Monday 4 April 2011

Tea Time Tuesday and Sheila's Heart of the Home Party

Every limpid brook is singing Of the lure of April days~ Lucy Maud Montgomery - Spring Song 

Hello friends~ A warm welcome awaits you here at Rose Chintz Cottage as we partake of another Tea Time Tuesday.

It's the first week of April! Can you believe it; we got more snow dumped on us over the weekend! Surely this is the last of it. I haven't seen a robin yet so I think Spring must be playing a trick on us. Oh, how I long to hear and see the song birds; especially the finches!

For now, I will enjoy this sweet little birdie on my coffee table. He is joined by a small bouquet of white carnations which are still going strong since last week. I think they look lovely in the cranberry basket, don't you!

I thought I would do something a little different for Tea Time this week.  I am joining Sheila @ Note Songs for her Heart of the Home Party. She had asked us to share our favourite cupboard. Well, since mine is my china cabinet I thought I would share that with you today for Tea Time Tuesday. So, please come in and make yourself at home.

I have spread the table with my favourite lace tablecloth and I have set out a red transferware teapot and creamer as well as my Cream Lace teacup. A candle in my newest votive holder and a vase of white tulips joins the party.

The dainty teacup is made by Skye McGhie which you've seen before. I love this pattern with the cut-outs on the saucer and the fleur de lis on the cup!

I love red transferware!

The marking on the bottom of the teapot says only Antique Reflections.

If the inside of your china teapot has turned brown, clean it with a little bleach and be sure to rinse thoroughly before using. Let air dry.

The creamer also says Antique Reflections. That's all I know about the teapot and creamer except that I like them! They are different patterns but the red transferware unites them very well. That is the charm of transferware; the colours and patterns go so well together!

Now, how about a nice cup of tea? I am having lemon ginger tea today. Perhaps you would like some cheesecake to go with it. Hubby loves it when I have a tea party because he gets to sample everything!

I have a lovely little lemon swirl cheesecake with fresh whipped cream and strawberries.

To clean silver, place a layer of aluminum foil on the bottom of the sink. Fill the sink with water and add 1 cup of Tide detergent. { It must be Tide and no other.} Set in silver pieces and soak for eight to twelve hours until tarnish free. 

Are you comfy? Some of you may have wondered where I keep my china. Well, this is one of the places.

This cabinet was once a closet between the living room and dining room. I wanted a cabinet to display my china in so I drew up a design and a friend built it for me.
The door of the closet was removed and the closet gutted after which my friend built the interior shelves, installed the lighting, and I painted. I had the cabinet doors made and the glass put in.

I bought the crystal knobs...
...and another friend built the drawer for me. I also got the scrolly pediment above it which adds some nice detail. It took about six months over all but I'm very pleased with the finished cabinet! I am so happy I went ahead and did this because now I have a lovely space to show off my favourite pieces as well as some of my tea sets.

As you can see, I have all of my Rose Chintz in here as well as a few pieces of other china patterns.

The top shelf  houses my Johnson Brothers Rose Chintz platters, teapot, double egg cups, jug, gravy boat, as well as some demitasses.

The lower shelf  holds all the JB Rose Chintz place settings as well as my Maxwell and Williams Rose Bud candle sticks and a Skye McGhie Florence tea set. There are some salt and peppers and votive holders. Tucked in behind are some cake plates, coffee mugs, and a Rose Chintz butter dish as well as a lidded serving bowl.

The opening below the main cabinet, I had made specifically to display my Nativity at Christmastime. The rest of the year, it is a wonderful place to display my Rose Chintz coffee set and some rose coloured stemware. I often have a little lamp lit in here as well. The pink floral rimmed bowl you see on the left belongs to another set of dishes. I love how I can mix and match all my china pieces!

I usually have a few other teacups in here too but I've cleaned it out so you can see clearly the coffee set.

In the drawer, I keep my chest of silverware, napkins, and napkin rings as well as some doilies.
Below the drawer, behind the closed doors, I store my Kings Crown punch bowl set, and odds and ends of china pieces such as a tiered cake plate, chargers, and trays. It is kind of a mishmash and not overly neat in there, so I won't show you that. I know you'll forgive me!

I am also sharing a favourite little green cabinet. I know some of you have seen this before but have you ever wondered what I kept inside it?

This cabinet is a lovely shade of apple green with a curvy top and legs. It is also distressed which makes it a charming piece. Inside, I store a few of my cake plates, trays, and a few more teacups. As you can see from the photo, my little birdie creamer is kept in here as well as a couple of others. I keep my Kings Crown candy dish and salt and peppers in here too.

In this cabinet there are the following patterns: a green handpainted teacup which I won in a Giveaway from Amy at Vintage Porcelain Art, Rose Bud made by Maxwell and Williams, Rose Chintz by Gracie China, Lavender Rose by Royal Albert, Cream Lace, Pierced Lace, and Garden Whispers all made by Skye McGhie. There is a pattern called  Butterfly Gardens by Maxwell and Williams and a three-footed teacup which I won in a Giveaway from Martha at Martha's Favorites. Finally there is a Valentine teacup made by Gracie China as well as a number of different china plates, creamers and trays.

The mere chink of cups and saucers tunes the mind to happy repose. ~ George Gissing

All the rest of my teacups, teapots, and other china patterns are stored in a different area. I have most of my teapots displayed above my kitchen cabinets.

Would you care for another cup of tea before you go?

It has been a real pleasure having you stop by!

I think I will enjoy another cup of tea as I peruse an issue of Victoria. Do something lovely for yourself today. Better yet, do something lovely for someone else!

The week of April 18th I am hosting my Easter Tea Party so please do join me again. Would love to have you! Enjoy your day everyone!

Happiness is sharing tea with a friend.

If you would like to participate in Tea Time Tuesday, please use the inlinkz below. Thank you.

"May the Lord bless you and protect you. May the Lord smile upon you and be gracious to you. May the Lord show you His favour and give you His peace." ~ Numbers 6: 24-26

I hope you have enjoyed a wee peek into my cupboards and I hope you will visit Sheila and all the other ladies who are hostessing parties below -    

Sheila~ - Heart of the Home Party

Kathy~ - Victoria- A Return to Loveliness

Marty~ - Table Top Tuesday

Martha~ - Teacup Tuesday

Wanda Lee~ - Teapot and Tea Things Tuesday 
Pam~ - Teapot and Tea Things Tuesday

Wanda Lee~ - Tea For Two and Wednesday Tea For Me and Thee

Donna and Miss Spenser~ - Teacup Thursday

Sharing from my heart~ Sandi


  1. First my mouth was watering when I spotted the yummy cheesecake with fresh strawberries and cream. Then when I saw the lovely lighted cupboard with the beautiful Rose Chintz china...oh my heart fluttered. It is so lovely, so very lovely. Wishing you a pleasant day!

  2. Hello Sandi,
    your Chintz pattern is always amazing nice. The white cupboard in which you display your Chintz pattern made me speechless. It is so adorable, I really would love to have such a nice display. Your tea time table is as always very charming and the citrus swirl with strawberries looks so yummy. Thank you for hosting this wonderful event.
    Greetings, Johanna

  3. Your china cabinet and all things look beautiful. I must say you are making me hungry for strawberries. Have a nice day.

  4. Hi Sandi
    How clever to build the cupboard into a closet to save space.
    Your rose chintz china is so pretty. Do you remember the yellow rose chintz Victoria magazine used to have at the back of their magazines? I adored that pattern and wish I had of ordered some - maybe I'll find a piece at an antique store one day.
    Thanks for hosting our weekly tea party, it's always so much fun join you and the other ladies.

  5. I don't know where to let's start with the closet make over. I am in awe. What a clever way to change a boring closet into the most besutiful china cabinet ever! You rocked that one for sure. I am so ready to start gutting all my closets! The cheese cake with fresh strawberries caught my eye. Looks yummy. I love every one of your pieces- on the table and in the cabinets. Great collection!
    Hugs- Tete

  6. Hi Sandi! Oh my! May I come over to your house for tea! Lovely! Lovely! Lovely! Just happened by today when I saw your table setting in my feedreader. I had to come over and see it all.


  7. Sandi,
    I really enjoyed seeing where you keep your beautiful dishes!! And I LOVE how you have them displayed in the cupboard.
    I love the green piece also!! very Pretty!!
    And you made me hungry with the strawberries!!


  8. Your dessert was so pretty. Loved seeing your china in the china cabinet (what a great 'built in idea' and the little green cupboard too. Lovely tea party.
    - Joy

  9. The tea looks wonderful Sandi!

    Your china cabinet is gorgeous!

  10. What a beautiful transformation to your display cupboard.A perfect place for all your lovelies! Cheesecake and strawberries an absolute delight! Would love to spend tea time with you! What a delight! yvette@twistedvines

  11. Your white cabinet is very pretty, Sandi. I love your red transferware. The strawberry dessert is yummy!...Christine

  12. I love your chintz dishes and they look so nice in your beautiful china cabinet. I love the idea of turning a closet into a china cabinet - very smart - it makes for lots of storage. I love your little green cabinet too. Lovely post and that strawberry shortcake looks yummy. I saw more robins the last few days but they do seem slow in coming don't they? Have a great week. Pam

  13. Hi Sandi,
    Your dishes look pretty in your lovely cupboard. I love the scroll detail over it.
    Your little green cupboard is lovely also.
    I have seen a few robins around the last couple of weeks but not as many as usual yet.It will be so nice to have a warm rainy day tomorrow to get rid of that old snow!
    Thank you for hosting,

  14. What a pretty treat you prepared! I am sure your husband can't wait to try it out! I also love your little green cabinet. Looks very cottage. Have a great week. Blessings, Lynn

  15. Dear Sandi,
    thank you for hosting this lovely party and for creating such a wonderful post ! I love your Antique Reflection tea set ! Not to mention ,the cheesecake , my all time favorite ! I am impressed by your cabinet , especially your design !Great job !
    Have a bright week !

  16. I was so impressed by your closet-turned china cupboard I hauled my DH in to see. He was impressed also...and he totally remodeled our house. Kudos!!!

    Love the china, but I'm sure that's no surprise to you! :)

  17. Sandi,

    I just love your china cupboard. It is lovely! It's so you!



  18. Hi Sandi! Oh, I'm in cabinet and dish Heaven! I love that built in cabinet you have and your gorgeous dishes make my tiny heart just sing! :)
    I'm going to have to stay a little while though ~ I'd love some of that yummy looking dessert! Strawberries are my favorite!
    Thank you so much for coming to my party! I loved see your cabinets!;
    You are a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  19. Hey Sandi,
    I have not had time for Tea the last couple of weeks but wanted to spot by and enjoy yours with you...I ADORE that cupboard you created, it is just gorgeous.

    The cheese cake looks scrumptious too.

    Blessings Kelsie

  20. So much loveliness to see! Your cupboard was certainly worth all the time it took. Your cheesecake looks tasty and beautifully put together. I love Tea Time Tuesday!

  21. Beautiful tea and the lemon swirl cheesecake looks delicious. You have a wonderful place to store your lovely Rose Chintz. Thanks for hosting! ~ Sarah

  22. Hello Sandy.
    The photo's they are on this blog are beautiful and I like the roses.
    Have a nice day.
    Greetings Marga

  23. You've blown me away with those beautiful cabinets and your rose chintz collection!! i'm so envious! the cheesecake is mouth watering and i love the cute birdie with the birdhouse as well as the flowers! your lace tablecloth is just gorgeous! beautiful post and photos, another great tea time tuesday!!! xx Susan

  24. Your cabinet (and the china inside it) is just DREAMY! Gorgeous!
    best wishes,

  25. Dear Sandi ~ I absolutely LOVE your built in cabinet ... BRILLIANT! It offers so much room and space for storing and displaying all your beautiful china! That cheesecake looks Divine! Wishing you a wonderful tea party xox.

  26. This is exquisite! What a brilliant idea to turn the closet into a china cabinet - it turned out beautifully, displaying your treasures wonderfully! I hope spring comes your way very, very soon - I'll send some of my songbirds your way - they're singing quite the chorus at this moment!
    Thank you for sharing this with A Return to Loveliness,
    God Bless,

  27. Soooooo pretty! I love how you made a cabinet from a closet and that little green one is just adorable....I love painted cabinets! Beautiful dishes girl..makes you sigh with happiness just looking at them...hope you have a great week....Picket

  28. Everything is lovely, but that cabinet made out of a closet is so clever! I am tickled to see it, to enjoy your clever idea!

  29. I love your cabinets full of teacups and tea pots!
    Really pretty!

  30. You have so many pretty things!

    Susan and Bentley

  31. This is such a pretty cabinet and I love all of your dishes inside...just beautiful, Sandi. I enjoyed my visit to your lovely blog!


  32. Dearest Sandi,

    What a refreshingly pretty teatime post as usual! I especially love the Paisely teapot and your yummy looking strawberry treats.., Yum!..,

    The overall effect is as, 'fresh as Spring', with your lovely creamy white tulips also!

    Thanks so much for your lovely and thoughtful comments and for joining in with the fun once aqain with Pam and I once again for TTTT and also for my 77th, Tuesday Tea For Two..,

    We always love having you join us!

    Cheers and hugs from Wanda Lee

  33. Thank you so much for sharing your cupboard with us. What a wonderful way to display your Chintz and red transferware. They all blend so well together. Just lovely.

    - The Tablescaper

  34. Oh, Sandi... that cabinet and your rose chintz is absolutely gorgeous. Love this SO much. I love the way it's lit, too. You did a great job with this display. And that food looks delicious, too.


    Sheila :-)

  35. I went back for another look and enlarged my screen, and I love how you mixed your transferware with the rose chintz. The perfect pairing. :-)

  36. What a clever on you are! I love the converted closet. And the contents are even better.

  37. Sandi..You take the loveliest photos ever! I ADORE your red and white china! Gorgeous! Thanks for linking with my party. We had to do so much yardwork today..and Marine son called. It made for a busy Tuesday! But after a hour of yardwork, I got a chance to sit and sip tea in the deck swing and admire my handiwork with the azaleas. So nice. And Rebekah greeted me with warmed over scones and coffee this morning. I guess one good deed does deserve another. LoL!

    Donna @ Comin' Home

  38. cute little bird @ bird box on the table just what you need to remind you of spring, i cant believe you still have snow yikes

  39. Oh Sandi that cabinet looks so beautiful with all the chintz. And I adore that sweet green cabinet. Your dessert looks yummers! When can I come over?? hehe

  40. Oh Sandi that cabinet looks so beautiful with all the chintz. And I adore that sweet green cabinet. Your dessert looks yummers! When can I come over?? hehe

  41. Love where you stash all your pretty china, Sandi! And save me a piece of that strawberry cheesecake!

    Big TX Hugs,
    Angelic Accents

  42. Sandi, I could not make tea today but wanted to pop it and say hi. Your collection of rose chintz pattern is delightful. Such a wonderful idea to make the very pretty white cabinet for your dishes. That shortcake is looking so yummy. Blessings on your week.

  43. Oh my!! that cabinet is gorgeous.. Your tea pot is the prettiest ever.. and the cheesecake looks yummm!!


I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.