Monday 23 August 2010

Tea Time Tuesday

Hello friends and welcome to Tea Time Tuesday! I'm so happy to invite you all to my 31st tea party!

Since last week's tea party, I have been blessed with over 300 followers. That's quite an honour as I never in my wildest dreams thought that many lovely folks would be interested in my little blog! One day in October of 2008, I took a deep breath and created my blog and what an adventure it has been! How lovely it has been to 'meet' all you sweet blogging friends. You're the best!

Among my sweet friends is a precious lady who has been such a blessing to me.... We are kindred spirits, she and I, as we both love the Lord, we both collect the same china, Rose Chintz, and we enjoy all things related to tea. Lorena @ Rose Chic Friends gifted me with a hand made tea cozy
and her special clay roses; a magnet and a lovely brooch. Are these not absolutely gorgeous?
Yes, she made these pretties herself! Believe it or not, I didn't have a tea cozy and she so graciously gifted me with this one which is perfect in my kitchen! Isn't it beautiful with its pretty toile fabric and lace? I just love it! Thank you my sweet friend!
Lorena is one of my regular tea party participants and she is having a Giveaway herself.

She has her own Esty shop too where she sells her lovely clay roses and tea cozies. Please take some time to visit her blog and enter her Giveaway today. I know she would love to hear from you!

Now, as I promised last week, I am going to have a Giveaway myself to celebrate two milestones; my 30th tea post which was last week and 300 plus followers. Further down, I will share with you one of the little gifts in my Giveaway. But first, let's have a cup of tea, shall we?

Today's tea will be a white tea. That is, tea will be served from my white teapot.
This teapot is called Cream Lace and it is a pattern by Skye McGhie. I love anything made in this pattern because it is feminine and lacey with its cutouts around the top of the pot. I also love the Fleur-de-lis adorning it.
"One sip of this will bathe the drooping spirits in delight, beyond the bliss of dreams." ~ Milton

The teacup is Queen Anne and it is made of bone china in England.

This teacup with its assortment of flowers and edged with gold trim was once a shower gift. It is a very thin china and very delicate. I like the handle on it.

"Tea- the cups that cheer but not inebriate." ~ William Cowper

The tea is from the Prince Edward Island Preserve Company and it is called Raspberry Lemon. It is a delicious blend of Ceylon black tea, essence of raspberry, lemon peel, and raspberry leaves. It oftentimes looks pink in the cup. This is the first gift in my Giveaway. The second I will share further down.

Today I am serving simple tea biscuits with some home made Strawberry apple sauce and clotted cream.

My little teacup looks pretty all dolled up with a pink rose, don't you think?
There is also some fresh fruit to enjoy.

Since I am sharing about the love of friends today, I would like to share this lovely poem with you.

Beauty of Our Friendship
Friendship is a Priceless gift that cannot be bought or sold,
But its value is far greater than a mountain made of Gold.
For gold is cold and lifeless, it can neither see nor hear
And in the time of trouble it is powerless to cheer...
It has no ears to listen nor heart to understand,
It cannot bring you comfort or reach out a helping hand
So when you ask God for a gift
Be thankful if HE sends not diamonds, pearls, or riches
But The Love of Real True Friends. ~ Helen Steiner Rice

"There is a Friend who sticks closer than a brother." ~ Proverbs 18:24

This is the second offering in my Giveaway.....a tea strainer. This too came from the Prince Edward Island Preserve Company. As with any really good tea, one should have a tea strainer on hand.
The last of my Giveaway gifts I will share in my tea post next week and I will announce the winner in my tea post of September 6th. In order to win this Giveaway, you must leave a comment on this post or next week's tea post indicating you would like to enter. Due to the high cost of mailing I am sorry to have to limit entries to my friends in Canada and the US. My sincere apologies to my friends across the pond.

Happiness is sharing tea with a friend.

I am so happy you stopped by today and I hope you will come again soon. I do love the company! If you would like to participate in Tea Time Tuesday please let me know in your comment. Just share your favourite teacup, teapot, or china used in a tea. You may also do coffee, chocolate, or iced tea. A poem, tea quote, or scripture verse would be most welcome too. Either of the two Tea Time buttons near the top of my sidebar are available for you to use in your post if you wish. Please link back to me so that your visitors may find their way here to visit my lovely participants.

Today I am also linking with the other tea party hostesses. You will find them with the asterisks ** before their links.

The participants listed below are in the order in which they first began participating.


Tea Cup Tuesday

Tea Pot and Tea Things Tuesday and Tuesday Tea For Two

Lady Katherine's Tea Time Tuesday

China and accompaniments used in this post:
Cream Lace teapot made of fine porcelain in China by Skye McGhie
Queen Anne teacup produced in England by Ridgway Potteries Ltd
Cream Lace spreader and jam pot by Skye McGhie is made of fine porcelain in China
Silver spoon is Oneida and was my youngest son's baby spoon
Coventry Garden dessert plate by Skye McGhie is made of fine porcelain in China
Rose Chintz creamer made by Johnson Bros and produced in England
Alicia Rose tea plate from my first set of dishes made in England
Martha Stewart lace table runner
Lace table cloth was a gift from a friend

Sharing from my heart~ Sandi


  1. Hi Sandi!

    First off, congrats of the 30th tea party! And for 300 followers! Just wonderful!

    That tea cozy is just to pretty! And the roses, stunning! What a wonderful gift from your friend!!

    Your tea setting for today is so pretty and so inviting. Now do you make your own clotted cream? I have wanted to make it but, have never done so.

    And thank for the chance to win this wonderful gift! I have wanted one of these strainers for a long time. We grow our own different mints and herbs and I often create new fresh blends.

    I hope you have a terrific day!

  2. Congratulations on both of your milestones. Love the white pot it is so sweet and serene. And what a wonderful tea cozy your friends gifted you with. Please enter me in your give away as well. Thanks for sharing. Stella

  3. Hello Sandi
    30 tea parties already! Congrats, and also for reaching the 300 mark with your followers.
    The tea cozy and clay roses are so pretty, a gift that really suits you.
    I would be honoured to have you put my name down for your giveaway.
    I'll be joining you for tea this week.

  4. Hello sweet lady...

    Ohhh Sandi, I just adore your beautiful tea table!!! I love, love, LOVE your Cream Lace teapot...I have a "thing" for the fleur de lis! Hehe! I see that you have the matching sugar as well! Hmmm...I may have to go looking for that pretty set!!! Ohhh...and you are absolutely right about showing your Queen Anne teacup today as well! That's sooo funny...hey, they do say that great minds thing alike! hehe! I think your teacup is really beautiful...I'm also thinking that both of our teacups would make a fine pair! Sooo many pretties, my friend! Thank you so much for sharing them with us today! I also enjoyed all that scrumptious looking food!

    I just wanted to say that your sweet friend...who gifted you with the beautiful toile tea cozy sure is a talented lady...and so very sweet as well!!! The cozy is gorgeous and so are those lovely clay tea roses!!! What sweet gifts! I will have to go over and meet Loretta! Thank you for introducing us!

    And...last but not least...I would like to wish you a hearty congratulations for your 200+ followers and successful run of Tea Time Tuesday!!! What a milestone, Sandi! Sending you my very best wishes for continued success and much blogging bliss! How very sweet of you to host a giveaway in honor of your milestone! I would love for you to throw my name in the giveaway hat! Thank you sooo much for doing this for us! Also...thank you for hosting Tea Time Tuesday...I really enjoyed being able to participate this week!!!

    Congratulations and warmest wishes,
    Chari @Happy To Design

    PS...I really enjoyed your sweet note and birthday well wishes! Thank you!!!

  5.'s just me again! I just realized that I typed 200 followers! I stand corrected...300+ followers!!! So sorry!


  6. How beautiful everything is. A table that is a delight for the eye, and makes the mouth water! Love it. I'd love to join your party, but I'm not sure who to do next.

  7. Sandi,
    I love your tea cozy. I also love your white teapot and rooster!

  8. Hello Sandi,

    Congratulations on your 300 followers! How wonderful is that :)

    Your white teapot is just beautiful, and Lorena created such a lovely tea cozy for you, and was so sweet to gift it to you.

    And yes, I would love to be entered in your giveaway, how wonderful!

    Wishing you a happy and wonderful Tea Tuesday! My post is up with a link back to your blog :)

    Warmest hugs, Brenda

  9. Hi, Sandi, and congratulations on 300 followers. You are a sweet lady and so I am not at all surprised that you have all of these followers. Also, thank you for your generous giveaway to celebrate your milestone. The white tea pot you shared today is so charming as is all of your tea accessories. Everything looks pretty as can be. Thank you for being such a faithful hostess. I e-mailed you to let you know I would love to participate this week. Love and blessings, sweet friend~Vicki

  10. What a lovely, 'very nearly tea'. Very nearly as the only thing missing is actually being able to put it in my mouth. Lovely photos. Thanks!

  11. Hi Sandi,
    Congratulations on 300 folowers! and 30 tea parties... you are a lovely hostess and I am sure there will be many more :-)
    Your pretty new tea cozy is as sweet as it can be :-) Ii love the white teapot... I have found I like white the best myself:-)
    I would love to join in your party tonight!

  12. Oh so pretty...I just love the rose floating in the teacup. I've never done that, such a simple added touch. What a beautiful teapot.

  13. Definetly a time to celebrate.
    You are a wonderful hostess as your blog and followers prove.
    I always enjoy my tea with you!
    The tea sounds amazing and would look lovely in your new cup.
    Blessings, Pam

  14. Good evening Sandi
    Congratulations on your milestones! Your tea cozy is so pretty!! Thank you for hosting this great event..


  15. Hi Sandi: I am so happy for you, Three hundred is a lot of followers. I am so glad we have become friends. We are both celebrating our own milestones. Thank you so much for praying for me. I am so grateful. Have a wonderful week. Please, included me in your give away. Blessings, Martha

  16. Congratulations. Lovely giveaway. Please enter me.

  17. Sandi, congratulations on 300 followers and hosting your 30th tea party. Your cream lace pattern tea service is lovely, and how thoughtful for Lorena to send you that beautiful tea cozy. Thanks for hosting today. Please add me to your list. I'm serving tea @ Hyacinths For The Soul. Hope you will join me for a cup of tea and a bite of something sweet. ~ Sarah

  18. Your tea table is lovely. I love the teapot, reminds me of an eyelet material.Congrats for reaching 2 milestones today!...Christine

  19. Hi Sandi, Congrats on your gorgeous blog!! Hope I can join the party this week!!

  20. Good morning Sandi!
    Wow! Congratulations on 300 followers and 30th teaparty!!!
    I love your setting today. The cream teapot is beautiful. I must admit that right now my favorite thing in your picutres are the biscuits, strawberry applesauce and clotted cream!!! I guess I need some breakfast!!! But, I will have to settle for toast and marmalade!!!
    Drop in if you can.
    Warm hugs, Laura

  21. What a beautiful lacy teapot! Congratulations on your milestones! I enjoyed visiting your tea post and the loveies on your table. Best to you, Jacqueline

  22. Sandi,

    Beautiful post and isn't Mail Call wonderful? !! Congratulations on winning. I love tea cozies and yours in a real beauty. Lucky you! You are having a lovely give-a-way, too. Happy Tea Day!

  23. Oh Sweet Sandi!
    Thanks so much for the wonderful words and compliment you have sent my way. Indeed the LORD has blessed. I am just so thrilled that your new cozy works so well in your home!

    Am so loving that teapot!!! And congrats on 300 foloowers that i a big WOW! I am behind a little in that department...but someday.

    I'd LOVE to be entered into your wonderful giveaway!

    Tea Blessings,

  24. What a beautiful post! That scone looks divine!

  25. Sandi, You are to be congratulated on reaching 300 followers! That is truly a measure of what a sweet spirit you have (it shows in what you write), and the beauty you show us and also that your blog is just plain interesting to read! Congratulations!!! I really like the tea cosy that Lorena made for you, as well as the clay roses. Love your pretty white teapot. What a lovely white tea setting, Sandi! I would love to enter your giveaway and I thank you for the chance to enter. Hope your back is better, and may you have a fabulous week!
    Hugs and blessings, Beth

  26. Congratulations on your 300 followers! Yea!
    Your tea cup is just lovely. The flowers are pretty and the cup dainty. Your tea pot too is very pretty. I love white tea pots!
    Thank you so much for sharing with us today.

  27. Wow! Congratulations on reaching such milestones. Once again, you have presented us with a lovely tea, with each little detail so exquisite. The tea cozy is really beautiful and the clay roses that your friend made as well, are really lovely. I would be honoured if you'd put my name down for your giveaway. And I definitely want to participate again today in Tea Time Tuesday. If you have a chance to pop by, you'll find I'm doing a giveaway of my own! :)

  28. Wow! Congratulations on your milestone! The tea cozy and the clay roses are wonderful! SO pretty! Your white tea set if so sweet. Love that pot!
    Blessings, Doni

  29. You receive a beautiful gift in the tea cozy with the clay roses. So lovely made! This is a great friend!
    Count me in, please, for the giveaway.

  30. That hand made tea cozy is beautiful - I love toile fabric. Your teacup and tea setting is lovely too. The Raspberry Lemon tea sounds delicious.

    Please enter me in your great giveaway.

  31. Sandi, congratulations on number 30 and 300 followers. I, too, have been serving fruit on plate at teaparties of late. You can't go past 'tea biscuits' or 'scones' as we call them 'down under' with jam and cream. I made pumpkin scones in my gem irons last time and I always like to serve something savoury as well- cheese and rice crackers or similar. I just adore that tea cosy with the handmade clay roses. Delcie

  32. Congratulations Sandi, thought you might like to pop by and see my choc cake recipe.

  33. Sandi dear, congrats for both events! and always, your collection are just stunning.. love tea cozy.. I never have one.. but your white teapot really drools me! love it a lot!..

    have a great day!

  34. Good morning Miss Sandi! Thank you for visiting me yesterday and for your sweet words. You always make me smile girly. I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who just can't handle bugs and vermin... Argh! Now if you really want to smile big you've gotta go back and read my hubb's comments on yesterday's post. He totally outed me...the rat! ahahhah your tea pretties and that Lorena was a sweetie to gift you with such lovelies. The tea cozy is divine!

    Congrats on the 300 followers and for the 30th Tea Party. I wish I could plan one that you could attend. Now THAT would be fun!

    Love to you~


  35. What a beautiful table and a beautiful post.

    We take our teatime seriously at our house. I love your blog, rich in the important things.

    God bless!

  36. Oh...yeah...congrats on the 30th tea part posting and over 300 followers. I'm not surprised you have that many...your blog is lovely...and everything you share..Scriptures, tea, etc all really good :) :)

    Definitely count me in for the giveaway...I'd love anything with the "Prince Edward Island Preserve Company" on it :) :) :)

    I really loved the cream lace teapot. It reminds me of eyelet lace in summertime...light and airy and all the good things about summer :) :) :) Have a lovely week, Sandi. Thank you for inviting me to "tea"!!! You are a lovely friend :) :) Love and hugs from Oregon, Heather :)

  37. Sandi, I so enjoy visiting your blog; everything always looks beautiful and we all need a little beauty in our lives! Please enter me in your giveaway, if you will.
    What a delight! xo Kathy L

  38. It's lovely! And I am in need of a tea cozy!

  39. Hi, I'm a new blogger, and I'd love to join your party!

  40. Thanks for visiting me at Friendship Tea.
    I have been enjoying your Tea Time Tuesday posts for quite a while. I just became your latest follower.

  41. Thank you for sharing tea with us every week. I look forward to Tuesdays with you. Silly but when I wake up on Tuesday,I go to your blog to see what loevly things are happening on your blog while I have my morning tea or coffee.It last me all day. Thank you

  42. Just had lunch in a tea room so I've been getting very cozy with tea. Can't wait to go back for the pastries.

    Some news: We're staring a Giveaway Friday! link-up party tomorrow, 8/27 plus we are giving away a custom backsplash! Please join us to link your giveaway or browse. Jane F.

  43. Congrats on your 300 followers. You have a really beautiful blog. Your tea parties always make me want to get out a pretty cup and have a tea party myself. I usually bring one to the computer with me so I feel I really share them with you. Thanks for having such a great giveaway. I would be delighted to win.

  44. Sandi, Congrats on 300! I adore the tea cozy! I do not have one either! Keep saying I will, well I did buy two, but they are for Teacups! Love your give aways! Your cup is so lovely. I am in love with the teapot!!! Have a great Tea Time!

  45. This post is soooo beautiful! I adore your tea cozy and the tea party looks so delightful and relaxing! The poem on friendship has been a blessing to my day!
    Squishy hugs,

  46. I'm catching up on visits and saw that you have a give-away. Please put my name in the drawing. Thank you for being so kind to celebrate the #300! ♥♫


I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.