Monday 29 June 2015

Tea Time in the Summertime

Welcome back to Tea Time Tuesday, my lovely friends, and welcome Summer! I just love Montgomery's quote above and I have shared a few photos of our beautiful island for our tea today. I hope you enjoy them! 

Stop and smell the roses.

While I was away, Summer arrived, and since my last posting, the roses and lupins have bloomed. My lupins didn't come up but there are plenty decorating the fields and ditches here on PEI. 

Lupins at Stanley Bridge with a red clay road in the background

I regret I did not take the picture below. My neighbor up the street did but this is a perfect example of how beautiful our island is.

Lupins along the shore at Tea Hill

I have gathered some of my roses to enjoy with our tea. 

My roses are not the most exotic in the garden but their scent is reminiscent of the wild roses that grow freely along the sea shore here on the island. Their scent is quite intoxicating and I love how they waft their fragrance through a room.

Wild roses mixed among evergreens along the seashore.

Roses by the River Clyde in New Glasgow

Ah, summertime! A time to savour the blossoms and sweet fresh air, a walk along the beach or a path through the woods.


                    Rolling hills and pasture land in New Glasgow

              Our son taking a walk through the woods with a friend. 

We had a wonderful visit with our son who has spent the last three years in Illinois completing a postdoc. In a couple of weeks he will be moving across the country to another state for a two year postdoc position. After that he will apply for tenure. Many folks have no idea how many years of study and research it takes to become a full-fledged Math professor; more than an MD actually. But he's almost there and we are so proud of his accomplishments!

I hope you have enjoyed seeing a few pictures of our island before we have our tea.

I love arranging my old-fashioned roses in a canning jar.

On Wednesday, we Canadians will celebrate Canada Day and my American friends will celebrate the 4th of July on the weekend. 

                               courtesy of the Internet

I thought red and white would be appropriate for Tea Time today.

I am using my Burleigh Felicity and Mason's Vista teacups. Both teacups are made in England. 



I took a cranberry and almond tart from the freezer for our sweet. Sorry, no home made treats today.

Hubby and I had tea at the New Glasgow PEI Preserve Company on the weekend and I tried a new tea while there. I had to borrow this picture from the Internet because I forgot to take one.

courtesy of the internet

I liked the tea so well that I brought some home with me. It is Tea Hill Strawberry and it is delicious! A loose leaf Ceylon black tea with blackberry and strawberry.

I also got a new teacup there but I will share that another day.

Happiness is sharing tea with a friend.

Thank you for visiting today. I hope you didn't mind my long post. 

Please join me by linking up your tea/coffee/chocolate/iced tea/lemonade things, tea time recipes, or a trip to a Tea Room. We tea ladies enjoy all of those things. Wishing you all a delightful day and have a lovely and safe holiday this coming week.

Never lose an opportunity of seeing anything that is beautiful, for beauty is God's handwriting - a wayward sacrament. Welcome it in every fair face, in every fair sky, in every fair flower, and thank God for it as a cup of blessing." ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

I am also linking up to these wonderful parties ~

A Return to Loveliness
Tuesday Cuppa Tea
Tea in the Garden
Tea Cup Tuesday
Share Your Cup Thursday
Home Sweet Home

Sharing from my heart~ Sandi


  1. The lupines by the ocean photo is really pretty. What a very soothing view. I also love your roses...

    One day I would like to visit {Tea Hill} as well... I will keep that in my bucket list for next time we go to PEI :-) Thanks for sharing and allowing us to share your tea time.

  2. Good Morning, Sandi! I love seeing more of your beautiful island. Your Burleigh Felicity and Mason's Vista teacups are lovely and fun! You are so lucky to have roses that smell like roses! Happy Canada Day! Happy Tea Day and thank you for hosting!

  3. Hello dear Sandi!
    All your tea dishes are stunning! Perfect to bring out all your transferware out this time of year for the celeb. The roses are so lovely and just perfect for your gorgeous setting and what beautiful images of your neck of the woods.
    Have a wonderful week.

  4. Oh, I really do need to visit Prince Edward Island - gorgeous photos!

  5. I can see why you love living on PEI, especially in the summer months, dear Sandi. Your photos are stunning and make me wish that I could visit. I know that you had a wonderful visit with your son and are so proud of his accomplishments.
    Both of your teacups are perfect for Canada Day and July 4th. Thanks so much for hosting. Love and hugs to you!

  6. The quote at the beginning sets the stage for your photos of beautiful PEI. Congratulations to your son for making so much progress toward his goal in mathematics.

  7. Oh Sandi, you know I am a big fan of your beautiful little island, thanks for showing a little of it. I am currently watching Anne of Green Gables, but took a little break to come up and read a few blogs.
    I like the Montgomery quote and the Emerson one as well. Wish I had added a teacup or some beverage related item in my last post so I could have joined your party. :)
    Take care and Happy Canada week to you!

  8. Those pictures of your island are beautiful, esp the one your neighbor took. Just gorgeous! Wish I could visit sometime. The lupines are so pretty, such lovely colors.
    Congratulations to your son; what an accomplishment! So nice that you had a good visit with him.
    I love the red transfer ware; my favorite. And your pretty island roses. Happy Canada Day, Sandi, and thank you for hosting.

  9. Hi Sandi..a bit late linking...back to normal...sort the transferware! Just met a couple from PEI but they didn't know you or I would have had then greet you! I have always thought PEI the perfect place! Thanks for hosting and linking to Tuesday Cuppa Tea!

  10. Prince Edward Island looks really beautiful, I'd love to visit it one day. No wonder that you are proud of your son, he must have worked very hard to achieve so much.

  11. I love Mason 's tea cups...ust gorgeous.

  12. Hello Sandi, My husband and I visited PEI for the first time at the beginning of June. I had lunch at the PEI Preserve Co, ate lobster in New Glasgow overlooking the Clyde River and enjoyed walking on some of your beautiful beaches. It's lovely to see those sights again here in your post. I'm only sorry that we missed the lupins. They bloomed here on Vancouver Island on the other end of our beautiful country quite some time ago.
    Congrats to your son. Glad he could take a bit of a break.

  13. Oh my goodness Sandi, I just stumbled upon your blog and love it! Your island looks amazing, I swept away by the beauty. I linked up with you as I hosted a tea party for my grandchildren. I adore your red cups!
    Gayle from Behind the Garden Gate

  14. What a beautiful place you live in, Sandi! I really enjoyed seeing your photos. The beaches and the lupins really caught my eye. Glad your son got to come visit. I know you really enjoyed having him home.

  15. Thank you for sharing these gorgeous images of your island, Sandi. PEI has always been on my bucket list so I enjoy reading about the island's attractions on your blog! You should certainly be proud of your son's accomplishments. I am friends with some academics and know that the looooong and arduous journey to a tenure-track professor position is not for the faint of heart!

    Happy Canada Day!

  16. Happy Canada Day Sandi! So glad you have finally bloomed into this gorgeous summer there on the island! Just beautiful! Thanks for hosting!

  17. Happy Canada Day Sandi! Thanks so much for sharing such beautiful pictures of your home. I felt like I was walking along the beach through them :). Your new tea sounds terrific! Congrats to your son! I have one friend who is working on his doctorate and some in their post-doc phase--and it is definitely a long road!

  18. I just love it when I see your lupines growing wild on the island, such a beautiful sight. Your selection of teacups this week is perfect to celebrate Canada Day and the tart looks delicious.
    I'm glad you got to spend some quality time with your son, his schooling must keep him very busy but his heart is likely still in PEI.
    Happy Canada Day!

  19. It is so much fun viewing your beautiful photos of the island! The lovely red and white cups and saucers are perfect for celebrationg Canada Day! We have visited Canada during this time of year and we do enjoy your gorgeous country. Have a fabulous week and thanks for visiting my blog and the sweet comments!

    Take care. Pam

  20. Hi Sandi,
    What gorgeous scenic pics today! I am so pleased that you had a little visit with your son but I did miss you last week. I have never been to Illinois and would love to visit there. I love your Mason's Vista teacup and all of your pretty roses too. Happy Canada Day and Happy July 4th to you! Thank you for hosting tea time! Have a wonderful week, Dear Friend! Karen

  21. ooh I just love that first red cup. So pretty. And, beach roses are my very favorite. I love the smell of them mixed with the salty scent of the beach.

  22. Hi Sandi, your lovely pictures of your island remind me of where I live. Lots of wildflowers and beach! I've always wanted to visit your area and still hope to some day! I am so glad you were able to have your son for a visit. I bet you miss him living so far away! Tea time today is so pretty with your roses and transferware. I have some Mason Vista dishes and love them. Your table looks so perfect for celebrating Canada Day! I am glad you are back hosting this party!
    Hugs, Nancy

  23. Happy Canada Day! I so enjoyed looking at the gorgeous photos of your island. I would love to visit one day. The hills and uncrowded beaches are my idea of paradise.I enjoyed your tea time with the pretty roses and your teacups. I especially like the Felicity. Such a sweet pattern design! I'm glad you had time to visit with your son. Congratulations on his achievements!

  24. Sandi:

    The Mason's Vista pattern is always an eye treat! I love the pictures of your island as it always looks so inviting and the lupines near the beach - of my - how lovely! Another wonderful posting.

  25. Sandi, you live on a beautiful Island. Congrats to your son, what an amazing accomplishment! I was a writer and reader my older brother was the Math smart guy! My cousin Janet was recently featured in an article with the local news paper at home in Pueblo, CO. She has been a Math professor for 25 years. She went to the peace corp. and decided Math was what she wanted to devote her life to. Teaching others. It is an honorable profession. Her stories were wonderful to hear. I wish your son the very best. Your photos are glorious and anyone having tea and treats has to be having fun. Blessings to you! Anne

  26. Your new tea sounds perfectly summertime!
    and oh, remembering the lupins on the country road to the shore - fond memory and very Anneish !!
    Have a wonderful summer - HapPy Canada Day!

  27. A huge congrats to your son, Sandi. And your pics of PEI, loved them. The Island looks beautiful. Wishing you an amazing Friday.

  28. This is a special time of year for our two countries! What a beautiful place to live, I adore Lupines! Thanks for the great photographs!

  29. Hi Sandi, popping in to catch up with you and your happenings. Love the red tea cups and roses. Everything about that says summer to me. Lovely to have a glimpse about PEI too. Hope you had a wonderful July 1st celebration. I'm in the UK for a few months now, but did fly my flag :D Big hugs form me to you.

  30. Hello Sandi - I've just come across from Nikki (Sarah's) blog.
    What lovely photo's, I've enjoyed looking at them all and reading your post.
    Well done to your son - and may he have continued success.

    All the best Jan

  31. Sandi, I really must visit the island one day. I have a couple of friends who'd be more than happy to make the trip with me -- we're all Anne fans.

  32. Sandi, hope you had a wonderful Canada Day! Your island is simply gorgeous!! Seeing the lupins in bloom would be an amazing sight. They are such a gorgeous flower!! Your roses are lovely and the added scent makes them even more so. Gorgeous teacups this week also! Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  33. Summer looks so lovely in your corner of the world, Sandi - it has been stormy and at times unusually cool here! I will be featuring your post in this week's A Return to Loveliness,

  34. Un maravilloso paseo por esas tierras tan hermosas y desconocidas para mí.
    Un gusto tomar el té con usted en esas tazas tan bellas y entre rosas preciosas...Todo un placer, gracias por todo.
    Con afecto
    Dolores Velasco, desde Madrid España

  35. What a huge dose of homesickness I get when I see these pictures! I miss the shores of PEI so much, and just seeing the lupins in bloom, Dalvay shores, and the red sand cause me to miss my dear island home so much! It is such a blessing for me to visit your site, and to see your pictures! Enjoy every precious moment of summer, as I remember it is so fleeting there, but incredibly amazing!


I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.