Monday 13 July 2015

A Dutch Treat for Tea Time

"I question not if thrushes sing,
If roses load the air;
Beyond my heart I need not reach
When all is summer there." ~ John Vance Cheney- Victoria magazine 

Hello dear tea friends and welcome to another Tea Time Tuesday! 

Ah, Summer! These days you will find Hubby and me relaxing at the beach as it is definitely our favourite part of summertime. 
We love filling our carafe with hot coffee and taking it with us early in the morning. Kicking back in a pair of capris and listening to the waves and the gulls flying overhead is bliss. Nothing is more relaxing to me than sinking my toes into sand warmed by the sun and drinking in the beauty around me.

My son and DIL {a little Dutch girl} enjoying the beach at sunset 

Our beaches are not crowded and one can walk for miles out there. It is our place for getting away from it all and allowing the peace and quiet to seep into our bones, surrounded by the sand, the sea, and the sky. 

What do you love most about the summertime?

My tea for this week is all about blue and white....

When my youngest son was home three weeks ago, he surprised me with a beautiful china mug. 

He had been to Germany in February for a Math conference and one of his stop-overs was in Holland. 

While there, he found this beautiful mug for me. Isn't he a darling boy!

This porcelain mug is handpainted according to centuries of old Dutch craftmenship and I knew right away it was Delftware as soon as I opened his package. Loving the windmills and the reticulated base. It's perfect for sipping tea or coffee.

I also have a windmill which was made in Holland.

It is actually a bank but I never use it for that. See the crazing on the bottom? I found it at a Dutch inn many years ago.

I have paired the mug and the windmill together for my tea today along with the new teacup I found at the PEI Preserve Company. 

I didn't have a plain white teacup, although I do have several cream teacups, so I brought it home with me. It too has a Holland mark; Old Amsterdam. The cup has a tulip design on both the cup and the saucer. 

Although it bears an Old Amsterdam mark, the teacup was made in England and it is called Diana. 

The teacup and the mug both have a tulip design.

Blue and white china graced by daisies and my Churchill Blue Willow teapot along with a Spode teacup made in England. 

My little china birds are joining us today and underneath it all is my cream damask spring tulip tablecloth.

Spode Blue Room

They're so friendly. Don't you think daisies are the friendliest flowers? ~ Meg Ryan in You've Got Mail

Flowers always make people better, happier, and more helpful: they are sunshine, food and medicine for the soul. ~ Luther Burbank

This is not a Dutch treat; just a simple pound cake served with fresh berries and whipped cream.  But it's a nice treat with tea. The small white plate is made by Ciroa and the blue one is of course, Blue Willow made by Churchill.

Today I'd like to sit and sip,
Forget about the world a bit,
Ignore the things I have to do,
And just enjoy a cup or two. - Unknown

Happiness is sharing tea with a friend. 

Won't you join me?

I am delighted you have stopped by for tea today! Do you have a favourite teacup/teapot, coffee cup/coffee pot, that you would like to share with us today? I would love to see it and I'm sure others would too! A trip to a Tea Shop is always fun and if you have a tea time recipe to share, we would love to see that too. 

If you wish, you may do coffee instead of tea or the following is acceptable too: Hot Apple Cider, Hot Chocolate, Lemonade, Iced Tea or iced coffee, or Punch in a lovely bowl.

Dear God,
Protect our going out and coming in; 
let us share the hospitality of this home 
with all who visit us, 
that those who enter here 
may know Your love and peace. ~ Author unknown

Have a beautiful day everyone and God bless you!

I am joining the following parties as well~

A Return to Loveliness
Tuesday Cuppa Tea
Tea in the Garden
Tea Cup Tuesday
Share Your Cup Thursday
Home Sweet Home

Sharing from my heart ~ Sandi


  1. Hi Sandi. I LOVE Delft...but then it's blue and white! What a thoughtful son! He knows his mama! What a lovely setting and the shortcake looks delicious. So glad you are enjoying your summer. Thanks for hosting, and for linking to Tuesday Cuppa Tea!

  2. Your beach sounds wonderful, ours are always crowded but I still enjoy it! A very thoughtful son you have! Love the mug!

  3. Your photos are always so lovely! The blue and white theme is beautiful and soothing and your beach walks sound the same. The photo of your son and his sweetie is lovely, too. He must take after his mama: kind and thoughtful!

  4. Good morning, Sandi! Love your blue and white post. Blue and white has such a "clean" look. Your new mug made me smile ... such a nice gift and extra special because it is from your son. I have a few very small Delft pieces ... little boxes. Happy Tea Day and thanks for hosting!

  5. Sandi, Your mornings on an uncrowded beach sound heavenly. What a perfect way to start the day! I'm not familiar with Dutch china so your post was really interesting to me. Isn't it special to be gifted teacups from friends and family? Your son made a wonderful choice with the mug. I absolutely love the look of blue/white china. The pattern on your Spode Blue Room teacup is so sweet. Keep enjoying your summer mornings.

  6. another fan of Delft here also. I also have a Spode Blue teacup or saucer. Pound cake with fruit and cream is a perfect summer's day treat.

  7. What a perfect way for you and your sweetheart to enjoy the beach in the morning hours, Sandi. It sounds perfectly heavenly and much deserved. The pic of your son and DIL at sunset was so sweet...ahhh, young love! What a lovely gift from your son, too, with the gorgeous mug. I so lve your blue and white theme and your new white teacup. Of course, your teatime treat looks exceptionally scrumptious for a summer treat. Thank you, as always, for hosting and sharing your special tea quotes with us.

  8. Oh my sweet lady, such gorgeous china, specially that teapot!
    Enjoy the mornings at the beach honey.
    Have a lovely week.


  9. First off, that pound cake picture is magazine worthy! You styled it perfectly. And, ah . . . the beach . . . just lovely, and a sweet picture of your son and DIL. What a special gift he brought you.
    Thanks for hosting Sandi. And I agree with Meg, daisies are the friendliest.

  10. I adore blue and white china and yours are so lovely. Thanks for hosting, Sandi...Christine

  11. How thoughtful of your son to bring you home such a lovely mug from his travels!

    I'm envious of your relaxing summer routine. Alas, I have still miles to go before I can retire to a beach somewhere...

  12. Oh Sandi,
    This is my favorite Tea Time Tuesday tablescape! I love all your beautiful blue and white dishes, and especially your lovely collection of porcelain from Holland. Enjoy your quiet, tranquil time at the beach this week! ~ Phyllis

  13. What a beautiful tablescape! I bet it really blessed your daughter in law to see you honoring her heritage. I love all your beautiful blues! Thanks for the fun link up! I've not been in awhile!


  14. Your blue and white theme is so lovely .....perfect colors to choose for your tea as you are headed to the beach this week! My favorite flower to use with blue and white is also daisies! Have a fun week...hugs...

  15. What a heavenly picture you have described....Sounds romantic.... Blue and white tea sets are always calm and relaxing just like a walk on the beach.. How nice it is to received a heart-felt gift from a loved one... another lovely addition to your collection... and I do think ' Daisies are the friendliest" ..Love that quote....ENJOY the sunshine and sand....Hugs

  16. I love your blue and white combos. What a lovely and thoughtful gift your son brought home for yu, very special.
    Have a lovely day.


  17. This is a post to savor. One I know I will bookmark and revisit. I feel positive and ready to face the day now.
    And thank you for hosting- very glad to be linking up this week.

  18. Your son was a sweetheart to bring you the beautiful blue and white mug Sandi, a nice addition to this china selection for tea today. Our grandson surprised us by bringing over some fresh strawberries he and his girlfriend picked and I've just been eating them as they are!
    Happy Tea Tuesday!

  19. Hi Sandi,
    I am sorry I am late to link up this week. Summer has been so busy for me. Yes, your son really is wonderful. What a darling mug and I do love all of your blue and white pretties today! Everything looks so perfect together as always! Happy Tea Day Sweet Tea Friend! Thank you for hosting! Karen

  20. Hello Sandi,

    Summers for us are always extremely busy. With summer being so short, we try to take advantage of all the gorgeous warm and sunny dies. Our favorite activities are always the shore and visiting pretty gardens. Mostly ones in historic mansions.

    Your mugs are gorgeous. You have a very sweet son. How special that he brought you that darling cup. I love the white one too. It is so delicate and elegant.

    Have a great rest of the week and thank you for hosting.


  21. Your blue and white china is beautiful. Love the little white cup! That is such a nice shot of your son and his girlfriend. Thanks for hosting.

  22. Sandi, I love all of your pretty blues! The Dutch pieces are so fun and you have put everything together wonderfully. The fruit shortcake looks delicious! Thanks for the party. I am sharing the post I did for the Mad Tea party. Hope that's o.k.

  23. Another lovely post and photos with so many pretty tea time things . Oh tea and sweets YUMMY ! There is always time for tea at our Woods Country Cove it is the best drink in our house lol ! Thanks for sharing , Have a good week !

  24. Such a lovely Blue & White tea, My favorite.. I love the Windmill I found one just like it at Mama's house. and I have many pieces with windmills.. I love them.. everything just looks lovely.. wish I could take a long walk on that beach sounds dreamy.. Happy Wednesday with love . Janice

  25. Thanks for hosting this party Sandi! You have gorgeous pieces... hugs, Monika

  26. Sandi, blue and white china is my favorite! What is my favorite thing about summer? Glad you asked! The only thing I like about summer is the summer fruit - and today I posted Freezing Peaches Pie-Ready and will be doing more freezing today.

  27. the picture of your son and dil is beautiful. It speaks of love and serenity to me. And yes your son is wonderful to bring you back that teacup from Holland. Wishing you a beautiful and gentle day out there. hugs Sandi.

  28. What a beautiful, sweet gift, Sandi - love your blue and white theme...I was transported by your story of spending time at the relaxing and refreshing.That's what I like about the beach - the sense of calm I get - and finding solitude...lovely tea post! Have a blessed day,

  29. I am delighted to share that I will be featuring your post in this week's A Return to Loveliness,

  30. I know this entry is nearly a year old now, but I've enjoyed it! You have a beautiful collection! I actually was looking around on Amazon for that lovely white Old Amsterdam tea cup and saucer to buy for myself - didn't find it, but I did find the matching teapot, so I wanted to share that with you!

    God bless!


I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.