Wednesday 15 May 2013


"I am grateful; for the lawn that needs mowing, windows that need cleaning, and floors that need waxing because it means I have a home." ~ Author unknown

Hello friends and welcome to my HOME where I invite you to come in and share anything and everything related to your home.

This week at Rose Chintz Cottage I used my Anniversary roses as the theme for my tea party. 

Are they not a gorgeous colour?

I used several teacups which I thought would look lovely with them. I love my roses! 

I also served my hubby's scrumptious Birthday pie and I promised to share the recipe with you today, so here it is. It's a recipe which I got from my mother years ago. And it's as easy as....pie!

Banana Mallow Pie

Bake up your favourite pie crust and then let it cool while you prepare the filling. {I made mine the night before.}

1 - 4 serving size pkg. of instant vanilla pudding
1-1/2 cups mini marshmallows
1/2 cup whipping cream
2 bananas sliced
Lemon juice

Prepare pie filling as directed on the box only using 1-3/4 cups milk. Cover with wax paper, chill.
Whip the cream until it forms peaks. Gently fold the whipped cream and marshmallows into the pudding.
Set aside while you dip the bananas in lemon juice and place them on the bottom of the pie crust.
Spread the filling over the bananas and chill. Just before serving, whip up some sweetened cream and  spread over the top of the filling. Garnish with sliced bananas and peanuts. Peanuts are optional. Serve and enjoy!

A few posts from last week which caught my eye -

This one has got to be my favourite!

Linda @ More Fun Less Laundry gets to sit under this scrumptious tree filled with pink blossoms and enjoy her dinner. What a glorious place to dine and dream away a little bit of your day!

Isn't it amazing? I had to share her table setting too as it was so pretty. Yes, I could certainly picture myself sitting there.

Bernideen @ Bernideen's Tea Time Blog  has been painting up a storm. This is her kitchen table and chairs which look wonderful painted a shabby white. Love it!

Kathy @  A Delightsome Life shared her wholesome recipe for Granola. There is just so much about this picture that speaks to me. Homemade goodness with yogurt served up in pink depression glass. Mmm!

Homemade Granola 4

Gina @ Victorian Wanna Be shared her gorgeous lilacs. Isn't that lace simply exquisite?  I can almost smell the lilacs.

Debra @ HOMESPUN shared her beautiful white crabapple tree which her little grandson had called a snow tree. Such lovely blossoms! 

Closeup Blossom

As you can see, all but two of the featured posts this week are all about blossoms. I think they caught my attention because they reminded me of being at my grandparents' farm where they had all kinds of blossoming trees. Such lovely memories!

"Home is where your story begins."

Thank you so much for joining me here at my HOME and if you have something you would like to share, please link up below. I will be only to happy to visit you. Please be sure to have a link back to my party. If there is no link then I will not be able to feature your post.  

I am joining the following parties as well~

Homemaking Link Up ~
Home and Garden Thursday ~
Pearls and Lace Thursday ~
Share Your Cup Thursday~
Tutorials Tips and Tidbits ~
Home Sweet Home~
Open House~

Sharing from my heart~ Sandi


  1. Your pie looks delicious, Sandi. I have never heard of that filling. I will try it for sure. Love your tea-cups and of course, your beautiful roses. Hugs, Deb

  2. Hi Sandi,

    It's been a while since I have linked up with you :) Thanks for hosting your lovely party. Your pie is something similar to a pie my mom makes for my dad - it's his favorite :) Thanks for sharing!

    Hugs to you,

  3. Sandi,
    What a scrumptious pie!! And the roses and those tea cups are just stunning!!

    Thanks so much for inviting us into your HOME every week!!


  4. Sandi, yes your pretty roses are such a gorgeous shade. My hubby would LOVE that amazing pie. Thanks for sharing the recipe from your HOME. Thank you for hosting your wonderful party and sharing the beautiful features. xo

  5. That pie look so yummy...can't wait to make one! Thanks for hosting...hugs, Penny

  6. Dear Sandy! Thank You so much for the party! Hope you are having an awesome week so far! Hugs,

  7. Sandi, that tree is amazing! I want to sit under it and eat a piece of you pie...

    Thanks for hosting. We love your parties!

    Linda and Jeannie at The French Hens Nest

  8. Thank you so much for the feature; I am honored! :)

    Linking up some more blossoms! The crab apple is done but the snowball bush and lilac are coming into bloom.

    Spring is so wonderful, isn't it ?: )

  9. Hi Sandi, that pie sure looks good and is so easy to make too. Thanks for sharing the recipe. And thanks for hosting HOME this week. I have linked up. Blessings, Pamela

  10. That pie looks simply delicious and my husband and I would love it! I have the printer going!

  11. I was so enamored by the pie I forgot to say - thank you for featuring my kitchen table and chairs!

  12. I'm so glad you shared your pie recipe. I have been thinking about it since you first posted it. :)
    And Sandi...your tea setting it absolutely delightful.
    Hope your week has been extraordinary!

  13. I must try your pie when the family come.

  14. A gorgeous post, Sandi. I love the colors and the pie looks delish!

  15. Hello Sandi, I do appreciate you sharing my Granola! It's nearly gone! Darling Daughter took 1/2 when she went back to school. She tells me she keeps it in her car as a quick snack. Dearest and I have been enjoying it over yogurt - I feel good about feeding ourselves so well. I appreciate you hosting - hugs,

  16. Hi Sandi, I am so happy that you like my tree! It is truly glorious, and it's still in bloom but the petals have begun to fall all over the deck. Thank you so much for featuring me! It will be an honor to add your featured button to my blog! And, by the way, your roses are gorgeous!! Linda

  17. Sandi, The teacup is so beautiful! Love the rose in it :) Thank you for hosting! Think is the first time for me linking up... Greetings from Australia♥ ~Pernilla

  18. Hi Sandi! I feel very honored that you featured my lilacs and lace post. Thankyou. I have not been able to post anything for a while but I will be thinking about something for next week and then I will mention you featuring me at your HOME party then.
    Thanks again and have a great weekend! Gina

  19. Sandi, love that beautiful rose and it looks right at home in your pretty teacup. The pie looks delsih! Thanks for sharing the recipe. I will be giving it a whirl. Also love the features.

  20. I can't imagine sitting under that tree for tea or dinner, it is such a beautiful spot, thank you for sharing Linda's thinking spot with us. I love what Bernideen has done with the table and chairs.

    I can always count on you for a rose, thank you.

  21. Hello Dear Friend,
    I loved this post - the pie looks fantastic - such a sweet treat for your husband. I appreciate you sharing with Home and Garden Thursday,

  22. Hi Sandi, just hopping by to let you know that I am featuring you at SYC today.

  23. I featured this recipe on "Open House" today - it gets an A+ for sure!


I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.