Monday 2 September 2013

Tea Time Tuesday

"Life is fortified by many friendships. To love and be loved is the greatest happiness of existence." ~ Sydney Smith

Happy Labour Day weekend and hello dear friends! Welcome to my first tea party in the month of September!

Summer is fleeting and before it's gone, I thought I would bring out my teacup with the shell imprints.

Friendship is a country,
Of the young and young-in-heart,
Made of morning's greetings,
A warm and lovely part.
Of phone calls and cups of tea,
Of days of hope and caring,
Friendship is a sturdy refuge,
Forgiveness and sweet sharing.
Memories and happy times,
Picnics, fun together,
Count among life's garlands
Friends who make heart's weather.
~ Gladys McKee

Sprinkled with pink cosmos, this teacup is a rare treasure in my collection.

It is made by Royal Albert and belongs to the 1940s Friendship series.

It has a pretty lyric style characterised by a tiny waisted cup, just like a young maiden. 

Both the cup and the saucer are trimmed with gold and have the pretty shell imprint in the china.

It is blueberry season, so I made blueberry tea.

Blueberry tea and blueberry cobbler.

Blueberry cobbler with a dollop of whipped cream.

It's not the best cobbler I've ever made. I found it a little too sweet but the blueberries are always good. I will try a different recipe next time.

"True friendship is like a rose: we don't realize its beauty until it fades." ~ Evelyn Loeb

Thank you for coming to tea today. I hope your September is lovely!

Please share a favourite teacup/teapot, coffee mug, or tablescape and I will come and visit you.

If you prefer, you may serve coffee instead of tea or any of the following:
Lemonade, iced tea or iced coffee, hot chocolate, hot apple cider, or punch in a beautiful bowl.

As a courtesy, please link back to me so that your visitors may find their way here to visit with all my lovely participants.

I am partying with these hosts as well~

Inspire Me Tuesday~
A Return to Loveliness ~
Tea Cup Tuesday~
Tea Cup Tuesday ~
Tuesday Cuppa Tea~
Tea In The Garden ~
What's It Wednesday ~
Share Your Cup Thursday~
Home Sweet Home~

Sharing from my heart~ Sandi


  1. Dear Sandi,

    Oh what a lovely teacup! It's gorgeous. I love those "tiny waisted" ones. Only thing around here that is these days, haha.

    BB Cobblers and pies are my favorite berry desserts - yum yum yum! I was just telling my husband yesterday morning I was craving it, and look what you have prepared for us! Thank you so much! (And for hosting too!) Hugs. ~Michele

  2. What a lovely Cosmos Teacup and Saucer. A wonderful addition to your collection and a lovely post!

  3. Gorgeous teacup and saucer from Royal Albet dear Sandi! The cobbler looks delish...I'm drooling! I have new teacups from mother for this post. Thank you for the lovely party. Have a wonderful September.

  4. Dear Sandi,
    Looks like I linked my September post just before your new one. I guess it would have fit better here. I love your teacup. I have one with a yellow flower in that same shape. I didn't know it was part of a series so that was fun to learn. I loved your description of it's waist.
    Blessings to you too, Ruthie

  5. Hello Sandi
    How fitting that you should find a teacup with shells imprinted, a lovely pattern along with the cosmos.
    Mmm, blueberry anything! I should pull some out of the freezer and bake something yummy too.

  6. Hello Sandi, can you believe summer is almost over? It went by too fast as usual but hopefully we'll have a few more nice summery days this month. I like your pink cosmos teacup. It's very pretty and I love cosmos. I remembered I have a similar shaped teacup too. Mine is RA Somerset from the Random Harvest Series. It has pink, red and yellow roses on it. Your blueberry dessert looks very tasty. Happy September to you! Blessings, Pam

  7. Hi Sandi, what a beautiful poem and such a pretty "friendship" teacup. The detail on the teacup and saucer is unbelievably gorgeous. I sure would love a bite of your blueberry cobbler and sip of tea. Thank you for hosting xo
    p.s. I always love the quotes you're such a gentle soul.

  8. Sandi, I love your teacup! The shell imprints are awesome, and the cosmos so pretty. Your cobbler looks good. Have a delightful week!

  9. Time is flying by! It is hard to believe that September's here! Lovely teacup - what a precious pattern - the blueberry tea with blueberry cobbler sounds perfect! So delighted to join your party - I appreciate you sharing,

  10. Hello Sandi......What a lovey teacup! I love anything Prince Albert, don't you?

    And the plate your blueberry dessert is on is also so pretty!

    Thanks for sharing. Susan

  11. Hi Sandi,
    Thanks for finding me now I have found you. I am a new follower of your blog. Thanks for your sweet comment on my blog and becoming a follower . Welcome.

  12. That is one amazing cup Sandi! Very cute. Blessings, Martha

  13. Hello, Sandi! Oh, how I adore this cup and saucer! Did you get the tablecloth at the same place you got the cup? The design is identical in both! One of our neighboring towns has a blueberry festival over Labor Day weekend every year and we love attending! Check out the website:
    Blessings! Ann ❤ ☕

  14. Thanks for sharing.
    Beautiful teaset.
    I want to own one.

  15. Hi Sandi,
    I hope you are having a nice September! I can't believe it is Sept. already! Thank you for hosting!

  16. Hi Sandi,
    Your teacup is very lovely today and your blueberry dessert looks delicious too! Gorgeous photos. Thank you for hosting Tea Time Tuesday. Have a wonderful week! Take care,

  17. Your cup and saucer set is simply gorgeous, Sandi. The blueberry cobbler looks so delish!...Christine

  18. Lovely tea cup, I love Royal Albert he has wonderful tea cups and saucers.. and that cobbler looks good.. Have a great new week with love Janice

  19. "L’ornement d’une maison ce sont les amis qui la fréquentent."

    (Ralph Waldo Emerson)
    bonne journée
    edith(iris) France

  20. Hi Sandi, hope you are well. Thank you for hosting this lovely tea time. You beautiful collection of Royal Albert, I only have OCR. The blueberry cobbler looks yummy. I just baked some blueberry muffins and oh boy they're scrumptious.

    Enjoy the beautiful colours of autumn..



  21. Love your beautiful teacup! Also, love blueberry tea. It wasn't until recently I tried blueberry tea and I must say it is a delightful tea. Although, I prefer vanilla tea for relaxing, I love other flavors for the my daytime tea. I often wonder why in the USA more people do not drink hot tea but I have noticed it is really catching on. There us something very soecial about it and it just makes you feel so much better. .... Hugs, Beverly

  22. Hi Sandi,
    Hope you enjoyed the long weekend.I love anything with blueberries-your dessert looks delicious!

    Thank you for hosting,

  23. Pretty teacup and your cobbler looks so yummy!

  24. Your tea cup is very romantic, very cute. Your cake looks delicious!

  25. Hello Sandi,
    I am glad to be back and to be here visiting you : )
    Your tea cup today with the shell imprint is lovely! The vibrant flowers really look beautiful. I have another one in the same series "Wild Rose". I love the shell imprint on it too. These cups have such a regal upright stance, very classy as well as beautiful : )
    And mmmmmmmmm! Even if it was too sweet, the image of your dessert makes me drool. lol! I love blueberries!
    I hope you enjoyed your August and that you are feeling well.

  26. I'll be back to read Your post later today.Thank You for having us over for Tea.I did My linky wrong.If You can fix it from Your side I would love it,if not I'll fix it later today. Must be off now running on errands.Love and hugs-Denise

  27. Hola Sandi

    Gracias a ti siempre por venir a mi blog y por dejarnos tus entradas tan bellas.

    La taza con flores es hermosa igual que el mantel, me he quedado enamorada de él.

    Preciosa entrada como todas las tuyas. Siempre entro a mirar tu sitio porque es magico.



  28. I'm pleased to discover your blog, and to be your newest French follower (LE CHEMIN DU BONHEUR). So it's my first participation to your nice tea party !

    xoxo from PARIS


  29. I came back for a piece of cobbler and tea! Thank you for having me here again this week. You're gonna love what my mom just showed me!
    Big hugs,

  30. Hello my dear Sandi,

    That friendship tea cup is so delicate and lovely. You have an amazing collection of tea cups. And your blueberry cobbler looks delicious. I hope you had a nice weekend. Thanks for hosting.


  31. Even though I just finished dinner, I'm hungry again! The cobbler looks AH-MAZ-ING!

    I adore Prince Albert Sandi! You're a girl after my own heart.

  32. Even though I just finished dinner, I'm hungry again! The cobbler looks AH-MAZ-ING!

    I adore Prince Albert Sandi! You're a girl after my own heart.

  33. Hi Sandi!
    Blessings to you, friend! A lovely teatime you have set for us today, and a winner of a Royal Albert cup! I've featured a Royal Albert this week, too. I do love the shape and the "slim waistline" as you put it. Just like the period skirts from the '40's! Cobbler looks amazing! Love those blueberries!

  34. What a lovely tea you've served up. I didn't realize how parched I was ... off to find a cup of the genial brew but I'll be back for a nice browse!

  35. Your cup in so pretty :) I love what perfect condition it's in for the 1940s. The color is so bright.Once you pointed out the shells -I fell in love. I did fix My linky to You. God bless Your day-Denise.Ps-Oh yes,I love how You actually really do make tea goodies for You blog parties :)

  36. That cobbler looks amazing! Thanks for hosting!

  37. Sandi, Cosmos are one of my favorite flowers to let self sow in my garden. I love their delicate blooms on airy greenery! Your teacup and saucer are beautiful. Thanks for sharing with SYC.


I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.