Friday 4 September 2015

A Birthday Celebration and Prize Winning Doilies.

Hello everyone. As I was preparing my post for next week's tea party, I realized that it was going to be way too long so I decided to share part of it in this post to shorten my tea post up. 

This picture, by the way, is not from next week's party but from a post a few years ago.

Our family has a lot of birthdays in September. My grandson, my mother, my oldest son, and my daughter-in-law all celebrate a birthday this month.

The other day my niece held a birthday party for my mother at a family restaurant in town. 

She decorated the room and the table was set, awaiting our special guest. She even brought a tiara for my Mum to wear on her special day. 

The cake and one of Mum's great-grandsons

My mother, as well as the rest of us had a very nice time.

Happy 86th Birthday Mum!

Every August the Island hosts Old Home Week which is part of the Provincial Exhibition and folks come from all over to attend. 

There are many events to take in; Agricultural Livestock shows...., 




And many other events. It all climaxes on a Friday when the Gold Cup and Saucer parade takes place. The parade is followed by the Gold Cup and Saucer Race later that evening. 


Hubby and I didn't take in any of the exhibition but my niece entered her doilies into the PEI Women's Institute where hand made items are judged and awards are given. 

I know many of you ladies appreciate doilies, especially those hand made, so I thought I would share my niece's with you.

This year, my niece won first, second, and third place ribbons for her beautiful doilies. Aren't they something? 

First place was the holly and berries doily which is sporting the red ribbon, second was the lavender doily with the blue ribbon, and third place was the ecru doily which won the white ribbon. The ecru doily was very labour intensive. I actually like the green one best. Do you have a favourite?

My niece is self-taught, learning to crochet off the Internet. I really do admire her work because crochet is something I always wanted to do myself but never learned. 

Tomorrow we have a wedding to attend and next week is my son's birthday. It's a busy month! 

Hope you all have a wonderful long weekend and I'll see you on Monday for Tea Time. Until then, enjoy your cuppa and spread some joy around.

Sharing from my heart ~ Sandi


  1. The doilies are grand and how exciting she won. I crochet vintage doilies as well.. Congrats.. Old home week looks wonderfully fun.. and Mom well I don't celebrate bdays.. but glad she had a nice day.. My oldest daughter's bday is Sept. 16... Have a great weekend with love Janice

  2. It was nice that you all got together to celebrate your mom's birthday and I hope she enjoyed the party.
    It's no surprise which doily I like, it has a blue ribbon and is lavender! Your niece does a nice job crocheting.

  3. I love September and for you, with all the celebrations it's even more wonderful. Love scrolling through your pictures. Have an amazing weekend Sandi.

  4. Beautiful doilies ! Wonderful birthday celebration ! Enjoy your September !

  5. First, your mom's picture is fabulous! I love the way she looks in her tiara and the expression on her face. Second, congratulations to your niece! What an accomplishment. I, too, like the green doily quite a lot but my favorite is the ecru. All of them are beautiful and it's wonderful that she has been recognized for her skill.

  6. Love the tiara! So adoable. Happy Birthday to your Mum and all your other relatives whose birthday is this month! C-E-L-E-B-R-A-T-I-O-N-S are in order! Susan

  7. She deserved those ribbons for those beautiful pieces! The first prize one with the Holly is incredible! Happy Birthday to your Mom from friends of Sandi!

  8. Beautiful work! Thanks for sharing. I crochet but haven't made any doilies, yet. I've been trying to find a blog post that showed a wonderful out side room/porch that had tea laid for a niece I believe earlier this summer. I can't remember which blog it was on is it your by any chance?

  9. Happy Birthday to your Mom, Sandi! She certainly deserves the tiara for her celebration. My own dear Mom turned 86 this summer.
    The doilies are so impressive and I would have a hard time choosing a favorite. They are all so exquisite and I do crochet, but have never tried making doilies. Congratulations to your niece for getting her work recognized with the ribbons.

  10. What a sweet Birthday party for your dear Mum! I'm glad I came by to visit your blog...I loved seeing the doilies your neice made....they are so special! The holly and berries look so intricate....and the gold ribbon one is really impressive. Each is a little beauty. Thanks for showing them...

  11. What an art! The doiles are beautiful! That is truly almost a lost art! Blessings this week-end. Lynn

  12. Lovely post and photos ! Happy belated Birthday to your Mum . My mum also made doilies as it was our British tradition to have them about the house . Thanks for sharing , Have a good weekend !

  13. Hi Sandy, Hope your mom had a great birthday! She looks lovely, and her cake is pretty. I like how the party room at the restaurant was decorated. Very nice. My mom turned 86 on 8/29. We had an open house at the assisted living facility where she lives and she enjoyed it very much. Your niece made beautiful doilies. My grandmother used to crochet doilies as well as quilt. Hope you are enjoying your wknd!
    Blessings, Beth

  14. Happy belated birthday to your mom, Sandi!

    I can see why your niece was awarded prizes for her beautiful crochet doilies. I like the lavender doily the best!


I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

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