Wednesday 28 August 2013


"Let your boat of life be light, packed with only what you need - a homely home and simple pleasures, one or two friends worth the name, someone to love and someone to love you." ~ Jerome K. Jerome

Welcome to my HOME, my lovely friends, where you are invited to share anything HOME related.

At this week's tea party, I shared a new vintage teacup. I am especially fond of pink and soft colours which is why I had to bring this beauty home with me from the antique shop in town.

It goes beautifully with some of my other favourites as well as the Limoges plate it sits on.

I find vintage teacups lend a sense of times past to one's home and whether they are in perfect condition or a little worn, I think they are so beautiful!

Now, here are some features from last week's HOME party.

Debbie @ Debbie-Dabble shared her darling fairy garden. So cute!

Beth @ Beyond The Garden Gate shared some beautiful images of Summer in Iowa.

Penny @ Penny's Vintage Home shared a makeover on her once brown wooden five dollar coffee table. She also received the most views on her post. Congrats, Penny!

Pernilla @ Swedish Corner ~ Down Under  shared her fabulous collection of blue and white transferware. Swoon!!

Then there is Creatively Sam's who shared her adorable denim placemats with the silverware tucked into the pocket. Sweet idea!

Denim Picnic Tablescape

And Dianne @ Shabby Gals turned an old brown fireplace mantel into something fabulous.

I am delighted to have you all share your collections, crafts, DIYs, renos, tablescapes, and anything HOME related. Please find the link up below and I will be happy to come and visit you. Have a lovely rest of the week everyone.

"Lord, this humble house we'd keep
Sweet with play and calm with sleep.
Help us so that we may give
Beauty to the lives we live.
Let Thy beauty and Thy grace
Shine upon our dwelling place." ~ Edgar A. Guest

Sharing from my heart~ Sandi


  1. Hi Sandi, thank you so much for featuring my $5 coffee table. You always have the best party...thank you for hosting...hugs, Penny

  2. Hi dearest Sandi, what lovely features you've shared today. I ma finding such comfort in the quote that you have on your blog..."A joyful heart is the best medicine". It has special meaning for me. Thank you for hosting and touching my heart. xo

  3. Let's see; I have probably doubled in size since I was a teenager and if I had made denim placements out of every pair of jeans I grew out of over the years I would have alot of placemats ...her idea was very cute / thank you for hosting! :)

  4. Had company- and appointments - I am so far behind in my blog reading - gotta read Tea Tuesdays!!

    LOVE your pretty new vintage cup - and you have featured some remarkable blog posts!

    Thank you for hosting. Hugs.

  5. Hi Sandi,
    Great features and beautiful teacups!! Thanks for hosting and have a great rest of your week.

  6. Hello Sandi
    Thank you for hosting again this week! I hope you are enjoying the last few weeks of hot weather as we enter into Fall here in Canada. Take care.


  7. Hello Sandi! I'm new here and just want to say you have a lovely blog filled with so much eye candy I just don't know where to look first!

    Thank you for hosting and have a wonderful week!

  8. Hi Sandi,
    Fun features this week. Thanks for hosting.

  9. Hello Sandi....I'm afraid my boat in life is not light. Love thrift store shopping too much. ha ha Afraid the boat is going to sink.

    Love seeing all your party entries. Susan

  10. très sympathique partage
    cela fait beaucoup de blogs
    à aller visiter
    merci pour l'accueil
    bonne journée
    edith (iris ) France

  11. Sandi,
    Thanks so much for the feature!! I will be giving you a Shout Out in my next post due out tomorrow!! Thanks for hosting too!!


  12. Oh, I just love your tea cups! They are simply beautiful. I went through and got rid of a bunch of my dishes in an effort to clean out and now I wish I had kept some of my tea cups and saucers. Oh well - I guess that just means I'll have to go hunt up some more. :) Thanks for hosting.

  13. Oh Sandi- I think this is something that I could do, too! Love your little party. Give me a week or so to get things lined up here and I would so love to do this one. I have stopped all the others, but if this is just about your home, I can do that!

  14. Thank you for the party, Sandi and big thank you for featuring my blue and white transferware!! - What a lovely surprise :) Hugs from Australia♥ ~Pernilla

  15. Hi Sandi, I enjoyed your features and your beautiful vintage teacups. Hope you are doing well and enjoying the last days of summer, preferably at your beloved beach...
    Have a blessed day, my friend! Beth
    p.s. Thanks for featuring my garden photo. It made my day!

  16. Thanks for hosting, Sandi! Hope you are having a wonderful day! Hugs, Poppy

  17. Thank you for hosting Sandi! Your teacups are so pretty!

  18. Always LOVE visiting you and visits from YOU, my friend. A beautiful, lovely place where you can tell you share from the heart.

    God has blessed you.

    Love, Rebecca

  19. Hi Sandi. your post speaks of gentle always does and this week is no different. Love the little prayer at the end. Hugs to you. Have a great long weekend. enjoy every minute of it. :)

  20. What gorgeous beautiful things!!! The teacups are so beautiful and those dishes devine. Nothing but the best eye candy. Thank you everyone for sharing.
    XXOO Marie Antoinette

  21. Hello Sandi, Wonderful features and I do love your new teacup! I am delighted to join your party - I do appreciate you hosting,


I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.