Monday 13 May 2013

Roses For Tea Time Tuesday

"Marilla....realized that the winter was over and gone with the thrill of delight that spring never fails to bring to the oldest and saddest as well as to the youngest and merriest." ~ L.M. Montgomery - "Anne of Green Gables"

Welcome to Tea Time, dear friends! I hope you all enjoyed your Mother's Day weekend. Hubby and I spent last evening with our son and his family and we enjoyed a meal and lots of loving which comes with spending time with one's family.

"But friendship is the breathing rose, with sweets in every fold." ~ Oliver Wendell Holmes

I am thrilled with the changes in nature I am seeing take place every day here on our fair Island. The grass has turned lush and green and the trees are taking on the lovely lacy look which I love. The songbirds are singing outside my window and the spring peepers are singing their hearts out in the pond behind our house. My rose bushes will soon be heavy with a profusion of heavenly scented blooms to enjoy. I love springtime!

Do you ever tire of seeing roses? Me neither, especially when they adorn a table or pretty china.

These lovely teacups you have seen before but I chose them today for a reason.

Hubby gave me a dozen of these scrumptious pink roses for our anniversary and I knew just the teacups to use.

These teacups n saucers have a few things in common. They are each adorned with roses and brushed on gold and they are all Royal Albert. 

Who doesn't love Royal Albert Old English Roses?

The teacup above is the Avon shape with lush roses encircling the inside of the cup. 

This Old English Roses teacup is the Hampton shape with roses adorning the outside of the cup.

I also brought out my favourite mis-matched teacup. The saucer is RA American Beauty and the cup is Royal Standard Orleans Rose. This set is a perfect marriage, don't you think?

And tea tastes just as good in this china teacup as in the other two.

"I'm so blessed to have a friend like you to share in everything I do. For one special friend sharing a special cup of tea truly makes this a perfect recipe." ~ Anonymous

My hubby celebrated a birthday the other day and I baked a pie for him because he doesn't care much for cake. This is a Banana Mallow Pie and it's yummo!

Shall we enjoy a piece of pie with our tea?
A rich cloud of real whipped cream is topped with  sliced bananas, but I will wait till Wednesday's HOME party to divulge the rest of the recipe.

If you are watching your waistline then perhaps you will want just a thin slice. But I must warn you, you will want more!

"The world becomes a lovely thing!
There's beauty as you'll see;
All because you briefly stopped
To brew a cup of tea." ~ Traditional verse

I am so happy to have you visit Rose Chintz Cottage and I would love for you to join me for Tea Time. Just share a favourite teacup/teapot or coffee mug, a teascape/tablescape, or anything that is related to tea and link up with me. I will be only too happy to come and visit you. 

Meanwhile, be sure to stop and smell the roses!

"The grass withers, the flower fades, but the Word of our God stands forever." ~ Isaiah 40:8

I am joining the following parties as well~

A Return to Loveliness ~
Tea Cup Tuesday~
Tea Cup Tuesday ~
Tuesday Cuppa Tea~
Tea In The Garden ~
Homemaking Link Up ~
Share Your Cup Thursday~
Cottage Style Linky Party~
Home Sweet Home~
Pearls and Lace Thursday ~

Sharing from my heart ~ Sandi


  1. Wow! Lots of roses around your house!...The pie looks delicious..I'll look forward to the recipe.

  2. Hope you had a nice Mom's Day dear Sandi. Your post is lovely with the roses and beautiful china. Thank you for hosting this lovely tea party. Big hugs,

  3. Oh, and that pie looks yummy too! Wow, I also the first one at your party today, lol..

  4. Your post this week is just gorgeous! Hope you had a wonderful mothers day...hugs, Penny

  5. Beautiful post Sandi! and your teacups are scrumptious. I wish I had a slice of that pie right now...

  6. A beautiful post Sandi..
    I do not belong or do the links..but enjoy seeing how you set your table.
    the cake looks delicious..
    I do love roses. I often think people are fed up with my rose posts..but they are such a lovely flower.
    your cups are divine.
    happy days and thank you for tea.

  7. Hi, Sandi, I have missed you. Since I am no longer doing my "Fill My Cup" blog and haven't been taking part in the tea parties, I've just not been by that often lately. Well, that is going to change. Even if I don't link-up myself, I have decided that I am still going to participate in the party by stopping by. Your blog is always such a warm and gracious place on the web, and I love popping by.

    Your teacups are a beautiful sight, and that pie looks totally yummy!!

    I love that Anne of Green Gables passage about Marilla rejoicing that winter was over. I am right there with her!! As always, winter seems endless, but I do believe the warm days are here for good now, and I, for one, am thrilled.

    Have a wonderful day.


  8. Lovely post! I love all the roses!!!

  9. What a lovely bouquet of roses from your sweetie! He knows you so well, doesn't he, Sandi?? I love all your pretty teacups, too, and never tire of roses. Thank you for hosting and have a blessed week, my friend! xo

  10. What a beautiful "Rosey" post with glorious cups and saucers! I will be having Tea In The Garden on Tuesday's now instead of Friends Sharing Tea and also I have a new address for my blog.

  11. Sandi, your anniversary rose bouquet is gorgeous! What a love shade of pink and they go perfectly with the china your chose today. The pie looks so yummy too! Isn't spring a beautiful time of year? Blessings, Pam

  12. Pretty roses on the table and the china. The pie looks delicious and I'll bet your hubby loved it.

  13. Hello Sandi, I am glad you had a wonderful Mother's Day. We did too. Dearest grilled, the girls cooked and we sat outside afterwards enjoying the perfect weather.The pie you made for your husband's birthday looks delicious!
    No, I don't get enough of roses! This year is a spectacular year for roses and I am so very grateful! I appreciate you hostingh and sharing,

  14. Dearest Sandi, thank you for hosting and sharing all the beautiful roses. happy Mother's day..C. (HHL)

  15. Dear Sandi,
    how nice that you invite us to your husbands birthday cake. It looks super yummy. I am thrilled by the tea cups. I love American Beauty and did not knew that there exist so many similar patterns. They match great together. Such a beauty with the roses of your anniversary flowers. Thank you for sharing this wonderful tea Time and for hosting this sweet event.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  16. Hi Sandi,
    Roses are always a fantastic choice to accompany a lovely tea! And the several rose tea cups you matched go so well together!
    Thanks for hosting this delightful tea party.

  17. Your pie looks delicious! Happy Birthday to your husband! Thank you for hosting!

  18. Hi Sandi,
    Your tea this week is so beautiful! Your roses are so pretty and go so well with your lovely teacups. Happy belated annniversary to you! Spring here is still taking its time. We had two days of light snow over the weekend! Have a wonderful week and thank you for hosting!
    Blessings, Nancy

  19. Beautiful roses all over! Your banana pie looks delicious!

  20. Sandi, you have so many gorgeous teacups adorned with roses. Your pie looks simply divine! I would much rather have pie than cake. Thanks for hosting.

  21. Hi Sandi!
    It's been awhile... Your tablescape is so beautiful!
    You make the best looking desserts!
    Hope you are doing well.
    Yes, Spring is a wonderful time of year. We were able to enjoy it up north last month.
    Hugs and blessings to you.

  22. The roses hubby gave for your anniversary are so pretty and look perfect with the teacups. But I think I will just have tea and no pie. Have a great day. Jen

  23. hello
    un très belle journée toute de
    rose vêtue
    la table pour le thé est superbe
    bonne journée

  24. Happy Anniversary and Happy Birthday to your husband! What wonderful occasions to bring out the beautiful tea sets. I love the big roses on the cups! They just draw you in and make you feel comfortable and happy to be alive. Your pie looks so delicious and I can't wait to see the recipe.

  25. Hi Sandi! So happy to be partying with you today. Thanks my friend for hosting!

    Linda and Jeannie at The French Hens Nest

  26. You always have such a beautiful tea time :) Your pictures are so lovely to look at.

    I hope you had a beautiful MEther's Day.

    Enjoy your week, dear friend.

    Hugs to you!

  27. Everything is so beautiful,Sandi. The pie looks delicious!


  28. Hola Sandi
    Gracias por venir querida amiga a mi martes de te, humilde como digo siempre. Es un honor para mí que tú vengas a mi blog teniendo la maravilla de tazas de té y todo el ambiente que creas: las flores, la mesa, y hasta el pastel que se ve muy sabroso.
    Un beso enorme desde Argentina.

  29. Lovely pink roses! You describe so well your delight in spring. I am sure springtime on your island is heavenly! I always imagined one day I would visit.
    I know you will take in every day with delight.

  30. Oh my gosh, haha, Sandi we must have been soul sisters for our tea today.

    I got my post all ready, and came on to see what you've done and there is was: Royal Albert, haha.

    WELL I daresay your beautiful and lovely tea beats mine hands down.

    Your post is absolutely gorgeous.

    Thank you so much for hosting.


  31. Your roses are lovely, both those in the vase and those on the teacups. Those teacups are just gorgeous! Happy Anniversary, and Happy birthday to your dear hubby. It was a pleasure visiting you today.
    Be blessed, Beth

  32. I love all the roses Sandi. I have the same cups. I don't have a Tea Time post to share today but I came to see the beauty being shared here today. And that banana pie looks yummy. One of my favorites.. I will check it out on Wednesday.



  33. Roses always remind me of my honeymoon in Canada ( Vancouver & Victoria) when I wore rose scented perfume . The scent of roses brings back sweet memories of my then new husband and makes even sweeter the time we have spent together, going on 40 years this coming July. Thank-you my Canadian blog friend for reminding me of this in your rose filled post !

  34. Roses always remind me of my honeymoon in Canada ( Vancouver & Victoria) when I wore rose scented perfume . The scent of roses brings back sweet memories of my then new husband and makes even sweeter the time we have spent together, going on 40 years this coming July. Thank-you my Canadian blog friend for reminding me of this in your rose filled post !

  35. what a lovely post, I won't be joining this week, maybe Thursday. Wedding was Friday evening and it was wonderful and then on Sunday we buried Franks mothers ashes and their was about 30 at the house and Iam whacked. I did get out my cups n saucers, but that was as far as I got.Love your roses, gorgeous. We had a big storm on Sunday-did PEI? Hoping to visit the island this summer... God bless...

  36. My very favorite tea cups of the week! They are just stunning. I am so glad you shared them. Blessings, Martha

  37. Sandi, I meant to tell you earlier how much I loved seeing all your roses...both fresh & the ones on your cups.
    Thank you for hosting this Tea Time Tuesday. This is the first time I've joined in & I almost forgot my manners. I've corrected my post to include a link back to your blog. My apologies for neglecting that earlier.

    Most sincerely,

    p.s. I look forward to that pie recipe!!!

  38. So pretty Sandi. I so love roses in and on anything too. Lovely china.x

  39. Dear Sandi,
    I surely love those teacups. They get me every time.
    Have a lovely, Ruthie from Lady B's

  40. Sandi,
    That pie looks awesome! Thank you for hosting and for joining Home Sweet Home!

  41. Truly said..this is wonderful post and that red flowers and bouquets seems to be awesome tea time!!


I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.