ornament that they sent you...such a sweet family.
    Your blue and white dishes are so pretty, and I love how they all blend together. Your handmade coaster is adorable.
    I look forward to the gingerbread recipe...I love spicy desserts for Fall/Winter.

  11. Sending belated birthday wishes to your son! Loving all your blue transferwares. I was at HomeSense the other day and saw some black teacups by Gracie China. One was solid black; the other had black stripes and polka dots. I managed to resist the temptation and left them behind at the store.

  12. Morning Sandi,

    I'm so glad that you've caught the "blue and white" fever. I love it!

    Thanks for playing today.
    Have a Beautiful Blue Monday!

  13. Hi Sandi, If inspiring someone to become smitten with blue and white transferware is the worse thing I get blamed for I'll be happy! ;-)

  14. Hi Sandi, happy birthday to your son! What a cutie he was and a handsome man with a beautiful family today. Gald I stopped by. Take care and come visit soon.

  15. So pretty! I love your blue and white china and your the ornament with your family members on it
    is so pretty. I can't believe Christmas is already coming!
    Joy @ Books and Life

  16. Sandi, I agree; being a mother is wonderful! Wouldn't trade those days, (hectic as they were for anything)! Happy Birthday to your son. The ornament is darling! Your blue and whites are gorgeous! I have a small collection, but not all is transferware. I love mixing the designs, like you have. Gingerbread sounds yummy. I'll see you on Monday! Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  17. These are so pretty I had to come back for another look!

  18. Beautiful, beautiful! Blue and white is my favorite by far, what gorgeous pieces! Lovely family...the little ones are dolls!

  19. What a lovely picture of your son and family Sandi! I love how you said being a Mother teaches you about who you are!! Oh my, three sons will absolutely do that! ;) Thanks for joining Home Sweet Home!
    Hugs, Sherry


I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.