Saturday 13 March 2010

Spiritual Sundays

Hello everyone and welcome to my Spiritual Sundays post. The other day a few of us were talking about angels and how popular they are now. I have a few of them around my home but I know the real ones look nothing like these. I came across this devotional by Anne Cetas the other day and thought it would make a good post for today!


I was having a conversation with some children about God and superheroes when Tobias asked a question. An imaginative, curious 5-year old, he asked anyone listening: "Does God have a sidekick like Hercules does?" His wiser, older brother, age 7, quickly responded: "Yes, He has thousands of them - they're called His angels."

Angels are a popular topic of discussion, and people believe a number of myths about them. For instance, some people pray to angels, thinking they are on the same level as God Himself. And some believe that people become angels when they die. But here's what the Bible, our authority, teaches:

* God created angels {Col. 1:15-17}
* Angels worship God {Neh. 9:6} and are known by these terms: archangels {Jude 1:9}, cheribim {2 Kings 19:15}, and seraphim {Isa. 6:1-3}.
* They minister to God's people {Heb. 1: 13-14} by guarding and protecting them{Ps. 91:9-12}.
* They are given special assignments by God {Matt. 1:20; Luke 1:26}.
* God's angels rejoice when we repent of sin and turn to Christ for salvation {Luke 15:7, 10}.

Only God deserves our worship. So let's join the angels in singing His praises!

All hail the power of Jesus' name!
Let angels prostrate fall;
Bring forth the royal diadem,
And crown Him Lord of all.- Perronet

Please visit Charlotte and Ginger for more inspirational posts today.

I have a prayer request: my cousin Cynthia's husband Jim is not doing well. He is suffering with brain cancer and lately, he has been having seizures. His cancer is progressing and they are doing everything they can to help keep him comfortable. Please pray for him. My cousin Cynthia needs the grace and strength that only God can give her to get through this. Their picture is on my sidebar at the top of my prayer list.

Thank you and the Lord bless you!

Sharing from my heart~ Sandi


  1. Sandi ~ I know Angels are all around us! They are strong and powerful and protect us....that I believe wholeheartedly!

    Will definately be praying for your cousin and her husband! May the Lord cover them both with Strength and Peace and comfort them in the way only HE can! Bless you!

  2. I love your site. I happened on it through "Spiritual Sundays," but I too blog about faith issues and household cuteness. I just have two different blogs. You might check them out if you are interested. Thanks for sharing,and many blessings to you.

  3. I have felt the power of angels this week as they have fought spiritual battles for me. How blessed we are to have their very real presence and protection in our lives.

    I have prayed for your cousin and her husband..Sorry to hear of their circumstances. May they know His peace. Have a wonderful week.

    Hugs, Debbie

  4. Sandi ~ May today bring a comfort of prayers for your cousins, & you. We all are surrounded by angels, a special gift bestowed upon us by our Lord.

    Happy St. Patrick's Day
    Have a lovely weekend.
    TTFN ~ Hugs, Marydon

  5. You better beleive that I know angels exist!! I will keep your cousin and her husband in my prayers

  6. Sandi - thanks for a post that gives a proper perpective on angels, their roles, and reason for their existance.

    Praying for your cousin and her husband.


    (Sorry for the deleted comment, but I hate to make typos.) :)

  7. Girl, I think the Lord sent an angel for a time this past year when I was really sick. He helped me and blessed me and taught me deep things about our awesome, loving Lord. he loves you and me!!

  8. Great post on Angels! Will add your cousin to my list.

  9. I am putting your cousin and her husband on my prayer list Sandi. It is the least I can do..
    I am not a collector, but I do have many angels in my home. Great reminders of God's love and protection..

  10. It is always amazing to think of the spiritual realities that we don't see.

  11. Wonderful post...thank God for providing us with angel guardians.

  12. I am thankful for angels who watch over us.
    I am praying for your cousin and her husband during this difficult time.

  13. We just never know that those strangers we meet sometimes may be God-sent angels. Thank you for the reminder that we must not worship them but only the Lord.

    Praying with you sister for your cousin. May the Lord's strength, comfort and love surround her and her hubby and the rest of the family.

  14. Yes, I will pray for your cousin and her husband. I loved the scriptures that you posted today about Angels.

  15. I love angels! A great post ~ Praying for Jim and Cynthia ~ Blessings ~

  16. Sandi, thanks for your post. It was very informative. I think this is one of many questions I plan to ask God about in heaven.

  17. Hi Sis,
    I will surely be in prayer for your cousin also. I love Angels and what they represent concerning the Lord. When my best friends two year son was in the hospital bed at a childrens Hospital here in Hawaii he was dying of cancer she told him Baby it's okay go with the Angels. He smiled and took his last breath. I know he saw the angels seny from the Lord before he passed away.

    Hugz Lorie

  18. great post... praying for your cousin and husband...

  19. I will certainly add them to my prayer list. Your blog is one I intend to revisit to read more of your previous posts. Thanks.

  20. it's nice to know angels are there helping us....Sometimes I think so many things could go wrong and don't....maybe angels helped divert some of those situations.

    Will be praying for Jim....Stay strong. Sarah

  21. Great Post! I am praying for Jim & Cynthia .

  22. Hi Sandi,

    This is a wonderful post...I thank the Lord for His angels, and find comfort in knowing that they are there, fighting, watching, protecting...and to think that we will stand with them someday, singing together the praises of our wonderful God!

    I am praying for your cousin and her precious husband...I am so saddened to see all those faces on your sidebar...disease is ugly and painful to everyone involved, and we never know who it will attack next...may the Lord be with each and everyone one of them.

    I love visiting your blog, Sandi, and I'm so thankful that you visit me as well...your words always encourage and lift have a very sweet and godly spirit that brings blesses those that know you!

    Have a wonderful Sunday!

  23. Angels are definitely "in" now. It is sad that there is so much misunderstanding about them.
    I'm praying for Cynthia and her husband.

  24. I have felt the power of angels many times throughout my life, so I love angels. I'm still waiting for the great archangel Gabriel to blow the trumpet announcing Christ's return!

    I sure will pray for your cousin and her husband. I jotted her name down and I'm going to put their names in the prayer request box we have at my church. Every Sunday and Wednesday, my whole church family and I gathers around and prays over each request. I'm praying for complete healing for your cousin's husband!

    Thank you for sharing with us. May God richly bless you!

  25. There's something for you over at my place!

  26. Hi Sandi, your post today just makes me smile. Angels are all around us. we may not know it but it is true as my faith.

    I will pray for your cousin and her husband. I hope the blessing of peace comes their way.

    Blessings and hugs, Jeanne

  27. Sandi, thank you for this solid teaching on angels. So many misconceptions about the very ones do spiritual warfare, guarding us, and worshiping Him.

    I'll be praying for Cynthia and her husband. Bless them, Lord.


I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.