Friday 16 September 2011

Pink Saturday

Happy Pink Saturday sweet bloggerettes~

Today I have a short but sweet post for Pink Saturday. We had the most amazing weather here on the Island all week but today the temperatures have dropped considerably by ten degrees and so that calls for hot chocolate!

I found this sweet chocolate pot while browsing a shop a while ago and it had to come home with me. You see, I didn't have a chocolate pot and the pink roses on it were beckoning to me. Isn't it elegant? And since it's cooler today, it gives me a good excuse to use it.

A closeup of the roses...

OK, let's take away some things and oh, who's this? Why it's my teddy, Cinnamon, who's come to join us.

I think he is wanting some hot chocolate too! A cup of hot chocolate in my Rose Chintz mug.

Mounds of whipped cream and a sprinkle of cinnamon and it's ready for teddy and me to enjoy.

Would you like some too? Mmmm. Sure is good!
Thanks for joining us and stopping by to see my new pot. Cinnamon says to come back real soon.
Now please visit Beverly and all her pinkies today and have a wonderfully pink weekend everyone.

Sharing from my heart~ Sandi


  1. A special pot for hot chocolate? I've never seen one before but the one you found is really pretty. The chintz mug full of hot chocolate and topped with whipped cream looks yummy. It sure is chilly here with that north west wind! Enjoy the weekend. Blessing, Pamela

  2. HI there, I've never served hot chocolate in a teapot before but it certainly makes it elegant, especially in a fine china teacup.
    I'd love to sit and visit with you.
    Have a great weekend.

  3. Sandi what a great find ! and even tho it is still high 90's here that cup of chocolate looks so darn good I think I'll have to make myself a cup.
    We have our last in college here and he was accepted into Acadia College. I might be bringing him up next year.

  4. Hi Sandi....What a gorgeous chocolate pot! Your cup of hot chocolate is making me crave some and it is chilly enough here, too, to make it!

    Looks like summer really is over and we will be back to the cold weather. I am trying not to be crabby about it. lol! But, I love the warm weather best by far!
    HPS! And have a great week and weekend!

  5. Pretty chocolate pot! I can't imagine it being cool, hot chocolate weather - I'm in central Florida. Enjoy!

  6. Dearest Sandi,

    Your chocolate pot is lovely with its pink peonies all over! Great find and you indeed do have a keen eye for pretty things.
    Cinnamon is healthy so that might offset the use of whipped cream...
    Look for the winner tomorrow on my blog. Got home yesterday by 2:00 AM from 16 days to The Netherlands and Germany. We had a wedding and a birthday with great weather. Lucky.
    Glad to be back home and catching up on things. My posts I'd done ahead of time... quite a job too.
    Love to you,


  7. Sandi, that is really a pretty chocolate pot! I've always wanted a chocolate pot with matching cups. Someday! Enjoy your new find! Bess

  8. What a fabulous chocolate pot! This is a real find! Funnily enough, I've posted about coffee this week (unfortunately not pink, but never mind...) Happy Pink Saturday!

  9. What a wonderful find! And what a great idea to serve hot chocolate from a pot like that. Love it. :)

  10. Hi Sandi,
    that is a wonderful chocolate pot and I love the rose pattern. Your little teddy has a sweet tooth. He is so cute and I am sure he loves hot chocolate. I wish you a wonderful weekend.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  11. What a gorgeous hot chocolate pot! I would have come home with it as well! Hot chocolate sounds lovely...but I just finished a cup of tea and biscuits! Tomorrow...Thanks for sharing your pot, Sandi. I love it!

  12. Love, love!!! your sweet teddy!

    Happy Pink Saturday!

  13. Sandi, I love your chocolate pot! And although we are no where near ready for hot chocolate weather, your serving is very delightful and inviting.

    Jocelyn @

  14. Love the hot chocolate pot! With a chance of frost tonight that hot chocolate looks wonderful! The cinnamon and whipped cream make it extra special. Laura Cottage and Broome

  15. Oh how lovely - wouldn't my granddaughters and I have a fun time at your tea party! :) Thanks for a delightful PInk Saturday.

  16. Love your sweet chocolate pot it is so pretty!!
    Happy Pink Saturday!!
    Suzann ~xoxo~

  17. oooh he is so sweet. I love the pot too, and the name chocolate pot, I've never heard them called that before, it's lovely. I want some hot chocolate too, even though it's warm here today. Happy pink Saturday xx

  18. Hello Sandi,
    What a beautiful chocolate pot and cute bear! The cup of hot chocolate looks very delicious. Sandi, I have a winner, come and see!
    Have a lovely weekend!

  19. Love it, I think I need a special pot for hot chocolate, what an excellent idea, look so yummy! Happy PS.

  20. Hi Sandi,
    Your hot chocolate pot is very pretty.I have the one that belonged to Andrew's grandmother.

    Have a lovely weekend,


  21. Yum! Hot chocolate sounds whipped cream on mine, please. I will bring Snickerdoodles to share, Sandi! Hugs~

  22. Beautiful! Can you tell me how to tell that a pot is a "chocolate pot"? Is it the tall shape as opposed to the shorter, round shape of a teapot? It's lovely! Thanks for sharing!

    HaPpY pInK sAtUrDaY!

  23. Wonderful chocolate pot, it is elegant to have such a service for hot chocolate isn't it? it tastes so much better also. The temp has dropped a lot but I found my way to the beach yesterday anyway, have a great week

  24. What a gorgeous pot for hot chocolate! Your cup of chocolate looks so yummy :) It is finally cooler here today. Hopefully I will have hot chocolate soon!


I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.