Monday 24 November 2014

Time for Tea and Preparing for the Most Wonderful Time of the Year

It's the most wonderful time of the year.
With the kids jingle belling,
and everyone telling you,
"Be of good cheer,"
It's the most wonderful time of the year. ~ Eddie Pola, George Wyle, 1963

Welcome friends to Tea Time and Happy Thanksgiving to all my American friends this week!
When we forget the obvious, the little joys, the meals together, the birthday celebrations, the weeping together in time of pain, the wonder of the sunset or the daffodil peeping through the snow, we become less human.~ Madeleine L’Engle

Do you like my posies? The bouquet of roses was a good deal at the grocery. Two yellow, two white, three pink, and three red roses makes for a colourful arrangement for my tea table today.

A month from today is Christmas Eve. Are you getting ready? 

This time of year always brings a bit of nostalgia as I unpack the treasured ornaments from over the years.... 

The special little rocking horse my second son gave me when he was ten years old.

The drummer mouse my youngest son gifted me with for my birthday one year. He had played the snare drum in The Little Drummer Boy in the school band.

For Christmas is tradition time - 
Traditions that recall 
The precious memories down the years,
The sameness of them all. ~ Helen Lowrie Marshall

These two boys get a little sentimental around this time of year. For one, it's the music which brings back fond memories of his mom in the kitchen baking holiday treats and trimming the tree while the music played. 

For the other, it's the music, the food, the decorations and everything else the holiday inspires. He is truly a kid at heart at Christmastime. He takes after his mom and grandfather who always loved the holidays.

Both of these boys live far away, one in Vancouver, BC and the other in Illinois, and I will not see them during the holidays so it's an extra sentimental time for this mom. I am so very thankful for Skype however, and very thankful that my oldest son and his family live just five minutes away!

As you all know, I am a bird watcher and I enjoy our little feathered friends. I love the cardinals but I have never seen one as we don't have them here. My son who lives here on the Island gifted me with three red cardinal ornaments one year because he knows I love them. 

I have used this one in a wreath which hangs in the dining room. 

I have the best kids!

You should always be the best decoration in your own house.~ Phoebe Howard 

For our tea, I have set out some of my Johnson Bros. Friendly Village. 

It's perfect for this time of year with each scene of yesteryear transferred on to each piece!

Tea is quiet and our thirst for tea is never far from our craving for beauty. ~ James Norwood Pratt

All of my Friendly Village; dinner plates, salad plates, bread & butter plates, bowls, teacups and saucers, is vintage except for the teapot and the creamer.

I have made a short cut version of a Victorian Sponge cake for our tea. The cake is layered and filled with strawberry jam and fresh whipped cream; yum! Hubby isn't a big cake lover but he sure enjoys this one.

I liked Karen's sentiment from her last week's post. She said blog land is like a Friendly Village and I agree with her. It's a lovely place where we can stay in touch and share one another's interests, especially pretty china and tea. 
We are inspired by each other and care deeply when one of our friends is going through a difficult time. Blog land is a wonderful community of bloggers and I am so happy to be a part of it.

Next week is the first of December and I will begin sharing some Christmas inspired teas with you. I also have a special Christmas Tea planned for you on December 15th. I will tell you more about it next week.

I am delighted you have visited today and I am always happy when you join me for tea and conversation.  

If you have something related to tea time or coffee break, please link up with me and I will be happy to visit you. All teacups/coffee cups, teapots/coffee pots, chocolate pots, tablescapes, tea time recipes, and visits to a Tea Shop are welcome.

Have a wonderful day, dear friends, and I wish all of you in the US, a bountiful and beautiful Thanksgiving Day!

I am linking to these lovely parties as well this week~

A Return to Loveliness
Tea Cup Tuesday~
Tea Cup Tuesday
Tuesday Cuppa Tea
Friends Sharing Tea
Share Your Cup Thursday
Home Sweet Home

Sharing from my heart~ Sandi


  1. Yes, I love that sentiment Karen expressed about being a "friendly village." Thank you for creating that for us here at your weekly tea times.
    I see cardinals daily here; they're so bright and beautiful. But there's other lovelies I never see. All depends on where we live I guess.
    Special ornaments saved through the years always bring back wonderful memories.
    Your sponge cake looks delicious! Have a good week Sandi.

  2. Roses are my favorite....have a blessed Thanksgiving...hugs...

  3. I have Friendly Village as well, and use it a lot during the fall and winter months, except for Christmas time when I use my Christmas dishes. I always loving visiting your beautiful home and tea parties. The cake looks delightful! I am anxious to begin decorating for Christmas but we always wait until after Thanksgiving. Be blessed, my friend! Hugs, Beth

  4. danke für die wunderschönen bilder und inspirationen!!!
    alles liebe von angie aus deutschland

  5. A lovely post, as always! Your roses are beautiful and that sponge cake looks toothsome.

    Enjoyed hearing your musings about Christmas memories past. How much fun it must be to have your grown kids still sharing your love of Christmas and remembering old times together.

    Happy day... and a beautiful week ahead.


  6. Hi Sandi . A lovely post. I just love Freindle perfect for the season. Sorry your link dropped was there when I posted last night...don't know what happened to it! Ah well...Blogger strikes again! Have a wonderful week. Thanks again for hosting and linking to Tuesday Cuppa Tea!

  7. What lovely gifts from your three sons that you've shared today, Sandi! I so enjoy the Friendly Village pattern and used it myself today, too. Your cake looks so scrumptious and I would love to share a slice with you. The first quote that you shared is oh, so true! Thank you for hosting your delightful tea party.

  8. Love Roses and your tea table is so lovely, that cake has me wanting sweets. Have a blessed day Sandi!

  9. Haven't started the Christmas decorating yet...maybe this weekend. Love your Freindly Village. Perfect for this time of year. The roses are gorgeous,and I love your wonderful cake! Thanks for hosting.

  10. You always manage to find some pretty flowers at the grocer and they sure add to a tea table. The transferware is versatile at this time of year and right now as I'm sipping some darjeeling tea, I'm wishing I had a piece of your strawberry cake.
    I'm lucky too to have cardinals in the back yard all the time, although I'm still waiting to capture that perfect photo of the male on snowy pine branches.
    Thanks for hosting Sandi.

  11. Hi Sandi!
    I just LOVE your Friendly Village tableware (so perfect for the holidays) and also the analogy of your reader. is so true.
    I love, too, sponge cake and can't remember the last time I was so lucky as to have enjoyed some. My taste buds are craving it now! Haha
    Linda at Beautiful Ideas

  12. What a lovely posting! Love the Friendly Village tea service..

  13. Hi Sandi,
    We can always count on you to bring us lots of loveliness. I have the Friendly Village dishes and use them for our Thanksgiving dinner. I too love the sentiment of blogging being a "friendly village."

    We have cardinals that dine at our backyard feeder everyday. The female isn't as pretty as the male...go figure!
    I hope that you have a wonderful Thanksgiving too.


  14. Christmas is such a special time of the year isn't it. Friendly Village china is a favourite of mine to see as I don't own any pieces, but enjoy seeing other bloggers share it. It's difficult to have family living away isn't it? Your bouquet of roses is beautiful! There are a lot of cardinals in NB now, but I've never seen one yet! I'm looking forward to the Christmas tea posts. Blessings. Pam

  15. I hope you get to see the boys again soon. Your tea is beautiful! Thanks for hosting!

  16. Hi Sandi,
    Oh my! I am so very honoured that you mentioned me today! I am beaming! Thank you so much! I do love your Friendly Village too! Yours are sparkling! I adore posies as well! Only a month till Christmas? Yikes! I must get busy! Your cake looks delish! Thank you for hosting today! Blessings! Karen

  17. You will be enjoying that Friendly Village set which is darling. I notice it a lot and see the older pieces in antique malls. This is a lovely posting and I hope you have a lovely week.

  18. Hello sandi
    I'm seeing the Friendly Village cups on quite a few blogs - they are lovely.
    I agree with you and your sentiments about our grown children's memories of Christmas and holidays.
    Sorry I couldn't join you this week but I've posted a giveaway this week, I would love you to come over and join in too!

  19. What a lovely tea table you laid Sandi! I am loving your dishes, have never seen them before! Your posies are so pretty too. Your christmas decorating is so pretty too. We will do our tree on Friday. Have a fabulous week!

  20. Dear Sandi,
    I so understand your feelings about your sons who live far away. Skype is really a good possibility to keep in touch. Your ornaments with all those memories are real treasures. So cute of your sons. I also love Karen's idea of a Friendly Blog Village. Such a charming idea. Thank you for this wonderful tea time and for hosting this sweet event. Have a blessed Thanksgiving.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  21. I love Christmas!Your cake looks delicious and your roses are gorgeous.

  22. You've reminded me I need to take out my Friendly Village dishes to use, Sandi. I have found a few pieces here and there at antique malls so I only have a few dishes and teacups/saucers. Love the teapot.

  23. Perfect tea place setting for November. Victorian sponge cake looks delightful.

  24. Blessings, Sandi! So delightful to drop by and catch up with you! I do miss my dear tea ladies and linking up each week. Unfortunately, since returning from the writer's conference this summer, my life has taken a dramatic change--for the better--and things have been happening so fast! My first book will be out the beginning of January with lots of book events in March and April in time for Easter. I'm currently on deadline to wrap it up and get it to the printer by next week - gah!

    Taking a moment to drink in your Friendly Village--and that cake!!--is pure heaven. I've had precious little time for my own teatimes. Haley and I want to do a Christmas tea in December. She is doing the original soundtrack music for the book's audio CD with her Irish fiddle and continues to blog her budding career. We HOPE to join you all at least once this season!!

    Hope you are cozy and warm in the north on PEI! Blessings of the season!

  25. Lovely, lovely roses and teatime... I always want to sample your recipes( ha ha) and today you made my favourite with strawberry ..Yummy... Ornaments are indeed and endearing treasure filled with loving memories...especially of children. My 2 boys /grand children are far away too, Calgary and Australia... Luckily. my daughter is in Montreal so that's a little closer. Thanks for the warm post...ENJOY your sweet teatime treasures..Hugs

  26. Hello Sandi, Absolutely charming the whimsy, the cake and the roses! I do appreciate you hosting,

  27. What a lovely post and how yummy does that cake look!!! Wishing you a happy and blessed Thanksgiving!


  28. O que nos faz amigos é essa capacidade de sermos muitos, mesmo quando somos dois.
    Pe. Fábio de Melo
    Obrigada querida pela amizade carinhosa!
    Um doce abraço, Marie.

  29. love the quote by Howard. Christmas prep - haven't started at all. So many things have been happening. Good things, Wishing you an amazing weekend Sandi. Hugs.

  30. This story only talks about NY and the UK. I was wondering if you heard anything on PEI?

  31. Sandi, the beautiful roses are such a delight this time of year! We all need flowers to brighten our day every now and then. All 5 of my children live close. I can imagine that it is difficult to have them so far away. My boys have a tender heart and love the holidays as much as my girls do. They're just big kids at heart! Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  32. Hello Sandi, love this post and your lovely Friendly Village set - I will be featuring your post in this week's A Return to Loveliness,

  33. Ahhhhhh the Johnson Bros pattern Friendly Village? I have one two pieces...a cup & saucer and a demitasse c/s...chose them as a reminder of a dear friend during our Texas years- seeing your settings is inspiring me..perhaps I should think of a few place settings? Inspiring? No- temptation!

  34. Hi there, I hopped over from A Return to Loveliness. I have a few pieces of Friendly Village in my transferware collage. Your teapot is gorgeous! Blessings, Cecilia


I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.