Friday 27 August 2010

A Special Pink Saturday and Spiritual Sundays Weekend

It's a Good Thing!
Happy Weekend, bloggerettes! This weekend, both of these blog parties are all about A Miracle Makeover!

Beverly at Pink Saturday and our own Pink Saturday participant Sherry at Country Wings in Phoenix are joining with
Charlotte and Ginger at Spiritual Sundays and Kelee at The Katillac Shack for a very special weekend event to honour Colette, a very special lady. Please go to Kelee's blog to read this very moving story.

Kelee and her team at Guideposts Magazine went in and created a 'healing room' for Colette Gauthier, a cancer patient. Please go to Kelee's site to watch a very special video about how they transformed an ordinary room into a beautiful space for Colette to recover in; a room filled with beauty and peacefulness.

Thank you Kelee for giving us each a chance to give in some small way to a wonderful cause. For every comment left on Kelee's post and the others mentioned above, one dollar will be donated to help someone else receive a Miracle Makeover. There are also some wonderful Giveaways too. So please check out Kelee's blog and all the others today.

We were asked by Beverly, Charlotte, and Ginger to share a short story of inspiration, a poem, or photo which will inspire others.

This is my offering of what I pray will be an inspiration to you ~

A pink stained glass butterfly was one of the last gifts my friend Carol gifted me with.

Carol and I were best friends and she was the only best friend I ever had because when I was growing up my family moved around a lot. I moved from one province to another and from one community to another. Her family also moved around a lot. In fact, her family moved from one coast of Canada to the other. This was one factor which drew the two of us together, for we were both lonely and in search of a good friend. Well, actually it was God who drew us together! I guess you could say we were more like sisters as we had so much in common.

Carol and I were both passionate about our love for the Lord and we both adored our families. We both had three sons and we loved all the same things when it came to home decorating. We loved music, pretty clothes, and the beauty of nature. We loved walking through the woods together and enjoying fields of flowers.
Christmas was an especially wonderful time because we both shed our more mature facade for the little girl within. We loved everything about Christmas and we both decorated our homes to the hilt in celebration of our Lord's birth.

In 1987, Carol was struck with Breast cancer and she had to have a masectomy. For several years she led a fairly normal life and then tragedy struck again in 1990 when the cancer came back. We spent as much time together as possible because we didn't know how long she would be with us.

Sadly, for her family and for me, and all those who loved her, Carol lost her battle in November of 1990 and she went home to be with the Lord. Sometimes it just seems like yesterday that she left us! She is in a better place, I realize that. She is free from pain and surrounded by beauty which no one can fathom. I still miss her terribly as I never knew anyone as much like myself as she was. The good news is, I will see her again someday and we will once again skip through fields of daisies and walk through the woods enjoying God's nature.

Carol's pink butterfly adorns the window of my china cabinet. It reminds me of the beautiful lady who was my friend and just like the caterpillar once caught in its cocoon, Carol is now free and has spread her wings to enjoy a better place filled with peace and beauty.

Carol left behind a legacy of faith, grace, love and of life. She was one of the gentlest people I have ever known and she inspired me to live my life to its fullest every day.
One never knows what lies around the corner!

I am myself stricken with a form of Muscular Dystrophy but even on a bad day, I try to glean as much happiness as I can from it for there is always something to be thankful for!

We are reminded in the Bible to, " Speak to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody with your heart to the Lord; always giving thanks for all things in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ." ~ Ephesians 5:19

To Carol and Colette, and all you beautiful and brave ladies and gentlemen who are fighting or have fought breast cancer, or indeed any kind of cancer, I salute you! You are special! You have showed us how to live graciously in the midst of the storm.

Thank you for stopping by today and thank you Kelee and Guideposts Magazine for making this weekend possible. Thanks also go out to Beverly, Charlotte, and Ginger for hosting so faithfully week after week.

God bless you and have a wonderful weekend, my friends.

Sharing from my heart~ Sandi


  1. Dearest Sandi,
    Thank you for a beautiful share today. Carol is with you!
    Love and warm hugs, Laura

  2. Dear Sandi,
    What a beautiful post. Thank you for sharing your heart with us.

    Thank God for wonderful friends.

  3. Hi Sandi!

    what a beautiful tribute to your friend! And what an amazing friend she was! I can feel your friendship so strongly in this post and it makes me happy that the two of you found each other and remained friends.

    And thank you for sharing the perfect scripture for this post!

    Happy Miracle weekend to you my friend!

  4. Dear Sandi,
    What a heartfelt is the anniversary of the greatest loss in my life that took place 9 years, reading this post had great meaning for me. Thank you for sharing it.
    Love & hugs,

  5. What a beautiful post, Sandi. I love the beautiful pink butterfly and love even more the story behind it. Thank you for sharing this with us. I have two friends who have been my best friends forever. One since I was in the 6th grade, the other I became friends with in the 10th grade. I still keep in touch with both of these wonderful friends.

  6. what a beautiful story and tribute to your sweet friend Carol....Thank you so much for sharing this with us and for what you are doing for Colette and Kelee. God bless you Sandi...

  7. Oh Sandi, you have touched my heart with your lovely post. What a special friend you had in Carol and what a special gift of love she gave you.
    I am sorry you are suffering with a disease, I too have one I can call my own. It's RA and no fun, but the sun shines and I live to enjoy another day. There is plenty of tradedy out there for us all, but we need to see past it and look for all the blessings too. They are more numerous and there for the taking. Be well my friend, and Happy Pink Saturday as well as Happy Miracle Saturday, Char

  8. I like to think of that Christian song "Friends." The words go "a friend's a friend forever if the Lord's the lord of them." I'm rejoicing that the Lord Jesus was Carol's Lord, so you two are truly friends forever.

    That butterfly is beautiful. What a lovely way to remember her.

    Have a lovely weekend, my sweet friend.


  9. Thank you for sharing your heart..
    xo bj

  10. Thank you for sharing the story of your friend with us. The butterfly is a wonderful symbol of our transformation when we leave our home here on planet Earth. God is the greatest!!

    I did watch the video last weekend to see how the room was changed into a beautiful space for healing. Thanks for reminding me of this event! ♥♫

  11. This was a true testament of friendship. Sounds like you both were blessed to have known one another. Thank you for sharing your story.
    Joy & Blessings,

  12. Sandi...this is so beautiful. Thank you for sharing the story about your wonderful friend. You know what...she touched you...and know you are touching us :) :) See how you are spreading the love of God everywhere ? :) :) :) This is awesome!!!! You are a sweet friend!!! Have a great weekend. Love and hugs from Oregon, Heather :) :) :)

    p.s. thank God for the good friends He brings into our lives :)

  13. What a beautiful post Sandi. There is nothing more beautiful than a gentle woman in adverse circumstances. How do those with no hope go on...Thank you for sharing. Blessings, Patty

  14. Beautiful post Sandi...your friend Carol would be proud of you my friend...I have been cancer free since 1994 so I know God hears my name...Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

  15. Sandi,

    Such a beautiful and touching post. Carol is with you. The butterfly is a transformation perfect!

    Thank-you for being a part of The Miracle Party Team.

    You are wonderful.

    love you!


  16. A beautiful tribute to your special friend. God bless you!

  17. What a beautiful story and amazing tribute for a friend, we all have stories to share and hope to visit as many as possible so we can all make a difference in another miracle makeover, my story is very different and I had many to share so in my decision I decided to share a story of love, hope and smiles, I hope you will visit. XOXO

  18. Dear Sandi,
    My heart was touched by the gift of your friendship with Carol. To have found a kindred spirit like that is a rare thing. It is also a gift.
    I am so thankful to our Lord for His precious gift to us - a relationship with Him and a promise - we will all one day be together - no more separating and be in His presence.
    I appreciate you sharing and sharing what you personally are facing today - you definitely reflect the love and Spirit of God through your post.
    I am so glad that one day we will meet,
    God Bless you,

  19. Sandi I am sorry for your loss and I certainly understand why that pink butterfly is so meaningful! Thanks for sharing today!


  20. It is truly a gift from the Lord to have such a special friend. I'm not sure if I have ever had that. You are so right about seeing her again, and that indeed she is in a better place.
    God Bless you Sandi,

  21. How sweet. I too lost a very sweet friend to Cancer 2 years ago, She faught long and hard and did well most of the time. This is a battle we have to keep fighting. Thank you for sharing.
    Hugs, Lisa

  22. Beautiful gift from your friend.
    Such a wonderful story and post Sandi.
    Happy Pink Saturday.
    " Regina "

  23. Thank you for sharing your story and the beautiful butterfly. May you continue to glorify God as you're doing now. Blessings to you!

  24. Thank you for sharing your friend's story with us today. I'm sure Carol was a remarkable woman and you were truly blessed to have had her in your life.:)

  25. Wonderful post Sandi and thanks so much for sharing your dear friends story. Last month I lost my life-lone friend after an 18 month long battle with Leukemia. So sad to see such a young man who was so full of life and had everything to live for suffer so. Hard to grasp now but someday I know we will understand why he was called home so soon. So glad to be part of this PS Miracle Makeover and helping Kelee and Guideposts make more miracles! Be sure to hop on over and let me know if you'd like to be included in my giveaway as well. Fondly, Roberta

  26. Dear Sweet Sandi, I've got tears just reading this loving tribute to your precious friend. Isn't it wonderful to have the hope of one day being able to spend eternity with those we love?!?! I miss my daddy so much, but promised him I would try to live faithfully so that we could be together again one day.

    Thanks for opening your heart to all of us today!


    Big TX Hugs,
    Angelic Accents

  27. Happy Pink Saturday, Sandi. Thank you for making Pink Saturday special, and for taking part in this day of celebration and thanks.

    There truly are miracles going on all around us every day. We just have to open our hearts in acceptance.

    I am so glad you and Carol had each other. A dear friend is one of our great blessings in life. I know she must be proud of you. Thank you for sharing with us.

  28. What a special tribute to your dear friend. I'm so sorry you've lost her. The butterfly is beautiful! :)

    Have a wonderful day! Be sure to visit my blog for a great giveaway!

    ***Visit my blog for a GIVEAWAY and new linking party!***

  29. I just cannot believe how many of my blog friends have experienced so much pain and sorrow. I have had my moments, but nothing to compare to what I have read today. A true friend will stand by you when no one else will. Sorry you had to lose yours, but I am sure you will find another. Just treasure your memories. May all your troubles be few.

  30. Sandi, Thank you for sharing your heart and for the uplifting words you always leave on my blog. You are a treasure.

  31. What a special legacy that Caroleft. She was very fortunate to have you as a best friend. Thank you for sharing.

  32. What a lovely and inspirational memory. I have a friend in heaven with your friend, also from cancer. Someday, we'll be blessed again with their presence and so many precious others. What joy then! And in the meantime, we are blessed with the comforting Bible verses God has blessed us with! Have a blessed week. :)

  33. What a fitting memento to remember Carol... a butterfly! She has certainly spread her new spiritual wings.
    Thanks for sharing this touching tribute to your friend! I can tell that you still miss her.
    But thankfully she is in the arms of the One who Saves. Can you imagine the welcome home party we will all get someday! Gives me God bumps to think about it!

  34. Dear Sandi,

    How wonderful that you have such a close and kindred spirit of a friend, and that you have the blessed hope that you will see her again one day. Not even death can seperate forever those who belong to the Lord! It is such an encouragement to read your remembrances of her.

    Thank you for visiting me at I have not been blogging for some time and it is such a boost to have people leave their heart warming comments. They are such appreciated!

    God's blessings upon you,

  35. What a wonderful Tribute to your Friend, I'm sorry for your loss. Thank you for stopping by and your sweet comment. I wish for you lots of joy and wellness. Thanks for sharing with us.

    marian elizabeth

  36. Oh Sandi Sweetie...
    What a beautiful share this evening. You have touched my heart and soul and I so love your writing. I am so sorry that Carol passed with cancer, but she touched your heart a million times over and I just know that she brushes past you daily. I am sure if you are still some days you can feel the breeze from her wings. She looks at you sweet friend and she smiles with such love and happiness for you.

    Everytime you see a butterfly flutter know that Carol is waving at you with her wings of gold. You are so blessed to have known her and have these wonderful memories to share.

    I will keep you in prayer with your illness as well. One day at a time sweet friend, one day at a time.

    May you feel the sunshine on your face tomorrow and the love in your heart. Share it with a stranger who might need just one smile to get through their day.

    Many hugs and much love sweetie. Sherry

  37. Hi Sandi~
    What a special friendship God gave you and such a wonderful story of love, friendship and sisterhood!

    Thanks also for your sweet comments. Through a long 2 year struggle God still remains faithful!

    Blessings my friends!

  38. OK...I knew you loved the Lord but HOW DID I MISS knowing your hubbs is a preacher-man?

    I do need to get around me. :(

    Love to you again~


  39. Dear Sandi,

    This story is so poignat and touching dear aldy! Thanks so much for sharing it with us!..,Praise God for her legacy of faith in your life, as well as her sweet friendship while she was with you for a season!

    Also dear Sandi, the lovely post from last week' tea was so pretty for last week's tea party!..,As always, I loved your every little exquisite and cosy detail! ~ Your chintz dishes and others that you also share are just so pretty!

    ..,(I have been out of the office taking such much needed vacation, 'R. and R.' time); yet I wanted to thank you so very much also for partaking with last week's little tea parties!..,

    Thanks so much for for sharing this loveliness as well as being a precious part of our, Tuesday Tea For Two' and 'Teapot And Tea Things Tuesday'; 'Tuesday Tea Time In Blogland", experience dear lady!..,

    I always love having you join us!

    Cheers and hugs from Wanda Lee
    and also

  40. Sandi. loved this post. Just wanted to let you know that I will be joining you on Tea Time Tuesday!!


  41. "Dear Sandi",
    Thank you for sharing your story with us. Your best friend will always be with you... I LOVE the butterfly... Love and Hugs to you, Donna


I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.