Monday 15 September 2014

Something Sweet for Tea Time Tuesday

Life is like a camera...
Focus on what's important,
Capture the good times,
Develop from the negatives,
And if things don't work out
Take another shot.~ Unknown

Welcome friends to Tea Time Tuesday a blog party where we sip a little tea and share some conversation.

It is the middle of September already and everyone is getting their Fall out. Well, I'm still hesitant to do too much in that way but next week, whether I like it or not, Autumn will be here. 
So, next week, I may as well embrace it and host an Autumn Tea.

Let's gather our Autumn tea things and perhaps show off some Autumn decor or a yummy dessert you only serve during the Fall season. Hope you can make it! I know Autumn is a favourite season for many of you.

"What do you do when you fall in love?"~ From the song, "I'll Never Fall in Love Again," sung by Dionne Warwick. Written by Burt Bacharach and Hal David 1968

Don't you just love this teacup?

I was smitten with this pretty teacup the first time I saw it and I had added it to my Acquisition List a couple of years ago. Then this Summer, I found it and was able to bring this little beauty home with me. Actually, I found a few pieces of tea ware over the Summer months and will be sharing them in the coming weeks.

This is an Aynsley bone china teacup and saucer, circa 1980 made in England, and it is in such perfect condition that I wonder if it had ever been used. In any case, she now belongs to me and will be used often.

The stamp on the bottom tells us the Aynsley company was established in 1775.

This sweet pattern is called Rosedale. Although another site claims its name is Hathaway. In any case, it is an embossed crocus shape sprinkled with pink roses. 
I am always attracted to a cottagey look it seems. Both the cup and the saucer have a crocus design. Can you see it?

There are a few roses adorning the inside of the cup as well.

The cup is footed with a rich gold trim and has an unusual handle with a flat thumb rest. Very comfy to hold.

I once read somewhere that this is the pattern Princess Diana chose for her wedding china when she married the Prince of Wales. I don't know if it is indeed the pattern she chose but how romantic the thought!

I chose these sweet Autumn roses from the grocery store and the colour is a perfect match to the roses on the teacup.

These roses are small and they seem to stand up much better than the bigger roses. I think another reason I was attracted to them is because they are the same shade as my wedding outfit which I wore so many years ago.

Teacup Tip~ When adding sugar or cream to your coffee or tea, swirl the spoon around in the beverage without touching the cup. Hitting the metal spoon against the porcelain will make minute scratches in it, damaging the glaze. ~ Internet

The plate in the background is called
Briar Rose.

In my cup is Bigelow Constant Comment, a wonderful black tea flavoured with the rind of oranges and sweet spice. Delicious!

Perhaps it is while drinking tea that I most of all enjoy the sense of leisure. ~George Gissing, The Private Papers of Henry Ryecroft, 1903

My tea treat is a parfait glass filled with bananas and strawberries topped with strawberry yogurt. 

The glass, which I believe is Depression glass, is pink and so thin one has to take care when using it. It has a beautiful etching of a flower and vine on it.

The china dessert plate is Rose of England.

Love my birdie topped teapot in its trellis design!

Have you found something special lately?

I am delighted you have stopped by for tea today! Your presence always makes my tea party that much more special. This tea party is all about sharing your joy of tea time and any thoughts you may have on the subject. 

Do you have a favourite teacup/teapot, coffee cup/coffee pot, or tablescape that you would like to share with us? I would love to see it and I'm sure others would too! A trip to a Tea Shop is always fun and if you have discovered a new tea we'd love to hear about that too. I would also welcome a recipe which would be a good accompaniment for tea time.

The good you do today may be forgotten tomorrow. Do good anyway.
Give the world the best you have and it may never be enough. Give your best anyway.
For you see, in the end, it is between you and God. It was never between you and them anyway. ~ Mother Teresa

I am joining the following parties as well~

Mosaic Monday
 A Return to Loveliness
 Tea Cup Tuesday
 Tea Cup Tuesday
 Tuesday Cuppa Tea
 Tea in the Garden
 Share Your Cup Thursday
 Home Sweet Home

Sharing from my heart~ Sandi


  1. Your teacup and roses are lovely! Have a wonderful week ... hugs....

  2. Good morning Sandi! I can see why you fell in love with that pattern...I always love rosebud chintz! I have heard of several patterns being Princess Diana's choice...but I don't think anyone really knows. But I would have chosen yours! Lovely tea table! Thanks for hosting and linking to Tuesday Cuppa Tea!

  3. So lovely, and I adore the GORGEOUS Briar Rose plate and you beautiful wonderful they must smell!

  4. Hello Sandi
    I like the rose pattern and crocus shape of your new teacup, the handle appeals to me too.
    I look forward to the autumn tea, it is my favourite season.
    Thank you for linking to Mosaic Monday, this week I linked back to you too as most of the gals will know Shane.

  5. Hi Sandi,
    I love your new Aynsley teacup today. The shape is gorgeous! I have a few Aynsley cups but yours is beautiful! Thank you for all of your inspiring words today. It is such an inspiration to visit your blogspot each week. I never knew that about the teacup tip. Luckily I don't have sugar in my tea or I may have scratched my inner cups. I don't have a lot of Autumn decor but will try to participate in your Autumn Tea next week. Thank you for hosting today! Have a wonderful week! Karen

  6. Oh Sandi, your new teacup is so pretty. I just love it, along with your beautiful roses. You always have the prettiest teas set up to share with us. Of course, you know I enjoy your lovely quotes. Thank you for hosting your wonderful party. xo

  7. That is a lovely sweet tea cup and saucer. And I do like that dessert plate

  8. I love the pretty roses and arrangement. And your teacup is lovely.. Thanks for sharing, have a happy new week!

  9. What a stunning tea...yummy and exquisite with those lovely roses.

  10. Sandi, I'm sorry not to link today; I'm having problems uploading pictures. Hope it will be resolved before your autumn tea party. Constant Comment is my favorite evening tea (decaf). Your new teacup is very sweet, and I love your teapot. Have a nice week.

  11. You have so many lovely teacups Sandi! That is certainly a gorgeous pattern. Parfaits are one of my favorite treats. Especially pretty in your delicate depression glass. Happy to be joining today!

  12. All the components of your setting today tie in so well together. Even the dessert matches the colours! Have a lovely day, Sandi.

  13. That's funny that this might be the pattern Princess Diana picked out for her china. I could see her liking it. It is a beautiful pattern. I was enamored with all things Diana when I was 20 and when we wallpapered my kitchen I chose a wallpaper that looked just like what Diana had used to decorate this room in Highgrove.
    I can't believe it is fall. Summer went by in a flash!

  14. Your real roses and all the rose tea accessories are so pretty. Yogurt never looked so good in such an attractive tablescape. Thanks for Constant Comment suggestion as it has been awhile since I have purchased. Thank you for the lovely party.

  15. Your new teacup is very pretty! All of the pieces you picked looks so pretty together. I'm excited about the autumn tea next week--I'm definitely ready for fall :). Have a great week and thanks for hosting.

  16. I do love Anysley tea cups and saucers. This is a pretty post with your trellis bird "teapot" (coffee) which is very fun!

  17. Hi Sandi: Lovely Aynsley tea cups today. I always love your table. Have a wonderful week. Blessings, Martha

  18. What a charming tea cup with its petite roses!

  19. Oh, Sandi- I just love it all. Those roses are wonderful and do match your tea cup. Hope you are having a wonderful transition time from summer to fall.

  20. Beautiful Aynsley teacup, and the bouquet of roses is gorgeous! As always, your Tea Time Tuesday photos and comments are inspiring.

  21. Your new teacup is absolutely charming, and I LOVE that you see all the magnificent little details that so many of us love. Thank you for capturing and sharing them!

  22. Sandi, your teacups are just beautiful...
    And the dessert looks sooo yummy....

    Thanks for your visit and your sweet comment~

  23. As always, it is such a pleasure to see your beautiful china and snacks - and to read your perfectly chosen quotes. The one from Mother Theresa is a particular favorite. God bless, you Sandi.

    Thank you for hosting. HUGS!!

  24. Hi Sandi,
    i always love teacups and roses!

    Your dessert is just what I need to start having for a treat instead of my cheesecake ...yummy though it was(Old Mill Restaurant).

    Thank you for hosting,

  25. Your Aynsley is absolutely gorgeous! A perfect accompaniment with your PEI life.... you must know PEI is on my short bucket list as well!

  26. What a beautiful tea cup. I have such a weakness for a pretty cup. :)


  27. Dear Sandi,
    you combined this wonderful tea cup wonderfully with the plate. All looks so lovely and brightens up my fall day. I have no post to share today but enjoyed my stay.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  28. Hello Sandi,
    Teacups are so wonderful to collect - this one is beautiful - your tea is lovely - wonderful treat for yourself! I am delighted to join your party and do appreciate you sharing,

  29. Such a great party, and the chintz is gorgeous. Just popping in to say hi!

  30. love what you wrote at the end Sandi...the Mother Theresa quote. So true. Hugs and wishes for a beautiful weekend. Rain or sun, it's going to be a good one. Hugs.

  31. Such pretty arrangements and lovely things on display. Very nice photography.


I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.